Southmoore Cheer Booster Club Constitution and Bylaws Article l -Organization This organization shall be a non-profit, unincorporated association. The name of the organization shall be: Southmoore Cheer Booster Club Physical address: Southmoore High School 2901 S Santa Fe Ave Moore, OK 73160 Article ll – Purpose The purpose of the Southmoore High School Cheer Booster Club is to promote and support the Southmoore High School’s Cheerleading program which includes Varsity, Junior Varsity, and the Mascot; and to develop a sense of good sportsmanship, unity among spirit leaders, and mutual respect. Article lll – Membership 1. The membership of this organization is mandatory to all parents interested in promoting, supporting or participating in the activities related to cheerleading. 2. Program fees are to be set up by the School Coach and the Booster Club President. 3. It is the duty of every member to conduct themselves in accordance with the bylaws of this organization and in a manner that will bring positive outcome to the organization, the school, and the participating students. Article lll – Officers 1. The Officers shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and CoTreasurers. 2. The duties of the Officers shall be as follows: a) All Officers will attend Executive Committee meetings and chair one committee. b) President - The President shall be the chief executive officer of this organization and have general supervision, direction and control of the business affairs of this organization. The President shall assist the School Coach, and act as a liaison between the School Coach and the members of this organization. Communicate with School Coach Revised 2/19/15 Work with Vice-President and all committee chairs on organizing events Prepare application with Treasurer(s) for school board by May 15th Conduct all parent meetings c) Vice-President – The VP shall have general supervision and direction of the squad fundraising responsibilities. The VP shall work closely with the President and take over the President’s duties when the President is not available. Work with President and all committee chairs on events Preside when needed for President d) Secretary - The Secretary shall keep a book of meeting minutes and is the custodian of all records of this organization. The Secretary will be required to present previous meeting minutes. The Secretary will handle all correspondence for the club, will obtain member contact information, and submit a roster to members. Prepare and copy agenda for meetings Take minutes at meetings and email minutes out to members within 2 days of meeting Prepare Directory/Phone list e) Co-Treasurers - The Co-Treasurers shall maintain adequate and correct accounts of the Booster assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements and all income of any sort derived from the organization from any of it’s activities. The Co-Treasurers will be responsible for financial reports during board meetings. Maintain bank account Collect all money Prepare financial summaries each month Provide receipts of cash transactions Prepare application with President for school board by May 15th Article V – Executive Committee 1. The Executive Committee will consist of the Officers of the Booster Club and the Cheer Coaches. 2. The duties of the Executive Committee shall chair fundraising, bonding, merchandise, food, decorations and community service committees promoting the purpose of the organization of the Southmoore Cheer Booster Club. 3. Individual members shall sign up for at least one committee. 4. Each committee will meet at least once a month or as needed by the majority of the committee. Revised 2/19/15 Article Vl – Finances 1. All funds raised or collected by the booster club are to be deposited in the Booster Club account. 2. All dues and payments must be made at monthly booster club meetings or before said date. 3. Expenditures/disbursements require two signatures of Executive members and be approved in writing by the Head Coach. 4. Upon request of any member, the Co-Treasurers shall allow member to review their individual account and/or booster club’s general income and expense report. 5. It is your responsibility to ensure a receipt for each paid transaction, including fundraisers. 6. Treasurer will be required to deposit all monies collected within 72 hours of receipt. 7. There will be a $25.00 charge for any returned checks. Article Vll – Meetings 1. The schedule of general membership meetings will be the 1st Monday/Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm in an available location within Southmoore High School. 2. Executive Committee Conference Calls/Meetings will be held before the business meeting each month. 3. No general membership meeting shall conduct business without an Executive Committee member and Coach present. 4. All actions will be by a simple majority vote of the members present. Article VllI – Voting 1. In order to vote for a motion or an election, you must be present at the meeting at which the voting is to be held. No proxy votes will be allowed. 2. Voting must be conducted at an official Executive Committee or general session meeting. 3. One family representative per cheerleader may vote and counts as one vote. 4. If an emergency meeting must be held or an emergency decision needs to be made, e-votes may be submitted using an online voting resource. Article IX – Amendments to the By-Laws Revised 2/19/15 These by-laws may be amended at any regular business meeting of the organization by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) is given one week in advance of said meeting. Revised 2/19/15