2nd Grade Math– 2015-2016 Monday August Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Friday 3333 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 In-Service Day 17 18 19 First Day Procedures 24 PASS 2.2a: Demonstrate fluency (i.e., memorize and apply) with basic addition facts to make a maximum sum of 18 and the associated subtraction facts (e.g., 15+3=18 and 183=15). OA.1 Writing Subtraction # Sentences Lesson 1.3, pgs. 11-14 AIMS: TT, TCT, CF, MPS 25 PASS 2.2a OA.1 Stories About Separating Lesson 1.4, pgs. 15-18 20 PASS 1.3: Find unknown values in open number sentences with a missing addend and use to solve everyday problems. OA.1 Writing Addition Number Sentences Lesson 1.1, pgs. 3-6 AIMS: ORT 26 PASS 1.3 OA.1 Stories About Comparing Lesson 1.5, pgs. 19-22 AIMS: ORT 21 PASS 1.3 OA.1 Stories About Joining Lesson 1.2, pgs. 7-10 AIMS: ORT 27 PASS 2.2a: OA.1 Connecting Addition & Subtraction Lesson 1.6, pgs. 23-26 AIMS: TrT, HN, CF, MPS 28 PASS 1.3 NBT.5 OA.1 Problem Solving: Use Objects Lesson 1.7, pgs. 27-30 AIMS: ORT 31 Review/Reteach CC = Coin I M S ACC: A Close Call AMA: Amazing Multiplication Arrays FFF: Fuel Filling Figures HG: Hands on the Giant MO: Metric Olympics PP: Pumpkin Patches SMR: Skip to My Rule TT: Tub Temps C C S S G: Geometry MD: Measurement & Data NBT: Number & Operations in Base Ten NF: Number & Operations-Fractions OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking 2nd Grade Math– 2015-2016 Monday September Wednesday Tuesday 1 Thursday PASS 1.3: Find unknown values in open number sentences with a missing addend and use to solve everyday problems. Topic 1 Test OA.1, OA.2, NBT 5 & NBT 9 Adding 0, 1, 2 Lesson 2.1, pgs. 35-38 AIMS: TrT, HN, CF 7 8 Labor Day 14 15 Review/Reteach 21 PASS 2.2a OA.1, OA.2, NBT. 5 & NBT 9 Thinking Addition to 18 to Subtract Lesson 3.4, pgs. 83-86 22 28 CC = Coin I M S 29 PASS 2.1a NBT.3 Models for Tens & Ones Lesson 4.2, pgs. 103-106 ACC: A Close Call AMA: Amazing Multiplication Arrays FFF: Fuel Filling Figures HG: Hands on the Giant 11 PASS 1.3 OA.1 Problem Solving: Draw a Picture & Write a Number Sentence Lesson 2.8, pgs. 63-66 17 PASS 1.2 OA.1, OA.2, NBT. 5 & NBT 9 Thinking Addition to Subtract Doubles Lesson 3.2, pgs. 75-78 18 PASS 1.2 OA.1, OA.2, NBT. 5 & NBT 9 Thinking Addition to 10 to Subtract Lesson 3.3, pgs. 79-82 AIMS: TrT, HN, CF, MPS 24 PASS 1.3 OA.1 Review/Reteach Soak In 4 PASS 2.2a NBT 5, NBT 9, OA.1 & OA.2 Near Doubles Lesson 2.3, pgs. 43-46 10 PASS 1.4: Recognize and apply the associative property of addition (e.g., 3 + (2 +1) = (3 + 2) + 1). OA.1, NBT 5, NBT 9 Adding Three Numbers Lesson 2.5, pgs. 51-54 23 PASS 1.3 NBT 5 & NBT 9 Finding the Missing Part Lesson 3.5, pgs. 87-90 AIMS: ORT PASS 2.1a: Use concrete models of hundreds, tens, and ones to develop the concepts of place value and link the concepts to the reading and writing of numbers (e.g., base-10 blocks). Models for Tens Lesson 4.1 pp. 99-102 PASS 2.2a: Demonstrate fluency (i.e., memorize and apply) with basic addition facts to make a maximum sum of 18 and the associated subtraction facts (e.g., 15+3=18 and 18-3=15). OA.1, OA.2, NBT.5, & NBT 9 Doubles Lesson 2.2, pgs. 39-42 AIMS: TrT, HN, CF 16 PASS 2.2a OA.1, OA.2, NBT.5 & NBT 9 Subtracting 0, 1, 2 Lesson 3.1, pgs. 71-74 AIMS: TT, TCT, CF, MPS Topic 2 Test 3 9 PASS 1.2: Formulate and record generalizations about number patterns in a variety of situations (e.g., addition and subtraction patterns, even and odd numbers, build a table showing the cost of one pencil at 10 cents, 2 pencils at 20 cents). OA.1, NBT & NBT 9 Adding in Any Order Lesson 2.4, pgs. 47-50 In-Service Day Friday 2 Problem Solving: Two-Question Problems Lesson 3.6, pgs. 91-94 25 Topic 3 Test 30 PASS 2.1b: Represent a number in a variety of ways (e.g., write 15 as 8 + 7, write 25 as 2 tens + 5 ones or as 1 ten + 15 ones). NBT.3 Reading & Writing Numbers Lesson 4.3, pgs. 107-110 MO: Metric Olympics PP: Pumpkin Patches SMR: Skip to My Rule TT: Tub Temps C C S S G: Geometry MD: Measurement & Data NBT: Number & Operations in Base Ten NF: Number & Operations-Fractions OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking 2nd Grade Math– 2015-2016 Monday October Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Friday 1 PASS 2.1c: Write a number sentence to compare numbers less than 1,000 (e.g., 425 > 276, 73 < 107 pg. 351 comes after 350, 753 is between 700 and 800). NBT.3 Using Models to Compare Numbers Lesson 4.4, pgs. 111-114 5 6 PASS 1.2: Formulate and record generalizations about number patterns in a variety of situations (e.g., addition and subtraction patterns, even and odd numbers, build a table showing the cost of one pencil at 10 cents, 2 pencils at 20 cents). NBT.3 Before, After, & Between Lesson 4.6, pgs. 119-122 Review/Reteach 12 13 Pass 5.1b Summarize and interpret data in charts, bar graphs, and tables. Problem Solving: Use Data from a Chart Lesson 4.10 pgs. 135-137 Topic 4 Test Pgs. 139 – 140 Black-line 4 Test 19 Quarter & Half-Dollar Lesson 5.2, pg147-150 AIMS: CT, CC, CCf 9 PASS 1.2 NBT.3, NBT.4, NBT.1, & OA.3 Number Patterns on a 100 Chart Lesson 4.8, pgs. 127-130 Even & Odd Numbers Lesson 4.9, pgs. 131-134 15 16 Parent Teacher Conference Fall Break Curriculum Adjustment Practice – Odd & Even Numbers 26 8 PASS 1.2 NBT.3, NBT.4, NBT.1, & OA.3 14 20 Data Driven Instruction Day PASS 4.3a MD.8 7 PASS (3rd) 2.1b.i: Compare and order whole numbers up to 4 digits. NBT.4 Order Numbers Lesson 4.7, pgs. 123-126 2 PASS 2.1c NBT.3 Using Symbols to Compare Numbers Lesson 4.5, pgs. 115-118 21 Introduce Money Coins – Manipulatives Sort Coins 27 PASS 4.3a MD.8 Counting Collections of Coins Lesson 5.3, pgs. 151-154 AIMS: CT, CC, CCf 22 Practice – Sorting Coins Begin Counting 28 Review/Reteach 23 PASS 4.3a: Identify and count money up to a twenty dollar bill. MD.8 Dime, Nickel, & Penny Lesson 5.1, pgs. 143-146 AIMS: CT, CC, CCF 29 PASS 4.3a MD.8 Ways to Show the Same Amount Lesson 5.4, pgs. 155-158 AIMS: CT, CC, CCf 30 PASS 4.3a MD.8 One Dollar Lesson 5.5, pgs. 159-162 CG 38 AIMS: CT, CC, CCf *last day tested material for 1st Benchmark CC = Coin I M S ACC: A Close Call AMA: Amazing Multiplication Arrays FFF: Fuel Filling Figures HG: Hands on the Giant MO: Metric Olympics PP: Pumpkin Patches SMR: Skip to My Rule TT: Tub Temps C C S S G: Geometry MD: Measurement & Data NBT: Number & Operations in Base Ten NF: Number & Operations-Fractions OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking 2nd Grade Math– 2015-2016 Monday November Wednesday Tuesday 2 PASS 5.1a: Collect, sort, organize, and display data in charts, bar graphs, and tables (e.g., collect data on teeth lost and display results in a chart). MD.8 & NBT.5 Make an Organized List Lesson 5.6, pgs. 163-166 9 10 PASS 1.2: Formulate and record generalizations about number patterns in a variety of situations (e.g., addition and subtraction patterns, even and odd numbers, build a table showing the cost of one pencil at 10 cents, 2 pencils at 20 cents). OA.1, NBT.5, NBT.9 Adding on a 100 Chart Lesson 6.4, pgs. 183-186 16 PASS 2.2c NBT.6, OA.1, NBT.5, NBT.9 Topic 8 Opener, pgs. 217-218 Regrouping 10 Ones Lesson 8.1, pgs. 219-222 23 5 PASS 2.2c: Solve two-digit addition and subtraction problems with and without regrouping using a variety of techniques OA.1, NBT.5 & NBT.9 Adding Tens Topic 6 Opener, pgs. 169-170 Lesson 6.1, pgs. 171-174 11 PASS 5.1a NBT.5 Problem Solving: Look for a Pattern Lesson 6.5, pgs. 187-190 6 PASS 2.2c NBT.5, NBT.9 & OA.1 Adding Ones Lesson 6.2, pgs. 175-178 12 Topic 6 Test 13 Curriculum Adjustment * Benchmark Results Due 17 PASS 2.2c NBT.9, NBT.5 & NBT.6 Models to Add 2-&1-Digit Numbers Lesson 8.2, pgs. 223-226 Friday 4 1st Benchmark Review-Reteach PASS 2.2c OA.1, NBT.5, NBT.9 Adding Tens & Ones Lesson 6.3, pgs. 179-182 Thursday 3 18 PASS 2.2c NBT.9, NBT.5 & NBT.6 Adding 2-&1-Digit Numbers Lesson 8.3, pgs. 227-230 24 19 PASS 2.2c NBT.9, NBT.5 & NBT.6 Models to Add 2-Digit Numbers Lesson 8.4, pgs. 231-234 25 20 PASS 2.2c NBT.6, OA.1, NBT.5, NBT.9 Adding Two-Digit Numbers Lesson 8.2 , Pgs. 235-238 26 Thanksgiving Break 30 Review / Reteach PASS 2.2c Solve two-digit addition and subtraction problems with and without regrouping using a variety of techniques. NBT.5, NBT.6, NBT.9 Adding 2-Digit Numbers Lesson 8.5, pgs. 235-238 CC = Coin I M S ACC: A Close Call AMA: Amazing Multiplication Arrays FFF: Fuel Filling Figures HG: Hands on the Giant MO: Metric Olympics PP: Pumpkin Patches SMR: Skip to My Rule TT: Tub Temps C C S S G: Geometry MD: Measurement & Data NBT: Number & Operations in Base Ten NF: Number & Operations-Fractions OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking 27 2nd Grade Math– 2015-2016 Monday December Wednesday Tuesday Thursday 1 PASS 2.2c NBT.5 & NBT.6 PASS 1.3 NBT 9 Adding 3 Numbers Lesson 8.6, pgs. 239-242 Draw a Picture & Write a # Sentence Problem Solving: Lesson 8.7, pgs. 243-246 7 G.1 Relating Plane Shapes to Solid Figures Lesson11.2 pgs. 319-322 8 PASS 3.2: Investigate and predict the results of putting together and taking apart two-dimensional shapes. Making New Shapes Lesson 11.3, pgs. 323-326 14 Friday 2 3 Topic 8 Test Pgs. 191 – 192 Or Blackline 8 Test G.1 Flat Surfaces, Vertices and Edges Lesson 11.1, pgs. 315-318 9 PASS 3.2 Cutting Shapes Apart Lesson 11.4, pgs. 327-330 15 4 10 PASS 3.1: Identify symmetric and congruent shapes and figures. Congruence Lesson 11.5, pgs. 331-334 CG 54 16 11 PASS 3.1 Symmetry Lesson 11.7, pgs. 339-342 CG 48 17 18 PASS 3.2 Topic 11 Test Curriculum Adjustment Curriculum Adjustment Problem Solving: Use Reasoning Lesson 11.8, pgs. 343-346 21 22 23 24 Winter Break 28 CC = Coin I M S ACC: A Close Call AMA: Amazing Multiplication Arrays FFF: Fuel Filling Figures HG: Hands on the Giant 29 MO: Metric Olympics PP: Pumpkin Patches SMR: Skip to My Rule TT: Tub Temps 30 C C S S G: Geometry MD: Measurement & Data NBT: Number & Operations in Base Ten 31 NF: Number & Operations-Fractions OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking 25 2nd Grade Math– 2015-2016 Monday January Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Friday 1 Winter Break 4 5 PASS 5.1a: Collect, sort, organize, and display data in charts, bar graphs, and tables (e.g., collect data on teeth lost and display results in a chart). MD.10 Organizing Data Lesson 16.1, pgs. 479-482 Record Day 11 12 Small group graphs – Collect Data Create Graph of Data Collected 18 25 PASS 1.3 OA.1 Problem Solving: Missing or Extra Info Lesson 7.5, pgs. 211-214 CC = Coin I M S 13 19 PASS 2.2c: Solve two-digit addition and subtraction problems with and without regrouping using a variety of techniques. NBT.5 & NBT.9 Subtracting Tens Lesson 7.1, pgs. 195-198 ACC: A Close Call AMA: Amazing Multiplication Arrays FFF: Fuel Filling Figures HG: Hands on the Giant 20 MO: Metric Olympics PP: Pumpkin Patches SMR: Skip to My Rule TT: Tub Temps C C S S 15 Review – Subtraction Facts 21 PASS 1.2: Formulate and record generalizations about number patterns in a variety of situations (e.g., addition and subtraction patterns, even and odd numbers, build a table showing the cost of one pencil at 10 cents, 2 pencils at $0.20). NBT.5, NBT.8 &NBT.9 Subtracting on a 100 Chart Lesson 7.3, pgs. 203-206 27 PASS 2.2c NBT.5 & NBT.9 Topic 9 Opener, pgs. 249-250 Regrouping 1 Ten for 10 Ones Lesson 9.1, pgs. 251-254 8 PASS 5.1a Coordinate Graphs Lesson 16.4, pgs. 491-494 14 Topic 16 Test PASS 2.2c NBT.9 & NBT.5 Finding Parts of 100 Lesson 7.2, pgs. 199-202 26 Topic 7 Test 7 PASS 5.1b: Summarize and interpret data in charts, bar graphs, and tables MD.10 Bar Graphs Lesson 16.3, pgs. 487-490 PASS 5.1b MD.10 Problem Solving: Use a Graph Lesson 16.7, pgs. 503-506 Continue with Graphing Activities MLK Jr. Day 6 PASS 5.1a MD.10 Pictographs Lesson 16.2, pgs. 483-486 22 PASS 1.3: Find unknown values in open number sentences with a missing addend and use to solve everyday problems. OA.1, NBT.5 & NBT.9 Adding On to Subtract Lesson 7.4, pgs. 207-210 AIMS: TT, TCT, CF, MPS 28 PASS 2.2c NBT.5 & NBT.9 Models to Subtract 2- & 1-Digit #’s Lesson 9.2, pgs. 255-258 G: Geometry MD: Measurement & Data NBT: Number & Operations in Base Ten 29 PASS 2.2c NBT.5 & NBT.9 Subtracting 2- & 1-Digit #’s Lesson 9.3, pgs. 259-262 NF: Number & Operations-Fractions OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking 2nd Grade Math– 2015-2016 Monday February Wednesday Tuesday 11 2 PASS 2.2c: Solve two-digit addition and subtraction problems with and without regrouping using a variety of techniques. NBT.5 & NBT.9 Models to Subtract 2-Digit #’s Lesson 9.4, pgs. 263-266 PASS 2.2c NBT.5 & NBT.9 Subtracting 2-Digit #’s Lesson 9.5, pgs. 267-270 Review/Reteach 8 9 Review/Reteach Curriculum Adjustment 10 16 22 PASS 2.2b MD.8 & OA.1 Problem Solving: Try, Check, & Revise Lesson 10.7, pgs. 307-310 17 23 Review 12 PASS 2.2c NBT.5 & NBT.9 Ways to Add Lesson 10.3, pgs. 291-294 18 PASS 2.2c NBT.5 & NBT.9 Ways to Subtract Lesson 10.6, pgs. 303-306 19 Zone Day 24 2nd Benchmark 5 PASS 2.1c: Write a number sentence to compare numbers less than 1,000 (e.g., 425 > 276, 73 < 107, page 351 comes after 350, 753 is between 700 and 800). OA.1 Problem Solving: 2-Question Problems Lesson 9.7, pgs. 275-278 11 PASS 2.2b: Use strategies to estimate and solve sums and differences (e.g., compose, decompose and regroup numbers, use knowledge of 10 to estimate quantities and sums [two numbers less than 10 cannot add up to more than 20]). Prepares for NBT.8 Estimating Sums Lesson 10.2, pgs. 287-290 PASS 2.2b Prepares for NBT.8 Estimating Differences Lesson 10.5, pgs. 299-302 PASS 2.2c NBT.5 & NBT.9 Subtracting Money Lesson 10.4, pgs. 295-298 Friday 4 PASS 2.2c NBT.5 & NBT.9 Using Addition to Check Subtraction Lesson 9.6, pgs. 271-274 PASS 2.2c NBT.5 & NBT.9 Adding Money Lesson 10.1, pgs. 283-286 Topic 9 Test 15 Thursday 3 25 Introduce Clock/Time Minute Hand/Hour Hand Counting by 5 minute intervals 26 PASS 4.2a: Tell time on digital and analog clocks on the quarterhour. MD.7 Topic Opener, pgs. 449-450 Telling Time to Five Minutes Lesson 15.1, pgs. 451-454 29 PASS 4.2a MD.7 Telling Time Before & After the Hour Lesson 15.2, pgs. 455-458 CG 2 CC = Coin I M S ACC: A Close Call AMA: Amazing Multiplication Arrays FFF: Fuel Filling Figures HG: Hands on the Giant MO: Metric Olympics PP: Pumpkin Patches SMR: Skip to My Rule TT: Tub Temps C C S S G: Geometry MD: Measurement & Data NBT: Number & Operations in Base Ten NF: Number & Operations-Fractions OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking 2nd Grade Math– 2015-2016 Monday March Wednesday Tuesday 1 PASS 4.2b: Solve problems involving number of days in a week, month, or year and problems involving weeks in a month and year. Using a Calendar Lesson 15.4, pp. 43-466 7 8 Review/Reteach 14 Friday 3 PASS 4.1a: Measure objects using standard units (e.g., measure length to the nearest foot, inch, and half inch). MD.1 & MD.3 Inches CC-7(13-4A) Inches, Feet, &Yards Lesson 13.4, pgs. 391-394 AIMS: CD PASS 2.2c: Solve two-digit addition and subtraction problems with and without regrouping using a variety of techniques. OA.1 Problem Solving: Multiple-Step Problems Lesson 15.6, pgs. 471-475 Review/ Reteach Practice – Measuring with Inches, Feet, and Yards and Centimeters and Meters Thursday 2 9 10 Topic 13 Test Pgs. 410-411 Blackline 13 Test 11 PASS 3.4.lc(3rd) Exploring Perimeter Lesson 13.6, pgs. 399-402 Data Driven Day Review/Reteach 15 4 PASS (3rd) 4.1b: Choose an appropriate measurement instrument and measure the length of objects to the nearest meter or centimeter and the weight of objects to the nearest gram or kilogram. MD.1, MD.3 & MD.9 Centimeters CC-8(13-5A) Centimeters AND Centimeters & Meters Lesson 13.5, pgs. 395-398 AIMS: CD 16 17 18 24 25 Spring Break 21 22 PASS 2.1a: Use concrete models of hundreds, tens, and ones to develop the concepts of place value and link the concepts to the reading and writing of numbers (e.g., base-10 blocks). Building 1,000 Lesson17.1, pp. 511-514 Counting Hundreds, Tens, & Ones Lesson 17.2, pp. 515-518 CG 66 Exploring Area Lesson 13.7, pgs. 403-406 28 PASS 1.2: Formulate and record generalizations about number patterns in a variety of situations (e.g., addition and subtraction patterns, even and odd numbers, build a table showing the cost of one pencil at 10 cents, 2 pencils at 20 cents). Changing Numbers by 100’s & 10’s Lesson 17.4, pp. 523-526 CC = Coin I M S 23 PASS 2.1a Building 1,000 Lesson 17.1, pp. 511-514 Counting Hundreds, Tens, & Ones Lesson 17.2, pp. 515-518 CG 66 29 PASS 1.2 Lesson 17.5, pgs. 527-530 ACC: A Close Call AMA: Amazing Multiplication Arrays FFF: Fuel Filling Figures HG: Hands on the Giant MO: Metric Olympics PP: Pumpkin Patches SMR: Skip to My Rule TT: Tub Temps PASS 2.1b: Represent a number in a variety of ways (e.g., write 15 as 8 + 7, write 25 as 2 tens + 5 ones or as 1 ten + 15 ones). Reading & Writing Numbers to 1,000 Lesson 17.3 , pp. 519-522 CG 66 30 PASS 2.1c: Write a number sentence to compare numbers less than 1,000 (e.g., 425 > 276, 73 < 107, page 351 comes after 350, 753 is between 700 and 800). NBT.4 Comparing Numbers Lesson 17.6, pgs. 531-534 C C S S Parent Teacher Conference 31 PASS 2.1c Before, After, & Between Lesson 17.7, pp. 535-538 CG 31, 52 G: Geometry MD: Measurement & Data NBT: Number & Operations in Base Ten NF: Number & Operations-Fractions OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking 2nd Grade Math– 2015-2016 Monday April Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Friday 1 Snow Day 4 PASS (3rd) 2.1b.i: Compare and order whole numbers up to 4 digits. NBT.4 Ordering Numbers Lesson 17.8, pgs. 539-542 5 11 12 PASS 2.1b: Represent a number in a variety of ways (e.g., write 15 as 8 + 7, write 25 as 2 tens + 5 ones or as 1 ten + 15 ones). NBT.8 & NBT.7 Topic Opener pgs. 549-550 Mental Math Lesson 18.1, pgs. 551-554 PASS 2.2b: Use strategies to estimate and solve sums and differences (e.g., compose, decompose and regroup numbers, use knowledge of 10 to estimate quantities and sums [two numbers less than 10 cannot add up to more than 20]). Estimating Sums Rounding to the nearest ten. 18 19 PASS (3rd) 2.2a NBT.7 & NBT.9 Adding 3-Digit Numbers(Use Base 10 Blocks) 7 Curriculum Adjustment 8 Topic 17 Test 13 14 PASS (3rd) 2.2a: Estimate and find the sum or difference (with and without regrouping) of 3- and 4-digit numbers using a variety of strategies to solve application problems. NBT.9 & NBT.7 PASS 2.2b Estimating Sums Rounding to the nearest hundred. 15 Review/Reteach Models for Adding with 3-Digit #’s Lesson 18.3, pgs. 559-562 20 PASS 1.3: Find unknown values in open number sentences with a missing addend and use to solve everyday problems. NBT.7, NBT.9 & NBT.8 Mental Math: Ways to Find Missing Parts Review/Reteach Lesson 18.4, pgs. 563-566 21 PASS 2.2b NBT.7 & NBT.9 Adding 3-Digit Numbers Lesson 18.6, pgs. 571-574 22 Review/Reteach Lesson 18.5, pgs. 567-570 25 PASS (3rd) 2.2a NBT.7 & NBT.9 Models for Subtracting with 3-Digit #’s Lesson 18.7, pgs. 575-578 CC = Coin I M S 6 PASS 1.2: Formulate and record generalizations about number patterns in a variety of situations (e.g., addition and subtraction patterns, even and odd numbers, build a table showing the cost of one pencil at 10 cents, 2 pencils at 20 cents). Problem Solving: Look for a Pattern Lesson 17.9, pp. 543-546 CG 27 ACC: A Close Call AMA: Amazing Multiplication Arrays FFF: Fuel Filling Figures HG: Hands on the Giant 26 Review/Reteach MO: Metric Olympics PP: Pumpkin Patches SMR: Skip to My Rule TT: Tub Temps 27 PASS (3rd) 2.2a NBT.7 & NBT.9 Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers (Use Base 10 Blocks) Lesson 18.8, pgs. 579-582 C C S S 28 Review/Reteach G: Geometry MD: Measurement & Data NBT: Number & Operations in Base Ten 29 PASS 5.1b: Summarize and interpret data in charts, bar graphs, and tables MD.10 Problem Solving: Make a Graph Lesson 18.9, pgs. 583-586 NF: Number & Operations-Fractions OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking 2nd Grade Math– 2015-2016 Monday May Wednesday Tuesday 2 3 Review/Reteach Topic 18 Test 9 10 16 PASS 2.1d: Demonstrate (using concrete objects, pictures, and numerical symbols) fractional parts including halves, thirds, fourths and common percents (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). G.3 Problem Solving; Use Objects Lesson 12-6, pgs. 371-374 23 11 PASS 2.1d G.3 Estimating Fractional Parts of a Whole Lesson 12.4, pgs. 363-366 17 Review/Reteach Friday 5 PASS 2.1d: Demonstrate (using concrete objects, pictures, and numerical symbols) fractional parts including halves, thirds, fourths and common percent (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). G.3 Wholes & Equal Parts Lesson 12.1, pgs. 351-354 Introduce Fractions PASS 2.1d G.3 Non-Unit Fractions Lesson 12.3, pgs. 359-362 Review/Reteach Thursday 4 12 24 19 20 26 27 Records Day or Last day of school if 2nd snow day is needed Curriculum Adjustment 25 Last Day of School Curriculum Adjustment 13 PASS 2.1d G.3 Fractions of a Set Lesson 12-5, pgs. 367-370 Review/Reteach 18 Topic 12 Test 6 PASS 2.1d G.3 Unit Fractions & Regions Lesson 12.2, pgs. 355-358 30 Memorial Day CC = Coin I M S ACC: A Close Call AMA: Amazing Multiplication Arrays FFF: Fuel Filling Figures HG: Hands on the Giant MO: Metric Olympics PP: Pumpkin Patches SMR: Skip to My Rule TT: Tub Temps C C S S G: Geometry MD: Measurement & Data NBT: Number & Operations in Base Ten NF: Number & Operations-Fractions OA: Operations & Algebraic Thinking