College Senate: Minutes Date: 10/21/2014 Location: Allied Health Bldg., Room 4501 Minutes Approved: _X__Yes ___No (Changes: ) Visit the College Senate website at for the College Senate minutes, SharePoints (items for open discussion), and information about NCCCFA, Senate bylaws, Senate membership, committees, forms, etc. Joel Moore, president of the College Senate, opened the meeting and welcomed Dr. Tony Zeiss, president of CPCC. Dr. Zeiss asked how the semester is going, encouraged senators to share with their areas, and thanked everyone for serving. He expressed special thanks to Joel, Alison Gagan (president elect), and 1st time senators. Dr. Zeiss said that he had received many notes and emails from faculty and staff thanking the board for the $1000 plus 2% raise. Capital campaign update: This is a 5 year campaign. It covers scholarships in addition to capital expenses. Foundation funds don’t go to salaries, but mainly to scholarships, especially to veterans. Donors specify where funds will be used. Occasionally funds will go for equipment, but donors typically specify funds to scholarships. Some donors will provide in-kind donations, but CPCC will not accept old or used equipment. The largest gift in CPCC history was just received from Siemens for mechatronics software, totaling $32 million. The campaign goal was reached ($62 million over 5 years). Bond money is still needed for other areas not covered in gifts. Grants update: CPCC has a 95% success rate with grants. The Gates Foundation grant for Phase 3 of Completion by Design (CbD) focuses on student success. The initiative seeks to improve upon the loss of 40% of students after their first semester. Remedial education is an issue, as it leads to attrition. To address this issues CPCC has changed remedial education in math from a semester-long model to a modular/emporium format. This will be scaled to all 58 community colleges in NC. CPCC will be first recipient of the John Belk endowment. Funding will be used to develop emporium modules for English and reading, scaled to NC and then nationwide. Department of Labor—grant focused on workforce development and securing jobs. Specifically, the Mechatronics degree will be digitized. CPCC has first mechatronics program; CPCC has the only grant. NSF- final decision waiting, increasing STEM programs. Anyone with innovative ideas that will benefit students and community is encouraged to seek funding through Michael Moss. Other grants/partnerships include: 2 German companies (IHK and Festo), Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (middle college programs now at Levine and Harper, with Merancas coming soon and a STEM academy planned for Central), Novant Health, Department of Commerce. Faculty/Staff encourage to become entrepreneurial, and to apply for funding and support. Entrepreneurship is needed because funding from the state has been cut more than 30% since 2001. Updates from the Department of Education.—new regulations (or reinterpretation of old regulations) are now determining federal funding for colleges. 92 pages of “rules.” Title 9 (which requires that any school receiving federal funds equally fund male and female sports) also impacts sexual misconduct and how it is handled on campus. Giving consent/removing consent are at issue. This will be like FERPA—training will come to make sure everyone knows what sexual misconduct means (more broadly interpreted than previously thought). A new policy is being approved by board. Includes dating violence, whether it happens on-campus or off-campus. Tax referendum- consider voting; consider impact on CPCC. Includes funding for faculty/staff. Impacts counselors at CPCC, where the current ratio is 1 counselor to 1900 students. The revenue will be used to hire and keep hard-toretain faculty (interpreter education, health care, IT). Salary study to take place this year. Increase in enrollment is needed—focus should be on keeping students we have. Current enrollment is flat or maybe a little low. The whole state is down 5%; more people returning to work means fewer in school. Faculty can support retention and recruitment. Dr. Zeiss closed by thanking faculty and staff again. President’s Report (Joel Moore): Joel encouraged senators and others to vote in the upcoming election. PDP Revision- Revisions and meetings are still in process. The senate has formed a group to meet with Division Directors leading the revision. Fred Tone is part of the group. Forward questions/concerns to Fred. Overload pay- OL pay has been increased by $100/per 3 hour course. Joel will continue to request increases. Reassigned time/ stipends- The current policy is posted on Salary study- An RFP gone out, hope to have the study completed by summer 2015. Veterans’ Day Observance—conversations are still in process; no update on a decision. Summer load- Maximum load for summer is 12 hours, as confirmed by Cathey Ross. Applies to FT faculty; 9 is limit for PT. A question was raised about 9 vs. 12 for PT. Joel will confirm. A question about how load is calculated was raised; Joel will confirm. Administrative Responsibilities for Faculty- STEM Associate Dean, Mike Hogan, is studying administrative responsibilities completed by faculty in an attempt to determine if faculty can be relieved of some of this. Faculty should track administrative tasks; send to Lisa Godwin (secretary), Alison Gagan (president elect) or Joel. Include clerical tasks as well as administrative duties. Possible examples include verifying things for financial aid or VA. Committee Reports: 1. President-elect (Alison Gagan): Alison requested that CPCC consider returning to a 12 month deferred pay for 10 month employees. The question went to Cathey Ross and Richard Zollinger, who forwarded it to budget/payroll. The immediate response was no, although CMS and other community colleges in NC in the state allow this. In 2008 a law was drafted that would allow this for most faculty (we would not exceed $17,000 limit). Alison is awaiting a final response. 2. Academic Policies (Pam McIntyre): No report; senators are encouraged to join the committee. 3. Credentials (Arlene Parrish): No report 4. Curriculum (Pat West): No report 5. Educational Resources (Roschella Stephens): Lots of requests; down to $1500 and requests pending. Roschella will be requesting more money from RZ. 6. Faculty Welfare (Fred Tone): No report. Fred sent an email to all senators about faculty titles tied to salary increases. 7. Professional Staff Welfare (Tony Hayes and Denise Keating): Professional staff met; grateful to be included in the PDP changes. Professional staff is willing to support staff via training/eLearning/ LMS training. 8. Student Welfare (Tony Beatty): No report. Senators are encouraged to join the committee. 9. Technology (Kathy Watkins): Tony Hayes reported for Kathy. STAR feedback survey is out. Encourage faculty to complete. There are ongoing questions with attendance system. Next Bb roll out of will be before next semester. Nov 13 is Geek Fest—please attend. New Business: Faculty raised concern about students taking the entire week off for fall break. The exam week survey has come back up—the college will survey faculty and staff. Surveys are short; encourage feedback. Senate is accepting of this survey. Concern--Does wording for students imply “no exams?” Alison and Joel will be able to provide feedback on surveys prior to them being sent out. Minutes from September senate meeting were approved. Motion to adjourn; seconded. Meeting was adjourned. Next Meeting Time: 3rd Tuesday of the month (2:30): Location: Allied Health Bldg., Room 4510 Respectfully submitted, Lisa Godwin Secretary