June 13, 2013




DATE: June 13, 2013

Present: F. Arce, K. Daniel-DiGregorio, A. Garten, I. Graff, C. Mosqueda, W. Mulrooney, J.

Shankweiler, J. Wagstaff

Other Guests: Andrew Dunigan, Carolyn Pineda

The meeting began at 2:05 p.m.




Notes of May 23, 2013 meeting: Distributed and reviewed.


No changes or corrections were made. Minutes approved as is.




Enrollment Priorities Memo to the President (W. Mulrooney)


Memo was developed by W. Garcia, R. Dreizler and D. Reid. Committee recommendations from previous meeting were added to the first draft.


New recommendations: a.

Shorten the first sentence to “The Enrollment Management Committee recommends keeping the in-district designated groups that receive enrollment priority unchanged for 2014-2015, provided they meet the three requirements…” It will be up to each cohort to monitor their students in meeting not only their own criteria but also orientation, assessment and ed plan requirements. b.

It is not necessary to copy the VPs on the memo. c.

Keep the memo simple – it’s too complicated. Write memo as if the reader does not understand enrollment priorities. Key points are opinions. d.

Just state that the committee recommends delaying changes for a year and the advantages in doing so. This is a period when a significant amount of changes must be implemented. There would be more time to discuss enrollment priorities if changes were postponed to 2015-2016. Need time to study the impact eliminating priority registration will have to successful programs. e.

Memo should state current priorities and recommended period of time to leave processes as they are. f.

Rephrase item #3 to reflect what needs to happen. “Need to confirm accurate number of students receiving enrollment priority” or “Inaccurate coding of students receiving enrollment priority.”


Discussed the number of students in the current mandated groups – the largest number of students for priority registration come from DSPS and EOP&S.


Summer Applicant Yield Rate (C. Pineda, I. Graff, W. Mulrooney)


ECC Fall Applicant Yield Rates have been decreasing each year but appears to be stabilizing – similar situation across the state.


Compton 2013 Summer Applicant Yield Rate increased over Summer 2012.


Summer students apply but may not attend, may not register for class they need or may take only one class. With CCCApply, students can apply to multiple institutions at the same time.


It was stated that ECC and Compton Outreach departments could have mechanisms in place to communicate/reach out to prospective students who apply but do not register for

classes. Students still have problems applying. Ask El Camino on the ECC website reflects the top ten questions students ask.


Discussed the application process. After students apply online, information is sent to their personal email; students are assigned an ECC email where future notifications are sent.

When ECC switches over to the new CCCApply program next year, students will have access to the application process 24/7 Help Desk.


Summer and Fall Registration Statistics Update (A. Dunigan)


Reached parity across Summer and Fall 2013.


There has been a 20% gain in seats taken for ECC summer enrollment compared to 2012; the number of seats taken were down about a week ago.


There is a decrease in Compton summer enrollment – actual seats taken are still within 5% of last year.


Suggestion made to review fill rates for classes offered at specific times (i.e. 1:00 pm classes in Behavioral & Social Sciences have soft enrollment).


Request was made for data on Distance Ed courses – A. Dunigan will provide data.


Summer and Fall Enrollment Management Strategies (F. Arce)


Little to be done now for summer enrollment except to have a more rigorous add period.


Fall enrollment doing well – prepared to add more sections if needed and prepared to add more classes in spring if FTES goal is not met. Other schools are experiencing similar challenges.


Future enrollment challenges include a potential drop in number of high school graduates and competition from universities offering more course sections.


Summer Unit Limitations Effective Summer 2014 (W. Mulrooney)


Maximum number of units for a 6-week summer session is 8 units; 8-week summer session is 8 plus 1 unit for PE. This poses a problem with students who attend back-toback 6-week sessions; students will be blocked automatically for term limits because sessions counted as one. Do we increase unit limit for summer term? One problem involves students who want to register for 12 units in one 6-week session. The decision was made to table discussion for a future meeting when counselors are present.


Unit limitations will affect transfer and success rates.


Other Topics


Discussed automatic conferring of degrees (how it will affect students) and giving students the option to opt-out of receiving a degree. Some colleges do both. Suggestion was made to contact these colleges about their experiences with having both options. a.

Students have a misconception that they automatically receive a degree when they transfer. b.

Two choices: 1) require students to submit request for their degree or 2) automatically confer degrees but give students option to opt-out.


Return to Title IV – when financial aid students’ units drop from twelve to zero, colleges are required to return financial aid funds within 45 days of student separation. Violations are tied ‘no show’ reports and current lengthy processes – fines and sanctions to the college can be significant.


Recommendation was made to make it the responsibility of both students and instructors to drop students. Academic Affairs will discuss with their deans and faculty; will send message to their faculty through deans and send email reminding them of the deadline to drop students.




The Enrollment Management Committee will meet on July 25 at 2:00 p.m. in Library 202 (the June

27 th

and July 11 th

meetings are cancelled).

The meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m.

