College Senate: Minutes Date: 11/19/2013 Minutes Approved: Yes Location: Allied Health Bldg., Room 4510 No (Changes: ) Visit the College Senate website at for the College Senate minutes, SharePoints (items for open discussion), and information about NCCCFA, Senate bylaws, Senate membership, committees, forms, etc. Guest Speakers: President’s Report (George Wightman): I. Senate objectives: The proposed college senate objectives are as follows: Student Learning and Success Develop an eLearning liaison in each division (or discipline) to act as a mentor to faculty teaching online and facilitate communication between faculty and eLearning Organizational Learning and Development Work with administration to modify the PDP process Community Catalyst Host a blood drive and/or encourage bone marrow donation or other cause Organizational Capacity to Serve Increase awareness of senators’ roles, responsibilities, and service to the college Organizational Excellence and Innovation Initiate College Senate award for senator that best exemplifies excellence in innovation or entrepreneurship II. A motion was made to approve the objectives; it was seconded and the senate unanimously approved the objectives Community activities: George Wightman requested recommendations for community activities. The senate discussed challenging administration to match faculty (percent participation) in signing up for a bone marrow registry or blood drive. It was requested that an alternative be available to those who are unable to participate due to preexisting conditions. Committee Reports: 1. President-elect (Joel Moore): I. PDP: Richard Zollinger is supportive about modifying the PDP process. II. Load/overload policy: we have been told that CPCC can go back to the 2 course/10 hours overload policy after reduction in overloads, but this is not the case for every division. Some are reverting to the policy while others are not. Is this up to the division director? Joel Moore requested feedback. III. Increased overload pay has been discussed with Richard Zollinger; this would impact adjunct as well as full time faculty. IV. Compensation for training was discussed with Richard Zollinger. Sometimes training needs to take place (for example: online instructor required training) but people don’t get compensated. Richard Zollinger is looking into this. V. Clarification on the attendance policy has been requested; faculty are encouraged to put their own policy in syllabus. 2. Academic Policies (Lisa Godwin): Attendance policy is not in the policy and procedures manual – request that if it is policy it be included in policy and procedures manual Motion: Include “stopped attending” policy in attendance policy of official policies and procedures manual. Motion seconded; significant discussion among senators followed. Motion to table the discussion. Seconded. Motion to table passed. Referred back to committee for development of formal proposal. 3. Credentials (Arlene Parrish): absent; no report. 4. Curriculum (Pat West): Please visit the Curriculum Committee web page for monthly meeting minutes: 5. Educational Resources (Roschella Stevens): I. Educational Resources has approved $20,870 in funds; $12900 remains. II. Second requests for funding are being denied to those applicants who have already been approved for funding this year. III. Everyone applying for funding now needs Richard Zollinger’s signature whether they are traveling out-of-state or not; previously only out-of-state travel required signature. Senator statement: George Wightman should ask Richard Zollinger why this change is being implemented. ACTION: George Wightman will ask Richard Zollinger for clarification Joel Moore: this was briefly mentioned by Richard Zollinger in a previous meeting; the change came from Diann Back and Vivian Jenkins. Richard Zollinger was unaware of it. Cathey Ross provided a partial explanation but more information is needed. 6. Faculty Welfare (Fred Tone): Faculty Welfare Committee Looked over Richard Zollinger’s response to the College Senate proposal from last spring. Faculty Welfare committee will address each of the four issues as follows: Load and overload: it seems that the environment is changing and things may go back to the way they were; postponing action. Attendance process is evolving; postponing action. Involuntary administrative leave: prioritizing; Richard Zollinger’s response didn’t adequately address issues. PDP process: High priority. Administration is open to the idea of changing the PDP; George Wightman is meeting with Debbie Bouton to discuss the process. Fred Tone provided an outline of the items Faculty Welfare Committee would like to see addressed (see below). CONCERNS WITH THE CURRENT PDP AT CPCC LISTED IN GENERAL ORDER OF IMPORTANCE o Faculty have virtually no logical reason (other than personal fulfillment) to strive for anything beyond proficient (3) to maintain their job – a 4 or 5 has no positive result (i.e. recognition or pay – no teaching excellence, no accelerated advancement, no merit pay). CPCC’s PDP is therefore is currently only a punitive tool to identify substandard performers o Evaluations that score less than a 2.5 should require specific written documentation for this score to the Faculty member at the time of the evaluation along with the required Improvement Plan documenting specific action steps for improvement o Faculty should be given an avenue to dispute a Division Directors evaluation with the appropriate Dean (since this document is part of their permanent record) – Currently the only recourse is to refuse to sign o Division Directors need to be trained as to the purpose of the PDP (currently conducted very inconsistently) OTHER ISSUES WHEN ABOVE ARE RESOLVED o More emphasis needs to be given to actual teaching since that is our primary responsibility – currently only 30% is for teaching and 30% for teaching knowledge o The frequency of PDPs needs to be modified – those with a 3.5 or above that are on continuing contract should have their PDPs at 2 or 3 year intervals o Wording in categories needs to be broadened to become better understood and actually achievable by CPCC faculty. EX: college service (exemplary) – Takes a leadership role in local or state wide community or professional organizations – this can be very rarely achieved o The category “Interpersonal Skills” carries so many different connotations among Division Directors that it should be dropped – it generally reflects how much your Director likes you 7. Professional Staff Welfare (Tony Hayes): I. Professional Staff Welfare Committee proposed the following resolution: CPCC COLLEGE SENATE RESOLUTION DESIGNATING NOVEMBER 11, VETERANS DAY AS A CPCC HOLIDAY A RESOLUTION # 2013-11-1111 1 Designating November 11TH, Veterans Day, as a formal CPCC holiday. 2 Whereas, US presidential proclamation 3071 has designated Veterans Day every 3 year on November 11th to honor and celebrate the sacrifices of our Veterans 4 for the protection of our country’s freedom. 5 Whereas, CPCC currently has approximately 2273 registered student Veterans in programs 6 throughout the college. 7 Whereas, there are over 56,000 Veterans in the Charlotte - Mecklenburg community. 8 Whereas, CPCC currently has faculty and staff Veterans employed. 9 Whereas, North Carolina’s Government has designated November 11th as a State Holiday. 10 Whereas, Given such a special day of thanks to those who have fought for our country’s 11 freedoms, The CPCC Senate suggest the CPCC college cabinet follow suite as to designate the 12 day of November 11th as a CPCC Holiday allowing the Faculty, Staff and Students to celebrate 13 and recognize our Veterans. 14 Resolved, That the CPCC Cabinet designate November 11th of each year as a paid holiday. A motion was made to adopt the Senate Resolution Designating November 11, Veteran’s Day, as a CPCC Holiday; this motion received a second and was unanimously approved by the senate. II. Amount of square footage: CPCC is losing faculty/staff areas. Dr. Zeiss informed that with new bond money CPCC still lacks adequate space, but Professional Staff Welfare Committee is satisfied with the information provided by Dr. Zeiss. 8. Student Welfare (Farhad Javidi): I. A representative from Student Life and a Student Government representative are now on the committee. II. Faculty need to communicate with students about service being unavailable 12/21/2013 – 12/31/2013. III. Student Government would like the committee to investigate where money from textbooks is spent. 9. Technology (Gary Ritter): I. Digital course fee has been postponed; it will be piloted in business and economic courses II. Google users group meeting follows senate meeting in HE4510 III. Data center move: Shells will be available early. Copy courses as soon as possible. Moodle and BlackBoard will be down on December 17 and 18. IV. Outlook email – out of office replies will go out - but maybe not right away. New Business: I. Elizabeth Ave pedestrian crossing is dangerous. What can be done? This has been discussed with Chauncey Bowers; response: it is the responsibility of the city. CPCC may petition to have city enforce laws on the street at the crossing. A motion was made to petition the city to enforce their traffic laws around campus. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. II. A request was made to ask administration to negotiate with YMCA for reduced membership fees for CPCC employees. Next Meeting Time: 2nd Tuesday of the month (2:30): Location: Allied Health Bldg., Room 4510 Respectfully submitted, Secretary