Clickers in the ECC Classroom David Vakil – – 310-660-3134 August 23, 2007 Highlights What are clickers? What can you do with them? Who can use them? When are they available to you and your students? Why should you use clickers? Where do you get the equipment? How do you get started? Clickers enable you to do student-centered learning. Let’s start with a “student”-centered activity, rather than with me lecturing. This is what clickers are about. Some examples of how clickers can be used in classes By show of hands… Who believes: “Not enough students answer questions that I ask during class.” Not enough students answer questions that I ask during class. 13 1. 0 2. True False See how much the vote participation increases with clickers? PRE-TEST & POST-TEST STUDENTS TO ASSESS LEARNING: A light year is a measure of 2 1. 11 2. Time Distance Dave: Timed question! Checking current understanding during class A miniature astronomy lecture The universe is 13.7 billion years old. A light year is ____________________________. IN-CLASS (next class?) FACT CHECK: A light year is a measure of 2 3 11 13 1. 2. Time Distance As seen here, you can also visually compare to questions, or, in this case, pre- and post-lecture answers. Purple = previous. Blue = current. Think-Pair-Share Ask the question If results are between 50-90% correct, consult with your neighbor and vote again Usually results improve noticeably Students understand and remember concept better Takes only 1 minute or less MORE CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING: It is possible for astronomers to detect an object 15 billion light years away from Earth. 1. 2. True False 10 Dave: Think-pair-share? 15 True False Old version What are clickers? Clickers send signals using Radio frequency (RF) light to a computer. Computer processes the data. Radio light doesn’t require line-of-sight Receiver is small and portable. Clickers sold in the bookstore have a screen for direct feedback to student; allows for clicker-tests! (They use AAA batteries.) New version Is it easy to write a question quickly? 14 1. 0 2. Yes No What can you do with clickers? Taking attendance (automatically calculated if any question is asked) Classroom demographics – who are your students? Ice-breakers Gathering feedback about class or getting opinions like/dislike activity, useful/useless, etc. Discussion starters Quick assessment of recently covered material Ask about facts or conceptual understanding. No question is too easy to ask students. You’ll be amazed. Build their confidence or shake yours! Pre- and post-instruction questions. (Did they learn?) Uses, continued Data gathering – very useful for SLOs, Accreditation Cooperative learning: Think-pair-share Quizzes End of class summary Beginning of class review Determine if students did reading/homework Full-length tests Ranking choices On-the-fly questions to suit whatever comes to mind during class. Fastest responses Team questions/answers Information gathered by clicker Which clickers responded to the question What answer each clicker gave to each question If multiple answers given, order is saved Can be used for entering multi-digit numbers/decimals or ranking. How long it took each clicker (student) to answer When a question is re-polled, both answers sets are saved Results are easily exported to Excel Who can use clickers? Anybody with basic knowledge of computers Knowledge of PowerPoint helpful, but not required. New version of TurningPoint software (called “TurningPoint Anywhere”) can be used outside of PowerPoint. Also available for Macs. Data stored. Screenshots saved. When are they available to you and your students? Right now! If you’re interested in using them in your classes or even just trying them out, stay tuned and let’s talk after this presentation. Why you should use clickers… Effects clickers have had on my classes Physics 2A: summer 2007/2006 vs. Data were compiled from my spreadsheets. Therefore numbers aren’t exact. I estimate attendance is 60% w/o clickers & 75% with, Note: clicker participation counts little towards grades. 28/49 = 57% 30/49 = 61% Success (percent who passed) in Astr 25 went up by 9%. Success in Astronomy 20 increased 15% Success: 29/35 = 83%; 31/44 = 70% Retention: 31/35 = 89%; 42/44 = 95% summer 2003 Research at 4-year schools shows attendance at 85%. Similar research shows students read the text more, are more interested in the course, and have a more positive attitude towards the course. When I don’t use clickers during class, I get complaints! Students like clickers and learn from using them. More reasons why you should consider using clickers in your classes Interactive Student-centered, minds-on Just-in-time teaching is available with pre-tests (clicker? Do you know?) Immediate feedback – to you AND your students Fun Gets everyone actively (not passively) involved (anonymous) Early and frequent assessment Especially shy students! Diagnose and fix bad lectures/activities Catch poor students quickly, start troubleshooting early Scantron forms are obsolete. Clickers provide more data, helps you write better tests. Also faster grading. Attendance increases (in my class, research) Retention increases (in my class, research) Success increases (in my class, according to lots of research) We can use clickers to gather data for SLOs, as needed Clicker capabilities The following slides show some other things you can do with clickers. MULTI-ANSWER: Which of the following are NOT types of electromagnetic radiation? Select all that apply. 1 1. 0 2. 4 3. 4 4. 6 5. 10 6. 0 7. 1 8. Gamma rays X-rays Infrared Ultraviolet Ultrasound Sound waves Microwaves Radio waves Improve in-class demonstrations Explain the demo set-up Have students predict the outcome Do the demonstration Specifically ask students “Was your prediction correct?” (De-isolate, recognize intuition can be wrong) I will drop a pen and a crumpled piece of paper. Which will hit the ground first? 1 1. 10 2. 1 3. The pen will hit the ground first. They will hit the ground at the same time. The paper will hit the ground first. I will now perform the demonstration NEW capability: Use the clicker to type in your name Another NEW capability: Type in the value of “negative pi” to 2 decimal places. Sample answer: -4.56 In-class quizzes/tests Please use your clickers to answer the quiz now. Where do you get the equipment? Clickers – students buy them in the bookstore for approximately $50. Bookstore will NOT buy back. Receiver – needed to get the signals from the clickers. You get this from me. Software to interpret the signals. Natural Science received I-grant from ECC Foundation to purchase receivers for entire division. We decided to share. I have 31 receivers to distribute. Have your dean ask me to send __(how many?)___ receivers to your division office. [Accounting] Download from web site: I will be setting up a local web page with more info soon. How do I get started? Get the receiver (and purchase a clicker) Staff Development has a set to use in their training room. Train yourself for the software Self-exploration Web-based demonstrations Read the manual Staff Development classes coming soon Start small in your classes Abusing my captive audience I’ve been asked to collect some data for the Faculty Development team… It will only take a minute. Which days are best for you to do faculty development activities? Pick all that apply. 2 1. 3 2. 4 3. 5 4. 6 5. 0 6. 0 7. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday What times are best for you for faculty development activities? Pick all that apply. 1 1. 6 2. 6 3. 6 4. 3 5. 0 6. Early morning (8am-10am) Late morning (10am-noon) Early afternoon (noon-2pm) Mid afternoon (2pm-4pm) Late afternoon (4pm-6pm) Evening (6pm-8pm) On a scale of 1-10, how useful was this presentation? 1=bad, 10=good 0 1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 4. 0 5. 0 6. 0 7. 1 8. 2 9. 11 10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mean = 9.7143 CONCLUSION There are a LOT of things you can do with clickers in your class Method of student-centered learning They dramatically increase learning Particularly well-suited for lecture classes Now available campus-wide Questions? Comments? PLEASE FILL OUT THE FLEX EVALUATION FORMS!