PROPHE Miscellaneous Data File June 2005 This PROPHE file contains miscellaneous data from various publications. PROPHE’s purpose here is just to collect and report others’ data. These data deal with private higher education institutions, enrolment, finance, faculty, program, etc. Viewers are encouraged to see PROPHE’s more systematic country-by-country data at The file is organized alphabetically by region (International, Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America) and then by countries within regions. We use the following abbreviations: PE: private education PHE: private higher education PHEI: private higher education institution(s). This file is composed by PROPHE doctoral assistant Yingxia Cao along with former assistant Yingying Xu, both working with PROPHE’s director. PROPHE plans to add more data in the future as available. Thus, PROPHE welcomes any data, sources, inquiries, or comments about this file. Country or Region Content Source International International PE Finance 1. Perkinson, Ronald. 2002. Global Education Market: Presentation to World Education Market 2001. International Financial Corporation 2001 [cited 8/3 2002]. Available from Private education expenditure (% of total) * 1997, all levels of education Sweden 2 1 Netherlands Denmark France OECD Av Hungary Spain Mexico Germany Japan Mali United States Indonesia Korea Chile Uganda 8 7 9 10 12 17 18 22 24 25 26 37 41 45 57 2. Vawda, Ayesha. 2002. Entrepreneurs in the Global Education Market. World Bank 2000 [cited January 22 2002]. Available from International PHE Enrollment Private Education Expenditure % of education system: 1995, Uganda 57%; Chile, 45%, Korea 41%, Indonesia 37%, US 26%, Mali 25%, Japan 23%, Germany 22%, France 9%, Denmark, 7%, Netherlands 3%, Sweden 2%. 1. IBRD/World-Bank. 1994. Higher Education: Lessons from Experience. Washington D. C.: World Bank. Private Enrollment of Tertiary Education% Philippines 84.6 Korea 78.3 Japan 75.0 Belgium 64.6 Indonesia 63.0 Colombia 61.0 India 60.5 Brazil 60.0 Bangladesh 57.3 Netherlands 53.0 Nicaragua 41.4 Paraguay 40.5 Austria 40.3 Jordan 32.6 Peru 32.0 2 Ecuador Chile Zaire Nepal Portugal U.S.A. Guatemala Thailand El Salvador Mexico Venezuela Argentina Honduras Rwanda Malaysia Bolivia Italy Spain Papua New Guinea Kenya Zimbabwe Panama Dominican Rep. Sweden Pakistan 28.5 28.4 25.0 24.2 24.1 22.6 19.2 17.7 17.2 17.0 17.0 16.0 15.8 15.0 11.2 11.1 10.0 9.2 6.9 5.0 5.0 4.4 4.3 1.4 0.8 2. Perkinson, Ronald. 2002. Global Education Market: Presentation to World Education Market 2001. International Financial Corporation 2001 [cited 8/3 2002]. Available from Enrollment in PHE as a % of total (Source IBRD – 1999), ** Latest Internal ADB est YR 2001) Bolivia 8 Spain 18 Argentina 20 3 México United States Peru Portugal Paraguay Korea Chile Brazil Indonesia Belgium Colombia El Salvador Dominican Republic Japan Philippines International PHE Enrollment PHEI 21 32 34 38 47 52 53 59 60 63 64 69 71 76 76 Holtta, S. 1990. Economics of Private Universities. In The International Encyclopedia of Education: Research and Studies, Supplementary, edited by T. H. a. T. N. Postlethwaite. Oxford: Pergamon Press. PHEI: USA, After WWII, PHEI decreased from one half to 20 to 25%. Early 1990s, 1,500 or about one-half of all institutions; the top 50 4 year colleges are all private, and among the top 10 universities, 6 or 7 are private (see page 477) EU: PHE: 1980s, Belgian 2/3 enrollment, Netherlands PHE is extensive. Private alternative or provision side by side in French, UK, Germany, Sweden (477). Asia: 1970s, PHE enrollment grew from 201,000 to 615,000 in Republic of Korea, from 652,000 to 1,276,000 in Philippines. Japan since 1960 to 1980 from 714,000 to 2,412,000. (478). In 1980s, Philippine, Japan, and Korean, more than 3/4 enrollment in PHEI. (478). Latin America: PHEI: 1940 2 of 20 nations has PHEI, 1970s, 18 countries. Enrollment: 1930s, 3% of total; 1955 and 1975 are 14% to 34%. 1970 to 1980 from 430,000 (private 237,000) to 1,345,000 (private 852,000) in Brazil, and 85,000 (private 39,000) and 306,000 (181,000 private) in Columbia. 1980s, 63% in Brazil and 59% in Columbia of PHEI enrollment. Average 1/3 enrollment in 1980s in LA. (478) International PHE Finance World Bank, Thematic Data: Private, 1999. PHE/Total Education Expenditures 4 Education Expenditures, available online at YR98 YR99 Argentina YR90 YR91 YR92 YR93 YR94 YR95 YR96 YR97 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.4 .. 25.7 .. Australia .. 20.3 .. 24.3 25.3 27.0 .. 31.0 43.9 (31.9) .. Austria .. .. .. 1.2 .. 2.4 .. .. 1.1 .. Belgium (FL.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10.0* .. .. Canada .. 14.4 2.6 15.5 9.2 18.0 .. 18.0 43.4 (17.3) .. Chile .. .. .. .. .. .. 73.0 .. 75.8 (69.1) .. Costa Rica 5.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Croatia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12.0 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. .. 20.4 .. 14.0 14.1 .. Denmark .. 0.0 1.2 0.4 0.0 1.0 .. 1.0 2.8 .. Ecuador .. .. .. 5.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. Egypt .. .. .. .. 15.0 .. .. .. .. .. Finland .. .. .. 0.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. France .. .. 8.9 15.9 16.6 10.7 .. 12.0 14.5 (10.3) .. Germany .. 0.0 .. 9.5 9.6 7.0 .. 7.0 7.9 .. Haiti .. 5.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Hungary .. 6.7 .. 17.2 .. 20.0 .. 21.0 23.4 (21.0) .. Iceland .. .. .. 6.9 .. .. .. .. 2.3 .. Indonesia .. .. .. .. .. 56.7 .. .. .. 56.4 Ireland .. 14.3 16.7 19.7 21.0 21.0 .. 21.0 27.4 (22.5) .. Israel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40.6 (34.1) .. Italy .. .. .. .. .. 17.1 .. 18.0 25.3 (19.0) .. Japan .. 60.8 60.3 60.2 53.5 .. .. .. 58.3 .. Jordan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24.0 .. .. Korea, Republic of .. .. .. 80.8 84.0 .. .. .. 83.3 (82.6) .. Malaysia 5.8 .. .. .. .. .. 4.0 .. .. .. Mexico .. .. .. .. .. 22.6 .. .. 12.1 .. Netherlands .. 0.2 .. 3.0 2.0 1.5 .. 3.0 12.5 (3.5) .. Norway .. .. .. .. .. 6.4 .. 7.0 6.0 .. Peru .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 55.4 .. Philippines 26.0 .. .. .. 22.0 54.3 .. 55.5 .. .. Portugal .. .. .. 8.9 .. 3.5 .. 2.0 7.7 .. Spain .. 18.5 16.6 19.0 21.9 24.0 .. 23.0 27.9 (24.0) .. Sweden .. 0.0 0.7 8.6 6.9 6.0 .. 9.0 10.7 .. Switzerland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.5 (0) .. 5 Thailand .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 67.5 .. Trinidad and Tobago .. .. .. .. .. 15.0 .. .. .. .. Turkey .. 4.1 .. 1.7 5.9 .. .. .. 5.8 (3.7) .. Turkmenistan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.5 .. .. United Kingdom .. .. .. 0.0 0.0 10.0 .. 12.0 37.3 (24.9) .. United States .. 43.8 45.5 48.3 51.5 .. .. .. 53.2 (47.5) .. Vietnam .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 54.0 .. Zambia 1.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. *: 1997 Belgium (FL.) figure includes private payment for post-secondary non-tertiary education. Private Tertiary Education Expenditures as a Percentage of GDP: Tertiary Education Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Private education expenditure (% of GDP), tertiary YR YR90 91 YR92 YR93 YR94 YR95 YR96 YR97 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.28 .. .. 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.45 0.69 .. .. .. .. .. 0.11 0.01 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.03 .. .. 0.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.4 0.1 0.8 0.65 0.91 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.33 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 .. .. 0 0.1 .. .. .. 0.2 .. .. 0 .. 0.1 .. .. .. .. .. 0.3 .. .. 0.8 0.51 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.55 .. .. 0.5 .. 6 .. 0.01 0.4 0.27 0.1 0.19 0.05 .. .. 0.29 0.53 0.31 0.64 0.4 0.27 0.07 0.2 0.05 .. 1 0.28 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.13 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Italy Japan .. .. .. 0.5 .. 0.5 Kenya .. .. 0.2 Korea, Republic of Malaysia Mexico Netherlands Norway Philippines Portugal Russia South Africa Spain Sweden Turkey .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 .. .. .. .. .. 0.2 0 0 .. .. .. 0 .. .. .. .. .. 0.2 0 .. .. 0.7 .. .. 1.1 .. .. .. United Kingdom United States Vietnam West Bank & Gaza International PHE Developing Countries 0.1 0.6 0.15 0.59 0.13 0.58 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.11 .. .. 0.44 .. .. 0.2 .. .. 0.3 0.8 0.1 1.48 .. 0.23 0.39 0.75 1.05 0.08 .. 0.27 0.34 0.79 1.38 1.52 .. 0.27 0.36 .. .. .. 0 .. 0.34 0.7 .. .. 0.05 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 1.1 .. 0.2 1.3 .. 0.27 1.36 0.17 0.39 1.35 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.6 LaRocque, Norman. 2000. Private Higher Education in Developing Countries: Private Interest ... Public Good. Paper read at NZAPEP Cooperative Change in Tertiary Education Conference. The size of private higher education sector: –100% of professional training market in Cote d’Ivoire –44% of skills training market in The Gambia –almost non-existent in Mauritania –75% of tertiary colleges in India –9 private colleges and 200 private training institutes with 8,200 students - 21% of higher education sector - in Oman –1,274 private institutions, with 4 million students in China –37 tertiary institutions in Ghana (11 accredited). Africa Africa PHE Sawyerr, Akilagpa. 2002. Challenges Facing African Universities: Association of African Universities. Draft. 7 Enrollment Table 1: Private University Enrolment as % of Total University Enrolment (Selected Countries) Cote d’Ivoire 19 6 20 ? 14 Ghana (2000/01) Kenya Senegal Uganda Source: Various Table 2: Women As % of University Enrolment (selected countries and Institutions) (%) Public Universities Congo Marien Ngouabi Paradox Institute (1999/2000) Business Admin Inst. Ghana Univ. of Ghana (2001/02) Private universities (average) Kenya (averages) Mozambique (1999) (averages) Nigeria (1998) Bayero (2001) Senegal Universite Cheikh Anta Diop (1998) Uganda Mbarara (1998/99) Makerere (2000) Nkumba Uganda Martyrs Swaziland University of Swaziland (2001) Private Universities. 24 57 50 35 30 25 35 27 37.5 54.5 43 26.5 28.6 34 56 50 51.9 Source: Various Africa PHE PHEI LaRocque, Norman. 2000. Private Higher Education in Developing Countries: Private Interest ... Public Good. Paper read at NZAPEP Cooperative Change in Tertiary Education Conference. –at least 3 new university colleges currently being set up in Ghana 8 –a new private university is being created in Bahrain –3 private universities approved in Oman. Nine private colleges created since mid-1990s –7 applications for private universities and 25 for private training colleges in Cameroon Africa Ethiopia Africa Kenya PHE PHEI Enrollment At the system level, 8 public universities; Total enrollments have nearly tripled from 39,576 in 1996/97 to 101,729 in 2002/03 (regular + evening). 12 private tertiary institutions now enroll 35,402 students or 21% o f all tertiary students. 47,453 students were enrolled in evening courses in public universities in 2002/03 and an additional 35,402 were enrolled in private institutions. Notably, 53% o f private tertiary students are female. (2001/02) In 2001/2002, women accounted for 16% o f degree enrollments in regular and evening programs o f public institutions, but 32% o f diploma enrollments in these same programs. Private tertiary education is a rapidly expanding part of Ethiopia's higher education system, increasing by 40% between 1999/2000 and 2001/2002. Source: Higher Education Development for Ethiopia: Pursuing the Vision. Sector Study. World Bank. Jan 2003. PHE PHEI Enrollment Eisemon, Thomas Owen, John Sheehan, George Eyoku, Franklin Van Buer, Delane Welsch, Louisa Masutti, Nat Colletta, and Lee Roberts. 1993. Strengthening Uganda's Policy Environment for Investing in University Development. Washington D.C.: Population and Human Resources Department, World Bank. Enrollment in Kenyan Private Universities and Colleges 1990/91 Institution Diploma 1. Univ. of Eastern Africa 2. Catholic Higher Eastern Africa Institute Undergraduate Postgraduate 564 Total 564 of 3. Daystar Univ. College 4. US Int'l Univ. College 5. Pan Africa Christian Coll. 23 13 36 458 358 20 69 478 427 77 77 81 93 6. St. Paul's Theological College 12 7. East Africa School of Theology 50 50 8. Nairobi Evangelical Grad. School of Theology 9. Nairobi Int'l School of Theology 47 53 53 91 138 10. Kenyan Highlands Bible College 65 24 89 69 69 11. Scott Theological College Total 124 9 1,704 246 2,074 Source: Republic of Kenya, Commission for Higher Education Africa Kenya PHE PHEI Programs Eisemon, Thomas Owen, John Sheehan, George Eyoku, Franklin Van Buer, Delane Welsch, Louisa Masutti, Nat Colletta, and Lee Roberts. 1993. Strengthening Uganda's Policy Environment for Investing in University Development. Washington D.C.: Population and Human Resources Department, World Bank. Undergraduate Major and Postgraduate Programs of Four Private Institutions, 1990-91 U. of E. AfricaBaraton Christian Higher Institute of E.A. US U.Coll. Bible & Theology Business Communication Humanities Soc. & Natural Science Education Education & Social Ethnics Business Education Political Science and Int'l Rel. Pastoral Studies Theology Business Management Daystar Int'l Under-graduate Arts Science Technology Business Education Nursing Agriculture Post-graduate Communication Councelling Psychology Source: University calendars, 1990-91, 1991-92 Africa PHE PHEI World Bank. 2002. Mozambique - Higher Education Project. Washington D.C.: Human Development 1, Country Department 2, Africa Region, World Bank. Mozambiqu e Year Number of Established/Upgraded Courses to HE Status (2001) Number of Students (1999) Eduardo Mondlanc University (UEM) 1962 (Renamed 1976) 22 6,800 Pedagogic University (UP) 1985 (Renamed 1995) 12 1,987 Name/Ownership Public Institutions Higher Institute for International Relations (ISRI) 1 234 National School of Mozambique (ENM) 3 n.a. 10 Academy of Police Science (UCM) 1986 (Upgraded 1991) 2 127 Catholic University of Mozabique (UCM) 1999 9 1,035 Mussa Ban Bik University (UMB) 1995 3 133 (in 2000) Higher Polytechnic and University Institute 1995 8 919 Higher Institute of Science and Mozambique (ISCTEM) 1998 7 644 Institute of Transport and Communication (ISUTC) 1999 3 200 Private Institutions Private Denominatinal Institutions Private Profit Institutions Africa PE Enrollment SubSaharan Africa Technology of Kitaev, Igor. 2002. Private Education Development and Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa: a Retrospective. International Institute for Educational Planning/UNESCO 1999 [cited 2002]. Available from Private Enrolment as a percentage of total enrolment 1985/1995 Francophon e Africa Primary PHE Secondary 1985 1995 1985 1995 Benin X 5.5 X 7.9 Burkina Faso 9 8 48 35 Burundi 1 1 13 11 Cameroon 34 24 49 X Central African Republic X X 8 X Congo X 2 X 0 Cote D'Ivoire 11 12 29 36 Djibouti 4 13 X 10.9 Gabon 33 29 39 40 Guinea X 9 X 2 Mali 4 8 9 X Niger 3 3 11 10 Rwanda 0 X 26 X Senegal 9 10 29 22 Togo 23 29 13 14 Eisemon, Thomas Owen, John Sheehan, George Eyoku, Franklin Van Buer, Delane Welsch, Louisa Masutti, Nat 11 Enrollment Uganda Colletta, and Lee Roberts. 1993. Strengthening Uganda's Policy Environment for Investing in University Development. Washington D.C.: Population and Human Resources Department, World Bank. Public and Private University Enrollments, 1990/91 University Africa PHE Enrollment West Africa Total Enrollment % Makerere Mbarara Islamic University 6,694 142 346 93 2 5 Total 7,182 100 Vawda, Ayesha. 2002. Entrepreneurs in the Global Education Market. World Bank 2000 [cited January 22 2002]. Available from Tertiary 66% Cote d'lovire (annual enrollment growth from 1991/2-1995/6) Late 1990s, private education market %: Gambia 21, Senegal 15, Cote d'lvoire 19. Asia Asia PHE PHEI Enrollment Blomqvist, Ake, and Emmanuel Jimenez. 1989. The Public Role in Private Post-Secondary Education: A Review of Issues and Options. Washington D.C.: Policy, Planning and Research Department, World Bank. Asian Countries, Share of Private Institutions in Total Enrollment Country Year Indonesia Korea Philippines Malaysia Thailand 1982 1983 1975 1984 1982 Private Enrollment as % of the Total HEI 52.9 HES 75.0 HE 90.1 Univ. & Equiv. Insti. * 22.9 HEI-MUA 4.1 Type of Institutions HEI: Higher education institutions, including tertiary institutions: universities, colleges, academies and institutes. HES: Higher education sector: junior colleges, university colleges, and post graduate programs. HE: Higher education institutions seem to refer to universities and equivalent institutes. (*): Approximately 50 percent of the enrollment in post-secondary higher education institutions. 12 HEI-MUA: Higher education institutions under the supervision of the Ministry of University Affairs (MUA). Private or public nature of “open” universities is not well defined. Sources: Based on data from various World Bank reports. Asia PHEI Azerbeijan Asia China PHEI PHE Enrollment The list of private universities recognized by the Ministry of Education in Azerbeijan: 1. "Azerbaijan" University 2. "Asia" Baku University 3. Western University 4. "Khazar" University 5. Baku Higher Pedagogical school for girls 6. Higher Diplomatic College 7. American University in Baku 8. "Nakhchivan" University 9. Azerbaijany branch of Academic centre of San-Marino International Sciences Academy 10. "Taffakkur" University 11. "Odlar Yurdu" University 12. "Gafgaz" University 13. Scientific Education Centre of Guandja city China Education Daily. 2002. Minban Higher Education Develops Effectively (henan minban gaojiao cheng qihou xian xiaoyi). China Education Daily, January 22, 1. 36 PHEI have property over RMB10 million with 3 over RMB1 billion; totally 4,400 acres of land, RMB83, 080,000 equipment, 1,930,000 books and publications; equal to RMB5.53billion. 115 PHEI, includes 4 with rights to grant certificates of Associate and Master degree, Examination & Certificate 20; student enrollment 76,000, 22.7% of the province student higher education enrollment. Asia China PHE PHEI Enrollment In 2002, total number of PHEIs is 1202, with total enrollment of 1.35million, an increase of 0.2731million from 2001. The nation has a total of 2003 HEIs and 5.4282 million students. Among them, 133 PHEIs can grant associate or bachelor degrees, which enroll 0.3198 million students. Source: MOE, Beijing China,, 2/27/2003 13 Asia China PHEI PHE Finance China Education Daily. 2002. Minban Higher Education Develops Effectively (henan minban gaojiao cheng qihou xian xiaoyi). China Education Daily, January 22, 1. 1999, 1,207 minban colleges, educating 1.5 million student of total 7.2 million, official figure, 37 of the minban colleges, were accredited to grant any kind of certificate or degree. Haidian's average salary is $360 a month, only 20 to 30 percent higher than at public colleges. Their average annual pay of $4,320 puts them above the average urban income of $700 Average tuition is about $1,000 per year, which generated $11.7-million in revenue last year, and the average for freshmen is $569. Asia PHEI Enrollment Iran Asia Jordan PHE Enrollment IBRD/World-Bank. 1994. Higher Education: Lessons from Experience. Washington D. C.: World Bank. P. 38 Iran Islamic Azad University was established in 1983. Til 1992, its student enrollment has increased from 2,500 to more than 300,000, degree programs from 10 to 126, and the number of campuses from 9 to 116, located in 105 cities. IAU students represent 40% of total higher education enrollment in the country while the remaining 60% attend public tuition-free institutions. But only 14% of faculties are full-time. 1. IBRD/World-Bank. 1994. Higher Education: Lessons from Experience. Washington D. C.: World Bank. P.31 Jordan, 52% enrollments in public and private community colleges or teacher training, and private higher education institutions enroll 32.6% of college students. 2. World Bank. 1996. Jordan - Higher Education Development Study. Washington D.C.: Human Resources Division, Country Department II, Middle East and North Africa Region, World Bank. Enrollments in Universities and Community Colleges and Percentages of Females Where Available Public Public Universities Universities Under-graduate Post-graduate 19891990 Total Female 28098 19901991 Total Female 31517 19911992 Total Female 35915 19921993 Total Female 19931994 Total Female Total 44026 46% 44511 48% 48922 1994- 3659 Private Universities Community Colleges Total 0 37632 69389 45% 4292 1324 46% 56% 52% 40774 77907 55% 49% 4949 4072 38185 83121 5501 25% 4812 26% 5225 27% 7003 27% 11319 28% 15908 55% 31976 62% 25292 61% 22471 52% 88506 49% 85934 48% 92526 45% 14 1995 Asia Jordan PHE Enrollment PHEI Female 48% 26% 27% 64% 47% World Bank. 2000. Jordan - Higher Education Development Project. Washington D.C.: Human Development Group, Middle East and North Africa Region, World Bank. p. 2: 1999 1/3 of enrollment is in PHE, a 26-fold increase in 8 years, while public community colleges were stagnant. Annex 4, p. 1 reports private university 24,868 (public university 51758) and private community college 10303 (public community college 12342) for 1996, so it could be that there are 35000 private university students by 1999. P. 2 1999 PHEI = 7 universities & 10 community colleges EdInvest News, April 2005 Asia PHE Faculty By 2000, there were 1,493 private schools, three private four-year colleges and eighteen private universities, which the Jordanian government began licensing in 1990. Amman University being the first private university to open its doors with an enrollment of 1,324 students. (International Higher Education, 1997). By 1998, thirty-five percent of university students attended private institution. World Bank. 1996. Jordan - Higher Education Development Study. Washington D.C.: Human Resources Division, Country Department II, Middle East and North Africa Region, World Bank. Jordan Faculties in Two Private Universities Jordan University for Amman University Women Faculty: Asia PHEI Enrollment Arts and Sciences X X Economics & Administrative Sciences Law X X X Engineering (Architecture) X X Pharmacy & Medical Sciences X X Educational Sciences X World Bank. 1996. Jordan - Higher Education Development Study. Washington D.C.: Human Resources Division, Country Department II, Middle East and North Africa Region, World Bank. Jordan Evolution of Enrollments in Private Universities and Percent of Females (in parenthesis) 15 1990-91 Amman Private University 1324 Applied Sciences University -- 2135 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 (19.2) 2919 (22.4) 3278 (24.2) 3203 (27.1) Al-Isra Philadelphia 553 (17.4) 549 (11.3) 264 (15.5) 1810 (17.7) 3950 (20.2) 5531 (20.6) 876 (12.7) 1367 (12.9) 1697 (13.3) 370 (14.9) 572 (17.7) 1100 (19.5) Jordan University for Women PSUCT* Music Academy -- -Al-Zaytoonah -- -Jarash Private -- -UNRWA College -- -Irbid National -- -Zarqa Private -- -- 451 (100) 120 (18.3) -- --- --- --- --- --- -- 717 (100) 244 (16.4) 67 (38.8) -- --- --- --- --- -- 4072 7003 Total -- 1991-92 1324 977 372 70 240 244 299 --- (100) (19.4) (37.1) (27.9) (21.3) (55.4) --- 11369 1169 (100) 572 (11.2) 54 (29.6) 880 (39.9) 889 (21.3) 512 (53.5) 337 (25.0) 176 (29.0) 16120 *PSUCT: Princess Sumayya University College for Technology. Asia Kyrgyzstan Asia PHE Institutions Enrollment PHE PHEI Malaysia Asia PHE Enrollment Private% of total HEIs, 29.4%; Private% of Total enrollment, 7.4%, 2001. Source: Ministry of Education and Culture of Kyrgyzstan: Lee, Molly N. N. 2001. Private Higher Education in Malaysia: Expansion, Diversification and Consolidation. Paper read at Second Regional Seminar on Private Higher Education: Its Role in Human Resource Development in a Globalised Knowledge Society, at Bangkok, Thailand: Organized by UNESCO PROAP and SEAMEO RIHED, June 20-22. 1999 private/total higher education 43%; 1985 9%. 1999 roughly 600 PHEI vs. 152 in 1992; 2001 12 universities vs. 0 in 1995. Wu, Kin Bing. 1994. Mongolia - Financing Education During Economic Transition. Washington D.C.: China and Mongolia Department, World Bank. Mongolia Enrollment by Level of Education 1991-1992 Kindergarten Primary and Secondary Secondary Vocational Post-secondary Technical 1992-93 (09/25/92) Enrollment % Enrollment Public Private % of Public 88,811 401,256 12,534 12,789 16.8 76.0 2.4 2.4 85,691 384,069 13,328 7,749 81,817 384,069 11,537 7,749 3,874 1,791 - 15.5 72.8 2.2 1.5 16 Higher Education Higher Institutes Universities Total Enrollment 12,303 - 2.3 - 15,639 3,384 12,255 14,052 1,587 12,255 1,587 1,797 - 2.7 - 527,693 100.0 506,476 499,224 7,252 100.0 Source: Ministry of Science and Education. Asia PHE PHEI Wu, Kin Bing. 1994. Mongolia - Financing Education During Economic Transition. Washington D.C.: China and Mongolia Department, World Bank. Mongolia Educational Institutions 1991-1992 Total (State) Total 771 675 41 32 9 4 806 679 41 23 28 21 771 679 39 23 12 5 35 2 16 16 5 7 7 - Kindergarten Primary and Secondary Secondary Vocational Post-secondary Technical Higher Education Higher Institutes Universities Asia Pakista PHEI 1992-93 (09/25/92) State Private Ministry of Education. Report of the Task Force on Improvement of Higher Education in Pakistan, January 2002. Pakistan Categories and Distribution of Universities and Other Degree-Awarding Institutions Area Subtotal Total Sector General Agricultu re Engineeri ng Medicine Degree- Awarding Institutions Public 20 4 7 1 9 41 Private 15 0 1 2 9 27 35 4 8 3 18 68 Categories and Distribution of Colleges 17 Total Secto r Gener al Agricultu re Busines s Fine Art Educati on Home Economi cs La w Medici ne Physical Educatio n Tota l 5 Technica l Educatio n 23 Publi c Priva te 494 5 35 - 18 4 14 37 47 - 36 1 6 - 26 2 - 1 119 541 5 71 1 24 4 40 39 5 24 754 635 Enrollment in Universities and Degree-granting Institutions (UGC data for 1999-2000) Universities Enrolment and Percent 11 ,830 21,490 139,320 Sub-total for Public Universities Sub-total for Private Universities Total Enrolment in Universities (85%) (15%) (100%) Enrollment in Colleges Asia Philippines PHE Faculty Type Public Colleges Private Colleges General Profession al Total 217,670 (65%) 78,690 (23%) 296,360 (88%) 11,370 27,770 39,150 (3%) (8%) (12%) Total 229,040 106,460 335,500 (68%) (32%) (100) Occasional Paper No.68 National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education Teachers College, Columbia University Evaluating Private Higher Education in the Philippines: The Case for Choice, Equity and Efficiency. Charisse Gulosino Faculty in Higher Institutions, 1996-1997 Public % Below Instructor 3,997 12.7 Instructor 10,663 33.8 Asst. Professor 6,139 19.5 Assoc. Professor 4,026 12.7 18 Professor of Higher 2,315 7.3 Not Known 4,372 13.8 Total 31,512 100 Private 6,182 32,664 9,261 4,343 3,689 2,024 5,816 % Total 10.6 10,192 56.1 43,361 15.9 15,419 7.4 8,382 6.3 6,011 3.5 6,410 100 89,775 11.4 48.3 17.2 9.3 6.7 7.1 100 % Source: Acedo, 2000; CHED Statistical Bulletin, 1996/97. Asia Philippines PHE PHEI 1. Lee, Molly N. N. 2001. Private Higher Education in Malaysia: Expansion, Diversification and Consolidation. Paper read at Second Regional Seminar on Private Higher Education: Its Role in Human Resource Development in a Globalised Knowledge Society, at Bangkok, Thailand: Organized by UNESCO PROAP and SEAMEO RIHED, June 20-22. For around the year 2000, 1147 PHEI and 210 public. 2. Occasional Paper No.68 National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education Teachers College, Columbia University Evaluating Private Higher Education in the Philippines: The Case for Choice, Equity and Efficiency. Charisse Gulosino Share of Private Higher Education (% Total) 1955 93 96 Institutions Students 1965 94 89 1975 83 86 1985 72 85 1995 79 75 1999 81 75 Source: Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Statistical Bulletin, various years. Number of Higher Institutions in the Philippines, 1990- 1998 Public Institutions National universities and colleges with independent charters* Institutions supervised by the Commission on Higher Education Local universities and colleges Others SUBTOTAL PUBLIC Private Institutions Non-sectarian Sectarian SUBTOTAL PRIVATE Total 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 138 138 136 140 200 204 207 219 219 266 328 335 349 59 58 57 92 110 105 105 102 102 71 3 1 1 34 34 33 29 28 34 34 38 38 35 40 40 42 231 230 226 261 338 35 378 34 380 18 337 18 337 18 390 18 389 15 391 15 407 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 198 1999 2000 2001 2002 412 225 637 412 224 636 412 224 636 522 245 767 684 266 950 728 281 101 9 764 281 104 5 830 288 111 8 830 288 111 8 875 298 117 3 909 305 121 4 926 309 123 5 942 316 125 8 868 866 862 1028 1287 1397 1425 1495 1495 1563 1603 1626 1665 19 *Includes satellite schools Source: Commission on Higher Education Statistics Bulletin, various years. Asia Philippines PHEI Enrollment and Programs Occasional Paper No.68 National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education Teachers College, Columbia University Evaluating Private Higher Education in the Philippines: The Case for Choice, Equity and Efficiency. Charisse Gulosino Philippines: Distribution of Enrollments by Field of Study, 1990-2001 *Not available Source: Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Statistical Bulletin, various years. Field of Study General Education and Teacher Training Fine and Applied Arts Humanities Religion and Theology Social and behavioral Science Business Admin. And Related Law and Jurisprudence Natural Science Mathematics and Computer Science Medical and Allied Trade, Craft and Industrial Engineering Architectural and Town Planning Agricultural, Forestry, Fisheries, Vet Med Home Economics Service Trades Mass communication and Documentation Other Disciplines TOTAL Asia Taiwan PHE Institutions Enrollment 1990-1991 Public Private Na* Na 87,220 170,418 Na Na - Na Na 4,711 Na 1996-1997 Public Private 20,341 87,010 150,142 151,005 2000-2001 Public Private 29,116 96,652 199,150 277,645 2,604 9,629 - 8,318 4,385 8,397 2,501 7,104 - 5,320 4,172 7,285 Na 19,757 2,116 16,623 20,931 53,812 32,679 92,301 683,054 12,384 699,159 1,357 13,224 1,640 14,252 1,716 17,010 Na Na Na Na 13,794 22,391 9,237 131,114 15,409 28,897 8,260 189,778 Na Na Na Na 167,071 5,193 184,051 17,075 19,878 8,799 172,095 17,227 41,776 Na 181,473 Na 105,209 5,193 200,634 17,075 129,546 8,799 221,118 17,227 41,776 8,230 63,802 7,426 75,399 6,210 4,511 2,509 6,390 315 5,660 5,614 6,751 2,498 8,504 583 5,132 6,182 3,912 550,470 130,705 1,670,368 23,717 709,100 173,144 1,927,939 Na Na Na Na Na Na Na 298,529 Na 1,251,110 Number of Higher Eduation Institutions at Each 20 Level (School Year: 2003-2004) Total 8,252 16 142 Total Jr. Colleges Uni. & Colleges Public 5,752 3 51 Private 2,500 13 91 Number of Higher Education Enrollment at Each Level (School Year: 2003-2004) Total Public Total 289,025 30,477 Female 158,497 16,414 Total 981,169 325,906 Female 478,628 142,059 Jr. Colleges Uni. & Colleges Private 258,548 142,083 655,263 336,569 SOURCE: The Ministry of Education (MoE), Taiwan Web site: Statistics & Research/ Summary of Statistics (2003-2004): *NOTE: The classifications of “University” and “Higher Education Institution” utilized derive from the definitions of the MoE. As seen in the original tables of the MoE below, “Uni. & Colleges” was translated as “University (in the table above)”, and “Uni. & Colleges + Jr. Colleges” was translated as “Higher Education Institutions [HEIs] (in the table above).” The MoE provides additional detailed classification for the definitions (e.g. 5-year Junior Colleges, and Institute of Technology 4-year). Asia Turkey PHE Institutions Enrollment Private Higher Education (Institutions and Enrollment) Development in Turkey (1986-2004) Academic Year No. of Total PHEIs 4 or more year program enrollment 2 year program enrollment TOTAL Enrollment 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 389 1079 2207 3202 4243 5043 5668 6404 37 301 881 1172 1603 1697 1818 2060 426 1380 3088 4374 5846 6740 7486 8464 21 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 3 3 7 13 15 18 18 20 22 23 7106 7350 10067 16164 22828 30947 40612 45003 49308 57623 1957 1753 2579 3824 4539 5297 5410 4507 7905 11061 9063 9103 12646 19988 27367 36244 46022 49510 57213 68684 Note: The above table does not include Mersin Ilaga Education and Culture Foundation in 2003-2004 and 2004-2005, and Anadolu Culture and Education Foundation in 2004-2005. Contributed by Australia & Oceania Australia & Oceaia PHE Enrollment New Zealand DEGREE: 31 government institutions and 15 Private; that makes 67% government and 33% private DIPLOMA AND ABOVE: 35 government and 107 Private; that makes 25% government and 75% private. Source: contributed by Malcolm Abbott [ He notes: “The title "university" is a legally protected one in NZ and the eight government owned universities are the only ones allowed to use it”. Europe Europe PHE Enrollment Private Higher Education Enrollment, Central and Eastern Europe (academic year 2002 - 2003) Country Number of students Public 1. Albania[1] % Private % Total 43,600 99.8 100 0.2 43,700 2. Belarus 279,299 82.7 58,625 17.3 337,924 3. Bulgaria 199,529 86.6 30,984 13.4 230,513 22 4. Croatia 136,860 97.3 3,871 2.7 140,731 5. Czech Republic 240,865 96.8 7,891 3.2 248,756 50,709 79.7 12,916 20.3 63,625 327,456[5] 85.8 54,104[5] 14.2 381,560 8. Latvia 91,745 [7] 77.1 27,199 22.9 118,944 9. Lithuania 139,244 95.5 6,540 4.5 145,784 10 The FYR of . Macedonia[8] 47,537 96.5 1,738 3.5 49,275 11 Moldova . 83,700 80.0 26,500 20.0 110,200 1,271,728 70.6 528,820 29.4 1,800,548 457,259 76.7 139,038 23.3 596,297 14 Russian Federation . 5,228,700 87.9 718,800 12.1 5,947,500 15 Slovak Republic[10] . 141,205 99.6 600 0.4 141,805 98,510 97.1 2,948 2.9 101,458 2,031,667 88.0 237,100 12.0 2,264,767 ... ... ... ... 101,399[12] 6. Estonia 7. Hungary 12 Poland . 13 Romania[9] . 16 Slovenia[9] . 17 Ukraine . 18 Bosnia and . Herzegovina (Academic year 2001-2002) Country Country 1. 2. 3 5. 5. Albania[1] Belarus Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Number of students Public* % 42,160 259,993 199,716 109,928 225,136 100.0 86.0 87.4 97.7 98.5 23 Private 0,0 41,760 28,678 2,591 3,499 % Total 0.0 14.0 12.6 2.3 1.5 42,160 301,753 228,394 112,519 228,635 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 15. 16. Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania The FYR of Macedonia Republic of Moldova[7] Poland[8] Romania[1] Russian Federation[1] Slovak Republic[1] Slovenia[10] 17. Ukraine 11. 12. 13. 14. 47,200 300,360 89,724 [4] 114,429 44,710[5] 78.0 86.0 81.2 97.6 100.0 13,200 48,941[3] 20,776 2,861 0,0 22.0 14.0 18.8 2.4 0.0 60,400 349,301 110,500 117,290 44,710 77,549 75.0 25,869 25.0 103,418 1,271,728 435,406 4,797,400 70.6 74.8 85.5 528,820 146,815 811,056 29.4 25.2 14.5 1,800,548 582,221 5,608,456 136,761 97,658 99.3 98.4 1,067 1,556 0.7 1.6 137,828 99,214 2,031,667 89.5 10.5 2,269,767 238,100 (academic year 2000-2001) Country Albania Belarus Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania The FYR of Macedonia Moldova Poland* Romania Number of students Total Number of teaching staff Public 23,704 241,100 215,676 117,205 % 100 87 88.5 98.6 Private 0 35,900 27,916 1,646 % 0 13 11.5 1.4 23,704 277,000 243,595 118,851 3,075 20,086 23,329 5,585 213,207 38,511 255,943 78,156 … 99 74.8 85.7 87.3 … 2,000 12,963 42,561 11,353 … 1 25.2 14.3 12.7 … 215,207 51,474 298,504 89,509 99,140 14,890 3,715 22,873 5,160 … 39,978 79,713 97.7 77.4 923 23,210 2.3 22,6 40,901 102,923 1,106,798 322,129 70.1 71.1 471,443 130,492 29.9 28.9 1,578,241 452,621 2.634 7,700 80,208 24 26,977 Russian Federation 4,270,800 Slovak Republic 125,054 Slovenia 64,989 Ukraine … … 90 470,600 10 4,741,400 99.3 95.7 … 842 2,900 … 0.7 4.3 … 125,896 67,889 1,931,000 11,559 … 128,000 Source: From UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education, Europe PHE PHEI Public/Private Institutions of Higher Education, Central and Eastern Europe (2002-2003 academic year) Country Publ ic 1. Albania 11 43 37 84 28 13 30 20[2] 30 31 60 2. Belarus 3. Bulgaria 4. Croatia 5. Czech Republic 6. Estonia 7. Hungary 8. Latvia 9. Lithuania 10. The FYR of Macedonia 11. Moldova 12. Poland 125 13. Romania 55 14. Russian Federation 655 15. Slovak Republic 22 16. Slovenia[4] 62 17. Ukraine 822 25 Number of institutions Privat % % Total e 99.2 1 0.8 12 75.4 14 72.5 14 85.7 14 50.9 27 37.0 22 45.0 36[1] 54.0 17 69.8 13 86.1 5 55.5 48 24.6 27.5 14.3 49.1 63.0 55.0 46.0 30.2 13.9 44.5 57 51 98 55 35 66 37 43 36 108 33.2 252 66.8 377 44.0 70 56.0 125[3] 63.0 384 37.0 1,039 95.7 1 4.3 23 78.5 17 21.5 79 82.4 175 17.6 997 18. Bosnia and Herzegovina ... ... ... ... 7 (2001-2002 academic year) Country Number of institutions % Private 100.0 0 78.6 12 78.0 11 88.7 11 62.2 17 39.0 20 46.0 35[2] 55.6 16 62.9 13 100.0 0 52.6 54 35.8 221 45.2 69 61.7 385 91.3 2 82.6 12 82.4 175 Public 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Albania Belarus Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania The FYR of Macedonia Republic of Moldova[1] Poland Romania Russian Federation Slovak Republic Slovenia Ukraine 11 44 39 86 28 13 30 20[3] 22 30 60 123 57 621 21 57 822 (2000-2001 academic year) Country Albania Belarus Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Public 8 42 79 86 28 14 30 20 38 Number of institutions % Private 72.7 3 73.7 15 89.7 9 90.5 9 66.7 40 48.4 60.6 90.4 14 21 32 13 4 26 % 27.3 26.3 10.3 9.5 Total 11 57 88 95 33.3 60 51.6 39.4 9.6 42 35 62 33 42 % 0.0 21.4 22.0 11.3 37.8 61.0 54.0 44.4 37.1 0.0 47.4 64.2 54.8 38.3 8.7 17.4 17.6 Total 11 56 50[1] 97 45 33 65 36 35 30[4] 114 344 126[5] 1006 23 69 997 The FYR of Macedonia Moldova Poland Romania Russian Federation Slovak Republic Slovenia Ukraine 2 57 115 57 … 50 37.1 40.7 … 57 195 83 … 50 62.9 59.3 … 114 310 140 607 62.9 358 37.1 965 18 2 816 90 18.1 83.3 2 9 163 10 81.9 16.4 20 11 979 Source: From UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education, Europe PHE Finance “Public and Private Initiatives in Higher Education: The Case of Hungary,” written by Péter Galasi and Júlia Varga, 2002. Hungary Funding Higher Education, Hungary (million HUF) Indicator 1990 1. Total state expenditure 2000 16,843.0 117,110.0 Public institutions … … Private institutions … … 0.8 1.0 2. Total state expenditure as percentage of GDP 3. Distribution of expenditures of public higher educational institutions by source of funding (percent) Total expenditure 100.0 100.0 State budget 62.7 57.1 Institution income 37.3 42.9 Tuition fee N.A. N.A. Source: Central Statistical Office Number of Full Time Students at State Financed Places, by Ownership of Institutions, 1997 to 1999, Hungary 1997 Public Students Enrolled in State- Enrolment in State Finance Places as a % of Total Financed Places Enrolment Students Ownership of Institutions 1999 1997 1998 1999 1997 1998 1999 135,240 144,043 153,641 1998 126,554 133,987 143,000 93.6 93.0 93.0 27 Private 8,570 9,414 10,277 7,385 8,334 9,500 86.2 88.5 92.4 Church-Run 6,829 7,384 7,582 5,976 5,772 6,000 87.5 78.1 79.1 150,639 160,841 171,500 139,915 148,093 158,500 92.8 92.1 92.4 Total Source: Ministry of Education Europe Hungary PHE Institutions Enrollment Private Higher Education Institutions and Enrollment (Academic year 2003/2004) No. Of institutions Total HEI's Total Universities private total private univ. 68 24 37 6 No. Of students 409075 256941 57921 12413 Source: Contributed by Marianna Szemerszki. Europe PHE PHEI “Public and Private Initiatives in Higher Education: The Case of Hungary,” written by Péter Galasi and Júlia Varga, 2002. Hungary Dimension of Higher Education, Hungary Indicator 1990/1991 2000/2001 Number 1. Total Number of Institutions Public Institutions Private Institutions Church-Run 1.1 Colleges Public Private % Number % 77 100 65 100 62 80.5 30 46.2 13.8 0 0 9 15 19.5 26 40 52 67.5 43 66.2 42 54.5 13 20 0 0 9 13.9 10 13 21 32.3 25 32.5 22 33.8 Public 20 26 17 26.2 Private 0 0 0 0 Church-Run 5 6.5 5 7.6 17,302 100 21,138 100 17,123 99 18,519 87.6 0 0 1,381 6.5 Church-Run 1.2 Universities 2. Academic Staff Public Private 28 Church-Run 179 1 1,238 5.9 Source: Ministry of Education Europe Hungary PHE PHEI Enrollment “Public and Private Initiatives in Higher Education: The Case of Hungary,” written by Péter Galasi and Júlia Varga, 2002. Distribution of Students by Ownership of Institutions, Hungary 1990/1991 Ownership of Institutions Number Total Students Public Private Church-Run 2000/2001 % Number % 102,387 100 101,837 99.5 0 0 550 0.5 278,997 239,842 23,331 15,824 100 86 8.4 5.6 Source: Ministry of Education Distribution of Students by Type of Institutions, Hungary 1990/1991 Type of Institutions 2000/2001 Number % Number % Total Students (1+2+3) 102,387 100 305,702 100 College and University (1+2) 102,387 100 278,997 91.3 1. College 52,185 51 171,203 56 Public 52,185 51 141,020 46.2 Private 0 0 23,331 7.6 Church-Run 0 0 6,852 2.2 2. University 50,202 49 107,794 35.3 Public 49,652 48.5 95,822 32.4 Private 0 0 0 0 550 0.5 8,972 2.9 3. Other 0 0 26,705 0 Post-secondary Vocational Training 0 0 2,153 0.7 Postgraduate Education 0 0 20,250 6.6 Ph.D. 0 0 4,302 1.4 Church-Run Source: Ministry of Education Distribution of Students by Type of Programmes, Hungary Type of Programmes 1990/1991 Number 1999/2000 % 29 Number % Total Students* 102,387 100 278,997 100 1. Full Time 76,601 74.8 171,612 61.5 1.1 University 41,563 40.6 92,537 33.2 41,563 40.6 86,429 31 Private 0 0 0 0 Church-Run 0 0 6,108 2.2 1.2 College 35,038 34.2 79,075 28.3 Public 34,624 33.8 67,288 24.1 0 0 7,582 2.7 414 0.4 4,205 1.5 25,786 25.2 107,385 38.5 8,639 8.4 15,257 5.5 8,639 8.4 12,393 4.4 Private 0 0 0 0 Church-Run 0 0 2,864 1.1 2.2 College 17,147 16.8 92,128 33 Public 17,011 16.7 73,732 26.5 0 0 15,749 5.6 136 0.1 2,647 0.9 Public Private Church-Run 2. Part Time & Distance 2.1 University Public Private Church-Run *College and university level Source: Ministry of Education Europe Hungary PHE PHEI Entries “Public and Private Initiatives in Higher Education: The Case of Hungary,” written by Péter Galasi and Júlia Varga, 2002. Distribution of New Entries by Ownership of Institutions, Hungary Ownership of Institutions 1990/1991 Number Total New Entries Public Private Church-Run 1999/2000 % Number % 31,151 100 92,549 100 30,734 98.7 79,948 86.4 0 0 7,871 8.5 417 1.3 4,730 5.1 Source: Ministry of Education Distribution of New Entries by Type of Institutions, Hungary Type of Institutions 1990/1991 1999/2000 Number % Number % Total New Entries 31,151 100 92,549 100 1. College 17,836 57.3 56,258 60.8 Public 17,625 56.6 46,068 49.8 30 Private 0 0 7,871 211 0.7 2,319 2.5 2. University 13,315 42.7 36,291 39.2 Public 13,116 42.1 33,880 36.6 0 0 0 0 199 0.6 2,411 2.6 Church-Run Private Church-Run 8.5 Source: Ministry of Education Distribution of New Entries by Type of Programmes, Hungary Type of Programmes Total New Entries 1. Full Time 1.1 University Public Private Church-Run 1.2 College Public Private Church-Run 2. Part Time & Distance 2.1 University Public Private Church-Run 2.2 College Public Private Church-Run 1990/1991 1999/2000 Number % Number % 31,151 21,764 10,147 9,948 0 199 11,617 11,476 0 141 9,387 3,171 3,171 0 0 6,216 6,146 0 70 100 69.9 32.5 31.9 0 0.7 37.3 36.8 0 0.5 30.1 10.2 10.2 0 0 19.9 19.7 0 0.2 92,549 48,556 24,310 22,774 0 1,536 24,246 20,498 2,565 1,183 43,993 11,981 11,106 0 875 32,012 25,570 5,306 1,136 100 52.5 26.3 24.6 0 1.6 26.2 22.1 2.8 1.3 47.5 12.9 12 0 0.9 34.6 27.7 5.7 1.2 Source: Ministry of Education Europe Hungary PHE PHEI Graduates “Public and Private Initiatives in Higher Education: The Case of Hungary,” written by Péter Galasi and Júlia Varga, 2002. Distribution of Graduates by Ownership of Institutions, Hungary Ownership of Institutions 1990/1991 1999/2000 Number Total Graduates Public Private % Number 24,103 100 42,351 100 24,027 99.7 39,365 92.9 0 0 1,250 2.9 31 % Church-Run 76 0.3 1,736 4.2 Source: Ministry of Education HU Distribution of Graduates by Type of Programmes, Hungary 1990/1991 Type of Programmes 1999/2000 Number % Number % Total Graduates 24,103 100 42,351 100 1. College 11,390 47.3 24,315 57.4 Public 11,314 46.9 21,823 51.5 0 0 1,250 3 76 0.3 1,242 2.9 2. University 12,713 52.7 18,036 42.6 Public 12,713 52.7 17,542 41.4 Private 0 0 0 0 Church-Run 0 0 494 1.2 Private Church-Run Source: Ministry of Education Europe Hungary PHE PHEI Enrollment As for Academic year 2003/2004: 37 private HEIs /68 total HEIs (54.4%), 57921 private enrollment / 409075 total enrollment (14.2%); 6 private U./24 total U. (25.0%), 12413 private U. enrollment/ 57921 total U. enrollment (4.8%). Source: contributed by Marianna Szemerszki Europe Lithuania Europe PHE PHEI Mockiene, Birute. 2001. Transnational Higher Education in Lithuania. International Higher Education (Summer). p7: 26 higher education institutions, 7 private and 19 public. PHE Enrollment Romania Years Private enrolment% 1989-90 1995-96 0 25.3 1997-98 30.7 1998-99 31.9 1999-2000 29.5 2000-01 30.2 2001-02 25.2 2002-03 23.3 Note: One of the major causes in Romania: due to the introduction of the accreditation process, some private universities have been closed starting end of year 2000. Contributed by Lumi Nicolescu. Europe PHE Enrollment World Bank. 1996. Romania - Reform of Higher Education and Research Project. Washington D.C.: Human Resources Operations Division, Country Department I, Europe and Central Asia Region, World Bank. Romania Growth of Higher Education Enrollments 1989/90-1994/95 89/90 90/91 91/92 32 92/93 93/94 94/95 Public Institutions Public Faculties Enrollments Public Private Europe Ukraine PHE PHI Enrollment 44 101 164,507 164,507 0 48 186 230,088 202,810 27,278 56 220 288,586 225,226 63,360 56 237 326,281 236,561 89,720 NA NA 362,537 251,657 110,880 58 NA 401,153 255,273 145,880 As for academic year 2002-2003, Private HEIs, 17.5% of total HEI; private enrollment, 10.4% of total HE enrollment; Private U., 29.6% of total U.; private u. enrollment, 10.7% of total u. enrollment. The contributor gives the following note: Column "Private Uni. /total Uni." includes all Ukrainian higher education institutions giving "complete" higher education (degrees of "Specialist" and/or "Master", i.e. all degrees higher than Bachelor). Within this level of institutions, all differences in title (University, Academy, Institute) are rather formal and indicate bureaucratically-recognized quality of teaching basing on several formal indicators, like percentage of research degree holders among all instructors. "Universities" are supposed to give the same degrees with better quality than "academies" and "academies" with better quality than "institutes"; however, the same institution may change its name from "institute" to "academy" and then to "university" without any significant changes inside. The data NOT include church-affiliated institutions training priests only, since such institutions are not legally recognized as higher education institutions. Source: Contributed by Olesk. Latin America Latin America PHE Enrollment 1. Blomqvist, Ake, and Emmanuel Jimenez. 1989. The Public Role in Private Post-Secondary Education: A Review of Issues and Options. Washington D.C.: Policy, Planning and Research Department, World Bank. Trends and/or Actual Share of Enrollment in Private Higher Education Institutions. Selected Developing Countries (circa 1980) Non-existent, Minor and/or not growing Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica, Haiti, Honduras, Uruguay, More than 10% but less than 50% Not growing Chile, Mexico, Venezuela Growing rapidly Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Peru, Indonesia More than 50% of total enrollment Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Brazil, Colombia Sources: Based on Levy (1986) and data from various World Bank reports. 33 Enrollment by Field of Specialization Selected Countries Percent of Total Enrollment, Private/Public Universities Com. 58/10 37/10 23/18 35/20 47/23 Bolivia Colombia Ecuador Mexico Peru Hum. 12/2 5/7 9/6 1/2 7/0 Law 0/8 16/4 6/6 6/9 5/4 Med. 0/21 4/9 1/11 20/20 1/7 Sci./Eng. 0/38 21/38 11/22 18/28 14/33 “Com.”: Economics, Business Administration and Communications “Hum.”: Humanities “Law”: Law “Med.”: Medicine “Sci./Eng.”: Exact Sciences and Engineering 2. García Guadilla, Carmen. Comparative Higher Education in Latin America: Quantitative aspects, 2000, IESALC/UNESCO Enrolment by Public and Private Sectors and Type of Institutions, 1994 Countries Public Sector Year Universities Other HEI Argentina 1994 618,399 Bolivia 1994 Brasil 1994 Chile 1994 Colombia 1993 Costa Rica Private Sector Total Universities Other HEI 124,749 89,155 Totals Total 213,904 Universities Other HEI 743,148 Total 221,842 840,241 310,997 1,054,145 124,510 16,503 141,013 12,341 686 13,027 136,851 571,608 118,824 690,432 463,118 507,484 970,602 1,034,726 151,570 … 151,570 59,994 115,520 175,514 211,564 115,520 327,084 135,527 65,705 201,232 232,877 127,114 359,991 368,404 192,819 561,223 1994 60,728 2,885 63,613 17,483 2,512 19,995 78,211 5,397 83,608 Cuba 1994 36,755 139,473 176,228 … … … 36,755 139,473 176,228 Ecuador 1994 154,516(a) 8,973 163,489 44,361 5,135 49,496 198,877 14,108 212,985 El Salvador 1994 30,499 2,883 33,382 72,536 2,145 74,681 103,035 5,028 108,063 Guatemala 1994 80,228 … 80,228 30,761 1,632 32,393 110,989 1,632 112,621 Honduras 1994 46,744 343 47,087 5,984 731 6,715 52,728 1,074 53,802 Mexico(b) 17,189 154,040 626,308 1,661,034 1994 751,300 223,800 975,100 145,545 183,502 329,047 896,845 Nicaragua(c) 1994 27,610 … 27,610 12,827 1,554 14,381 40,437 1,554 41,991 Panama(d) 1994 63,181 496 63,677 5,551 312 5,863 68,732 808 69,540 Paraguay 1994 20,121 8,027 28,148 21,713 2,992 24,705 41,834 11,019 52,853 Peru 1994 237,196 174,873 412,069 129,683 101,401 231,084 366,879 276,274 643,153 Rep. Dom, 1994 32,441 … 32,441 77,829 2,528 80,357 110,270 2,528 112,798 Uruguay 1994 62,026 8,298 70,324 1,992 2,526 4,518 64,018 10,824 74,842 34 407,302 1,304,147 to Venezuela Totals 1994 325,691 3,530,650 61,470 387,161 80,737 133,202 213,939 406,428 194,672 601,100 1,054,395 4,585,045 1,540,081 1,280,131 2,820,212 5,070,731 2,334,526 7,405,257 (a) There is no information for the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana and Universidad de San Francisco de Quito (b) According with institutions affiliated to ANUIES (c) In the Private Sector are included universities and non-universities which are private but receive 6% assignation from the State: UPOLI, UCA, EIAG y EAG. No available information for BICU and URACCAN. (d) For universities: information of the three more important, For non-universities: estimated data from “Panamá 35 en Cifras”, 1995 3. Levy, Daniel C. 1986. Higher Education and the State in Latin America: Private Challenges to Public Latin America PHE Finance Blomqvist, Ake, and Emmanuel Jimenez. 1989. The Public Role in Private Post-Secondary Education: A Review of Issues and Options. Washington D.C.: Policy, Planning and Research Department, World Bank. Sources of Finance in Latin American Universities (Percent of total revenue) Sector Private Public Total State 27.9 87.3 79.9 Private Donors Own Income 0.6 62.8 2.3 6.4 2.0 13.4 Other 8.7 4.0 4.7 Source: Levy (1986) p. 222 Latin America PHE PHEI Faculty García Guadilla, Carmen. Comparative Higher Education in Latin America: Quantitative aspects, 2000, IESALC/UNESCO Number of Professors by Public and Private Sectors and Type of Institutions, 1994 Countries Public Sector Year Universities Other HEI Private Sector Total Universities Other HEI Totals Total Universities Other HEI Total 129,263 … 930 5,930 1,657(b) 45 1,702 6,657 975 7,632 9,661 75,285 31,257 34,940 66,197 96,881 44,601 141,482 … … 16,514 … 16,514 13,370 35,715 36,271 19,943 56,214 … … 5,300 … 5,300 … … 5,033 18,306 23,339 3,130(c) … 3,130 14,952 … 14,952 3,754 66 3,820 5,642 403 6,045 4,620 … … … 4,620 … 4,620 84 3,202 515 138 653 3,633 222 3,855 11,222 110,520 30,517 … 30,517 129,815 11,222 141,037 2,141 … 2,141 415(e) 128 543 2,556 128 2,684 3,605 45 3,650 610 31 641 4,215 76 4,291 1994 2,486 … 2,486 1,419 … 1,419 3,905 … 3,905 Peru 1994 18,185 9,019 27,204 8,695 7,746 16,441 26,880 16,765 43,645 Rep. Dom, 1994 3,000 … 3,000 2,367 237 2,604 5,367 237 5,604 Uruguay 1994 7,105 … 7,105 539 … 539 7,644 … 7,644 Venezuela 1994 29,346 5,942 35,288 4,694 8,643 13,337 34,040 14,585 48,625 399,262 90,131 489,393 111,914 80,401 192,315 511,176 170,532 681,708 Argentina 1994 101,251(a) Bolivia 1994 5,000 Brasil 1994 65,624 Chile 1994 16,514 … 16,514 … Colombia 1993 13,926 6,573 20,499 22,345 Costa Rica 1994 5,300 … 5,300 … Cuba 1994 5,033 18,306 23,339 … Ecuador 1994 11,822(c) … 11,822 El Salvador 1994 1,888 337 2,225 Guatemala(d) 1994 4,620 … Honduras 1994 3,118 Mexico 1994 99,298 Nicaragua 1994 Panama 1994 Paraguay(f) Totals 28,012 15,057 15,057 101,251 43,069 144,320 (a) This information belongs to 1992 and includes only public universities (b) Partial information, includes only 17 private universities (c) Universities and Polytechnical Institutions 36 (d) U. de San Carlos (e) Only includes UCA and UPOLI (f) The public includes UNA and the private UCA which are the most representative of the country. Proportion of Professor per Student in Universities*, 1994 Public Countries Private Professors Students Proportion Professors Students 101,251 618,399 1:6 … … … Bolivia 5,000 124,510 1:25 1,657 12,341 1:7 Brasil 65,624 571,608 1:9 31,257 463,118 1:15 Chile 16,514 151,570 1:9 … … … Colombia 13,926 135,527 1:10 22,345 232,877 1:10 Costa Rica 5,300 60,728 1:10 … … … Argentina Proportion Cuba 5,033 36,755 1:7 … … … Ecuador 11,822 154,516 1:13 3,130 44,361 1:14 El Salvador 1,888 30,499 1:16 3,754 72,536 1:19 Guatemala 4,620 80,228 1:17 … … … 1:11 Honduras 3,118 46,744 1:15 515 5,984 Mexico 99,298 751,300 1:7 30,517 145,545 1:5 Nicaragua 2,141 27,610 1:13 415 12,827 1:31 Panama 3,605 63,181 1:17 610 5,551 1:9 Paraguay 2,486 20,121 1:8 1,419 21,713 1:15 Peru 18,185 237,196 1:13 8,695 129,683 1:15 Rep. Dom, 3,000 32,441 1:10 2,367 77,829 1:32 Uruguay 7,105 62,026 1:9 539 1,992 1:4 Venezuela 29,346 325,691 1:11 4,694 80,737 1:17 Totals 399,262 3,530,650 1:9 111,914 1,307,094 1:11 * The proportion does not discriminates professors with half or part time dedication. Professor/student Proportion in Others HEI’s*, 1994 Public Countries Private Professors Students Proportion Professors Students 28,012 221,842 1:8 15,057 89,155 1:6 Bolivia 930 16,503 1:18 45 686 1:15 Brasil 9,661 118,824 1:12 34,940 507,484 1:15 Argentina Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Proportion … … … … … … 6,573 65,705 1:10 13,370 127,114 1:10 … … … … … … 18,306 139,473 1:8 … … … 37 Ecuador … … … El Salvador 337 2,883 Guatemala … … Honduras 84 11,222 Mexico … … … 1:9 66 2,145 1:32 … … … … 343 1:4 138 731 1:5 223,800 1:20 … … … Nicaragua … … … 128 1,554 1:13 Panama 45 496 1:11 31 312 1:10 Paraguay … … … … … … 9,019 174,873 1:19 7,746 101,401 1:13 Rep. Dom, … … … … … … Uruguay … … … … … … Venezuela 5,942 61,470 1:10 8,643 133,202 1:16 Totals 90,131 1,026,212 1:11 80,164 963,784 1:12 Peru * It does not discriminates professors with half or part time dedication. Professors’ Monthly Reward per Education Level and Sector. (US$) 1994 Countries Years High Level Full Professor Medium Level (Aggregated and Associated) Low Level (Assistant or Instructor) Public Private Public Private Public Private Argentina n/d … … … … … … Bolivia n/d … … … … … … Brazil 1995 2,641 … 1,900 … 1,500 … Chile 1994 2,000 2,000 1,500 1,700 1,000 1,300 Colombia 1995 1,600 2,400 1,100 1,800 700 1,000 Costa Rica 1994 788 … 633 … 476 … Cuba 1994 430 … 390 … 330 … n/d … … … … … … El Salvador 1995 824 … 708 … 532 … Guatemala n/d … … … … … … Ecuador n/d … … … … … … Mexico 1995 658 … 431 … 255 … Nicaragua 1994 375 … 325 … 235 … Panama 1995 2,154 … 1,622 … 1,448 … Paraguay 1995 175 … … … … … Peru 1993 289 1,504 228 965 154 644 n/d … … … … … … Uruguay 1995 1,743 … 1,288 … 758 … Venezuela 1993 1,062 … 792 … 545 … Honduras Rep. Dom, 38 Averages 1,134 1,968 910 1,488 661 981 Notes: BRASIL: The information corresponds to the professors of the Federal Public Network, the “paulistas” state universities. They have a higher reward. The private institutions have many differences in the way they reward, on the other hand, around 86% of the professors have conventional dedication. COSTA RICA: It includes only information of Universidad de Costa Rica. It pertains to basic salary. CUBA: It is estimated from the professors salaries been established for Higher Education. CHILE: Estimations. EL SALVADOR: Average of the Private remunerations. MEXICO: Average of the three scales in each level. NICARAGUA: Basic salary of UNAM-Managua. PANAMA: Universidad de Panama. Average of different categories of “titulars” PERU: Public universities: basic salaries. Private salaries: estimation of the ones more well known. URUGUAY: U. de la Republica. VENEZUELA: Basic salary. Latin America PHEI 1. García Guadilla, Carmen. Comparative Higher Education in Latin America: Quantitative aspects, 2000, IESALC/UNESCO Private Institutional Differentiation Private Paises Ano Religious Business Oriented Mostly Catholic Elite Demand Absortion Otros Total … 30 42(a) Argentina 1994 12 … Bolivia 1995 1(b) 18 … 5 24 Brasil 1995 … 10 600 23 633 Chile 1994 10 … 235 … 245(a) Colombia 1994 6 11 77(c) 2 96 Costa Rica 1994 1 19 … … 20(a) Cuba 1994 … … … … 0 Ecuador 1995 6(d) 5 … 76 87 El Salvador 1995 6 2 46 … 54 Guatemala 1994 1 2 2 … 5(a) Honduras 1994 2 … 5 … 7(a) Mexico 1994 37 9 41 … 87 Nicaragua 1994 3(e) … 6 1(f) 10 Panama 1994 1 10 … 1 12 Paraguay 1994 2(g) 10 18 … 30 Peru 1995 8 2 15 … 25(a) 39 Rep. Dom, 1994 6 6 8 4(h) 24(a) Uruguay 1995 3 4 2 1(h) 10 Venezuela 1994 5 3 43 3(h) 54 110 111 1098 146 1465 Totals (a) Do not include “non-university institutions” There is no information. (b) The National University Sector do not recognize the public character of the Bolivian Catholic University. (c) Ten of them are Catholic (d) Three are Protestants (e) One of them is Evangelical Between the two Catholic, one of them recibes contribution from the State. (f) Distance Education (g) One of them are Evangelical (h) Popular 2. Levy, Daniel C. 1986. Higher Education and the State in Latin America: Private Challenges to Public Dominance. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press. Proliferation of Latin American Universities, 1955—1975 1955 1960 % 1965 % 1970 % 1975 % % Argentina Priv. (5) Total (15) Priv. (33) Priv. 5 Total 15 Priv. 33 Priv. 13 Total 26 Priv. 50 Priv. 24 Total 38 Priv. 63 Priv. 24 Total 53 Priv. 45 Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Haiti Honduras Mexico Nicaragua 0 (10) 4 (14) 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 (8) 0 7 (32) 6 (27) 1 7 1 6 1 1 1 1 (35) 1 0 (32)d 67 (52)b 0 29 0 17 0 0 0 0 (23)" 0 0 (10) 5 14 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 0 7 (32) 7 27 1 3 1 6 1 1 1 1 35 1 0 (32)` 71 52 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 23 0 (0) 12 (6) 14 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 15 1 (7) 37 (8) 32 1 3 1 7 1 2 1 1 45 2 (0)d 32 (75)e 44 0 0 0 29 0 50 0 0 33 50 (0) 33 6 17 0 0 2 3 1 3 0 0 17 1 (7) 60 8 37 1 3 3 10 2 4 1 1 51 2 (0)d 55 75 46 0 0 67 30 50 75 0 0 33 50 (0) 21 6 (17) 2 0 (2) 5 1 (3) (0) (0) 51 1 (7) 57 8 (37) 3 4 (3) 14 2 (4) (1) (1) 136 2 (0)d 37 75 (46)d 67 0 (67)d 36 50 (75)d (0)d (0)d 38 50 Panama 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 50 1 2 50 1 2 50 Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela TOTAL 0 1 0 2 47 1 7 1 5 157 0 14 0 40 30 1 4 0 2 50 2 15 1 7 165 50 27 0 29 30 1 9 0 2 77 2 28 1 7 214 50 32 0 29 36 1 12 0 3 124 2 33 1 10 276 50 36 0 30 45 1 11 (0) 5 151 2 33 (1) 21 391 50 33 (0)d 24 39 40 Latin America Argentina PHE The Evolution of the Number of Private Higher Education Institutions in Argentina: 1970-1998 % private/to year public private total tal 1970 15 24 39 61.54% 1971 19 24 43 55.81% 1972 24 24 48 50.00% 1973 28 24 52 46.15% 1974 29 24 53 45.28% 1975 29 24 53 45.28% 1976 29 24 53 45.28% 1977 28 24 52 46.15% 1978 28 24 52 46.15% 1979 28 24 52 46.15% 1980 29 23 52 44.23% 1981 29 23 52 44.23% 1982 29 23 52 44.23% 1983 29 23 52 44.23% 1984 29 23 52 44.23% 1985 29 23 52 44.23% 1986 29 23 52 44.23% 1987 29 23 52 44.23% 1988 30 23 53 43.40% 1989 32 23 55 41.82% 1990 34 28 62 45.16% 1991 35 33 68 48.53% 1992 37 36 73 49.32% 1993 37 38 75 50.67% 1994 37 42 79 53.16% 1995 40 45 85 52.94% 1996 41 45 86 52.33% 1997 41 46 87 52.87% 1998 41 48 89 53.93% Total 41 48 89 53.93% Source: de Cohen, C. C. (2003). “Diversification in Argentine higher education: Dimensions and impact of private sector growth.” Higher Education 46(1): 1-34. 41 Argentine Higher Education System 2000 (Undergraduate level) 2000 Public Sector Universi Nonty Univ 1,124,04 243,6 9 00 Private Sector Universit Nony Univ 166,482 170,3 65 Public Higher Education 1,367,649 Total Private Higher Education 336847 Source: the Argentina Ministry of Education Latin America PHE Enrollment 1. Brazilian government’s 2000 Census (Ministrio da Educacao, “Matrcula registra maior crescimento da dcada,” Censo 2000). Brazil Experiences Renewed Private Higher Education Growth: The private sector accounts for two-thirds of Brazil’s total enrollments (1.8 million out of 2.7 million). In the last year, almost all of Brazil’s new higher education institutions have been private. This 11 percent jump puts the private institutional count at 1004. (This figure includes previously municipal universities whose maintenance and administration have been taken over by private actors.) Brazil The Census notes that privates continue to lag publics on measures such as the share of their faculty with graduate education but have increased that share from 28 to 43 percent, 1996-2000. 2. The Task Force on Higher Education And Society. 2000. Higher Education in Developing Countries: Peril and Promise. Washington D. C.: World Bank. Latin America Brazil PHE PHEI Private higher education has 60 percent of student enrollment and private higher education institutions compose of 80% of higher education system in Brazil 1. IBRD/World-Bank. 1994. Higher Education: Lessons from Experience. Washington D. C.: World Bank. P.31 Brazil, 21 federal universities, 13 state universities, 5 municipal universities, and 61 private universities, in addition to a large number of state and private non-university institutions. 2. World Bank. 2002. Higher Education in Brazil - Challenges and Options. Washington D.C.: World Bank. Tertiary Education Institutions in Brazil, by Type, 1999 (% of Total Tertiary Enrollment) Type of Institution 1,619,734 421,353 264,938 38,891 894,552 % Total Enrollment 68 18 11 2 38 Graduates (1998) 195,040 50,906 35,701 5,177 103,256 277,588 12 39,632 Number Enrollment Universities Federal State Municipal Private 155 39 30 3 83 Non-University-Multiple Faculty 113 42 Public Private Non-University-Single Faculty Public Private Centers for Technology Education Public Private Total 2 111 3,652 273,936 0.2 12 542 39,090 813 102 711 453,139 83,704 369,435 19 4 16 64,087 11,032 53,055 16 16 -1,097 19,484 19,484 -2,369,945 1 1 -- 2,002 2,002 -300,761 Source: MEC/INEP/SEEC 2000. Latin America PHE PHEI Graduate World Bank. 2002. Higher Education in Brazil - Challenges and Options. Washington D.C.: World Bank. Brazil Universities: Time to Produce a Graduate (Years) Brazil TYPE OF INSTITUTION Federal Universities State Universities Municipal Universities Secular Private Universities Religious Universities Mean (Also includes isolated Faculties) TIME (years) 6.1 5.0 4.1 4.4 4.8 4.5 Source: Paul, J.J., and Wolff, L. 1992. “The Economics of Higher Education in Brazil.” Human Resources Division. World Bank, Washington D.C. Latin America Brazil PHEI Enrollment World Bank. 2002. Higher Education in Brazil - Challenges and Options. Washington D.C.: World Bank. Total Enrollment, Enrollment in Night Classes and the Percent of Students Enrolled in Night Course, by Type of Institution (1999) Type of Institution Type of Institution University Federal State Municipal Private 1991 % 37.8 15.0 37.6 71.1 54.5 Total 1,467,888 392,873 239,908 67,758 767,349 Non-University-Multiple Faculty 77.3 216,137 43 1998 Night 673,764 75,507 101,974 45,894 450,389 % 45.9 19.2 42.5 67.7 58.7 166,397 77.0 Municipal Private 94.0 76.6 -216,137 -166,397 -77.0 Non-University-Single Faculty Federal State Municipal Private Total 75.1 441,933 335,206 75.8 29.9 74.6 82.1 76.0 55.1 15,767 35,026 53,397 337,743 2,125,958 6,777 24,755 43,429 260,245 1,175,367 43.0 70.7 81.3 77.1 55.3 Source: MEC/INEP/SEEC 2000. Enrollments and Aided Students by Type of Institution, 1999 Institution Type Federal Universities State System: Sao Paulo Other State Universities Private, Municipal Universities Other Federal Other Sao Paulo Other State Other Private TOTAL Enrollments 392,176 65,014 150,022 777,665 15,309 4,326 21,662 582,172 2,008,346 Aided Students 40,198 8,808 10,969 226,621 1,387 321 0 101,860 386,260 % with Student Aid 10.25 13.55 7.31 29.14 9.06 7.42 0.00 17.50 19.43 Source: Private Communication (S. Schwartzman) Latin America Colombia PHEI Enrollment Levy, Daniel C. 1986. Higher Education and the State in Latin America: Private Challenges to Public Dominance. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press. Colombian Enrollments By Field Of Study, 1 97 7 Business Commu Economic Basic Law Sector and nication s Social Administr s Sciences ation Humanit Educati Medical Nursing Veterin Agricultu Exact Enginee Architec Miscellan Total ies on Studies ary ral Sciences ring ture eous Studies Studies Private 24,336 998 10,684 6,463 (24.9) Public 7,663 (7.1) Total 31,999 (15.5) (1.0) 620 (0.6) 1,618 (0.8) (10.9) 2,842 (2.6) 13,526 (6.6) (6.6) (15.6) (4.9) (1.7) (4.4) 13,642 4,443 7,242 8,840 10,147 (12.6) (4.1) (6.7) (8.2) (9.4) 20,087 19,668 11,990 10,548 14,521 (9.7) (9.5) (5.8) (5.1) (7.0) 15,225 4,748 44 1,708 4,374 363 0 (0.4) 2,091 (1.9) 2,454 (1.2) (0.0) (0.2) 2,728 4,421 (2.5) (4.1) 2,728 4,591 (1.3) (2.2) 170 3,795 16,546 5,127 3,315 97,852 (3.9) 13,051 (12.1) 16,846 (8.2) (16.9) (5.2) 27,652 2,202 (25.5) (2.0) 44,198 7,329 (21.4) (3.6) (3.4) 693 (0.6) 4,008 (1.9) (100.0) 108,259 (100,0) 206,111 (99.5) Latin America Ecuador PHEI Enrollment Levy, Daniel C. 1986. Higher Education and the State in Latin America: Private Challenges to Public Dominance. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press. Ecuadorian Enrollments By Field Of Study, 1 9 7 7 Business Commu Economic Basic Law Sector and nication s Social Administr s Sciences ation Private Public Total Latin America PHEI Enrollment 1,480 Humanit Educati Medical Nursing Veterin Agricultu Exact Enginee Architec Miscellan Total ies on Studies ary ral Sciences ring ture eous Studies Studies 2,208 345 4,269 0 1,268 2,051 7,724 (18.0) 19,217 (12.6) 23,486 (13.4) (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) (5.4) 8,473 (5.6) 9,741 (5.5) (8.7) (6.2) (9.3) (32.6) (1.5) 7,417 8,733 8,538 26,195 17,279 (4.9) (5.7) (5.6) (17.2) (11.4) 9,468 10,213 10,746 33,919 17,624 (5.4) (5.8) (6.1) (19.3) (10.0) 321 0 225 635 1,790 792 576 23,684 (1.4) 175 (0.1) 496 (0.3) (0.0) 1,129 (0.7) 1,129 (0.6) (1.0) 6,054 (4.0) 6,279 (3.6) (2.7) 8,016 (5.3) 8,651 (4.9) (7.6) 25,223 (16.6) 27,013 (15.4) (3.3) 6,453 (4.2) 7,245 (4.1) (2.4) 9,283 (6.1) 9,859 (5.6) (100.1) 152,185 (100.0) 175,869 (100.0) Levy, Daniel C. 1986. Higher Education and the State in Latin America: Private Challenges to Public Dominance. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press. Mexico 1. Enrollments By Field Of Study In Mexico's Principal Geographical Areas, 1971 Sector Business Basic and social Administr science ation Law Humaniti Educatio es n Medical Studies Nursing Veterinary Agricultur Exact Engineeri Architecture Total Studies al science Science ng Federal District Privat 9,660 (56.8) e Publi 21,984 c (18.7) TOTAL 31,644 (23.5) 1,368 (8.0) 10,010 (8.5) 11,378 (8.4) 1,115 (6.6) 8,356 (7.1) 9,471 (7.0) 851 (5.0) 3,89 (3.3) 8 4,74 (3.5) 9 749 (4.4) 1,862 (1.6) 2,611 (1.9) 530 (3.1) 20,526 (17.4) 21,056 (15.6) 0 (0.0) 60 (0.1) 60 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 1,650 (1.4) 1,650 (1.2) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 348 (2.0) 4,533 (3.8) 4,881 (3.6) 1,886 (11.1) 40,62 (34.5) 9 42,51 (31.5) 5 508 (3.0) 4,298 (3.6) 4,806 (3.6) 17,015 (100.0) 117,80 (100.0) 6 134,82 (99.8) 1 20 (0.2) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 462 (2.7) 0 (0.0) 873 (5.1) 48 (0.5) 167 (1.0) 1,352 (15.4) 5,284 (30.7) 515 (5.9) 807 (4.7) 8,795 (100.0) 17,215 (100.1) Jalisco Privat 1,680 (19.1) e Publi 3,960 c (23.0) 335 (3.8) 584 (3.4) 474 (5.4) 2,402 (14.0) 55 (0.6) 208 (1.2) 45 295 (3.4) 0 (0.0) 4,021 (45.7) 2,468 (14.3) TOTAL \ 5,640 (21.7) 919 (3.5) 2,876 (11.1) 263 (1.0) 295 (1.1) 6,489 (24.9) 20 (0.1) 462 (1.8) 873 (3.4) 215 (0.8) 6,636 (25.5) 1,322 (5.1) 26,010 (100.0) Nuevo Leon Private Public TOTAL 2,393 (33.9) 1,946 (13.5) 4,339 520 (7.4) 318 (2.2) 838 0 (0.0) 1,226 (8.5) 1,226 163 (2.3) 547 (3.8) 710 89 (1.3) 1,834 (12.7) 1,923 226 (3.2) 1,491 (10.3) 1,717 0 (0.0) 107 (0.7) 107 79 (1.1) 0 (0.0) 79 520 (7.4) 392 (2.7) 912 311 (4.4) 729 (5.0) 1,04 0 2,493 (35.3) 5,256 (36.4) 7,749 260 (3.7) 601 (4.2) 861 7,054 (100.0) 14,447 (20.2) (3.9) (5.7) (3.3) (8.9) (8.0) (0.5) (0.4) (4.2) (4.8) (36.0) (4.0) (99.9) 21,501 All Other Private 805 (22.0) 259 (7.1) 149 (4.1) 16 (0.4) Public 13,47 (19.0) 3 14,27 (19.2) 8 3,072 (4.3) 3,331 (4.5) 10,279 (14.5) 10,428 (14.0) 1,546 (2.2) 1,562 (2.1) TOTAL 960 (26.3 ) 2,415 (3.4) 3,375 (4.5) 170 (4.7) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 299 (8.2) 18 (0.5) 814 (22.3) 163 (4.7) 3,653 (100.3) 13,296 (18.8) 13,466 (18.1) 198 (0.3) 198 (0.3) 1,346 (1.9) 1,346 (1.8) 2,629 (3.7) 2,928 (3.9) 2,14 (3.0) 4 2,16 (2.9) 2 18,387 (26.0) 19,201 (25.8) 1,97 (2.8) 5 2,13 (2.9) 8 70,760 (99.9) 2. Levy (1986) Sector Mexican Enrollments By Field Of Study In Institutions Listed In 1971 And 1978 Business Comm Economi Basic Law Humanit Educati Medica Nursin Veterin Basic Exact Engine Archite and unicati cs Social ies on l g ary Agricul Science ering cture Administra ons Sciences Science Studies tural s tion s Science 1971 Private Public TOTAL 1971 13,959 2,370 1,738 1,085 171 4,902 20 79 (41.6) 41,363 (19.4) 55,322 (22.4) (7.1) 13,837 (6.5) 16,207 (6.6) (5.2) 21,984 (10.3) 23,722 (9.6) (3.2) (0.5) (14.6) (0.1) 6,101 863 37,476 365 (2.9) (0.4) (17.6) (0.2) 7,186 1,034 42,378 385 (2.9) (0.4) (17.2) (0.2) (0.2) 3,458 (1.6) 3,537 (1.4) 819 18,789 (34.0) 83,187 (16.0) TOTAL 101,976 (17.8) Public 1,666 707 6,251 1,446 33,547 (2.4) (2.1) (18.6) (4.3) (99.9) 3,894 7,364 69,085 7,681 213,471 (1.8) (3.4) (32.4) (3.6) (100.0) 4,713 8,071 75,336 9,127 247.018 (1.9) (3.3) (30.5) (3.7) (100.1) 1978 Private Total 1978 1,648 3,995 3,833 (3.0) (3.0) 3,139 18,298 (0.6) (3.5) 4,805 19,946 (0.8) (3.5) (7.2) 29,362 (5.7) 33,357 (5.8) (6.9) 48,766 (9.4) 52,599 (9.2) 46 871 523 14,090 37 (1.6) (0.9) (25.5) (0.1) 10,852 3,203 108,695 1,561 (2.1) (0.6) (21.0) (0.3) 11,723 3,726 122,786 1,598 (2.0) (0.6) (21.4) (0.3) 0 2,840 (0.0) 13,423 (2.6) 13,423 (2.3) 834 1,820 4,388 55,334 (5.1) (1.5) (3.3) (7.9) 24,631 20,666 122,331 30,372 (4.8) (4.0) (23.6) (5.9) 27,471 21,500 124,151 34,760 (4.8) (3.7) (21.6) (6.1) (100.0) 518,487 (100.1) 573,821 (99.9) (100.0) Latin America PHE PHEI Enrollment Levy, Daniel C. 1986. Higher Education and the State in Latin America: Private Challenges to Public Dominance. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press. Peru Peruvian Enrollments By Field Of Study, 1977 Business Commu Economic Basic Law Sector and nication s Social Administr s Sciences ation Private 14,665 Public Total Latin America Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela PHE PHEI Enrollment (30.5) 23,484 (16.5) 38,149 (20.1) 750 7,251 (1.6) 295 (0.2) 1,045 (0.5) 8,049 Humanit Educati Medical Nursing Veterin Agricultu Exact Enginee Architec Miscellan Total ies on Studies ary ral Sciences ring ture eous Studies Studies 2,406 (15.1) (16.7) (5.0) 9,240 13,227 5,415 (6.5) (9.3) (3.8) 16,491 21,276 7,821 (8.7) (11.2) (4.1) 3,163 1,824 676 0 (6.6) (3.8) (1.4) 653 13,106 9,924 (0.5) (9.2) (7.0) 3,816 14,930 10,600 (2.0) (7.9) (5.6) 0 (0.0) (0.0) 4,320 4,067 (3.0) (2.9) 4,320 4,067 (2.3) (2.1) 0 3,041 (0.0) 8,080 (5.7) 8,080 (4.2) (6.3) 5,492 (3.9) 8,533 (4.5) 3,963 1,502 (8.2) (3.1) 40,851 2,907 (28.8) (2.0) 44,814 4,409 (23.6) (2.3) 840 48,130 (1.7) 983 (0.7) 1,823 (1.0) (100.0) 142,044 (100.0) 190,174 (100.1) World Bank: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: Higher Education Sector Profile, May 17, 2002, Final Draft Enrollment in Venezuelan Higher Education Institutions by Type, 1998 Type of Institution Enrollment % Total New Enrollment Graduation Total 826,529 100% 205,245 48,965 Public 506,994 61.34% 100,280 20,407 Private 319,535 38.66% 104,965 28,558 Universities 528,209 100% 100,240 20,337 Public 414,951 78.56% 71,922 13,398 Private 113,258 21.44% 28,318 6,939 University Institutes and Colleges 298,320 100% 105,005 28,628 Public 92,043 30.85% 28,358 7,009 Private 206,277 69.15% 76,647 21,619 Source: Statistical data CNU/OPSU 2002. Change in Tertiary Enrollments, Selected Years Total Enrollment Type of Institution 1986 Change 1998 Students % of total Students % of total Public 359,154 81% 506,994 47 61% +41% Private 82,580 19% 319,535 39% +287% Universities 314,196 71% 528,209 64% +68% Univ. Inst. And Colleges 126,538 29% 298,320 36% +136% Total 440,734 100% 826,529 100% +88% Source: CNU/OPSU 2002 Latin America PHEI World Bank: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: Higher Education Sector Profile, May 17, 2002, Final Draft Growth of higher education institutions, 1985-2000 Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Number Number Percentage (1985) (2000) Increase Total 92 144 56.5% Public 56 68 21.4% Private 36 76 111.1% Universities 25 41 64.0% Public Universities 16 21 31.3% Type of Institution Private Universities 9 20 122.2% University Institutes and Colleges 67 103 53.7% Public University Institutes and Colleges 40 47 17.5% Private University Institutes and Colleges 27 56 107.4% Source: Statistical data CNU/OPSU 2002. Latin America Venezuela PHE Enrollment in Public and Private Higher Education Institutions PHE Enrollment Institutes and Colleges Year 1 970 1 971 1 972 1 973 1 974 1 975 1 976 1 977 1 978 Total general 85 675 95 294 115 462 159 269 193 264 221 581 247 518 265 671 282 074 University public Total 80 598 88 505 107 541 145 462 165 238 185 518 200 611 215 709 228 176 48 68 305 81 006 100 598 130 102 147 112 166 155 183 135 196 516 207 986 private 12 293 7 499 6 943 15 360 18 126 19 363 17 476 19 193 20 190 % 15.25% 8.47% 6.46% 10.56% 10.97% 10.44% 8.71% 8.90% 8.85% Total 5 077 6 789 7 921 13 807 28 026 36 063 46 907 49 962 53 898 public 5 077 6 789 7 921 13 807 24 956 33 499 41 566 43 492 43 550 private 3 070 2 564 5 341 6 470 10 348 % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 10.95% 7.11% 11.39% 12.95% 19.20% 1 979 1 980 1 981 1 982 1 983 1 984 1 985 1 986 1 987 1 988 1 989 1 990 1 991 1 992 1 993 1 994 1 995 1 996 1 997 1 998 1 999 2 000 2 001 2002 a/ 2003 b/ 2004 c/ 2005 d/ 296 726 307 133 331 115 349 766 379 218 383 537 438 908 441 734 467 372 509 779 542 236 513 458 503 667 538 153 582 069 597 487 612 599 639 347 676 515 826 529 817 660 803 755 904 703 955 507 1 004 810 1 049 780 1 062 142 232 177 243 420 259 448 269 287 282 159 285 785 321 060 314 196 325 512 337 217 391 478 351 460 342 581 364 011 370 333 382 048 398 111 403 690 405 824 528 209 556 416 510 967 527 809 562 104 592 873 606 591 611 331 207 528 217 666 231 205 237 617 243 200 242 960 274 604 267 082 273 398 280 507 331 833 289 206 299 714 313 473 317 702 323 185 342 974 340 120 331 382 414 951 449 839 394 615 410 307 440 043 466 824 476 610 481 781 24 649 25 754 28 243 31 670 38 959 42 825 46 456 47 114 52 114 56 710 59 645 62 254 42 867 50 538 52 631 58 863 55 137 63 570 74 442 113 258 106 577 116 352 117 502 122 061 126 049 129 981 129 550 10.62% 10.58% 10.89% 11.76% 13.81% 14.99% 14.47% 15.00% 16.01% 16.82% 15.24% 17.71% 12.51% 13.88% 14.21% 15.41% 13.85% 15.75% 18.34% 21.44% 19.15% 22.77% 22.26% 21.71% 21.26% 21.43% 21.19% 64 549 63 713 71 667 80 479 97 059 97 752 117 848 127 538 141 860 172 562 150 758 161 998 161 086 174 142 211 736 215 439 214 488 235 657 270 691 298 320 261 244 292 788 376 894 393 403 411 937 443 189 450 811 50 438 49 875 51 225 58 717 72 267 69 657 88 200 92 072 95 219 106 527 61 507 60 165 55 905 58 449 63 859 63 175 68 624 73 613 73 602 92 043 78 561 79 903 122 239 120 815 128 104 136 428 141 281 14 111 13 838 20 442 21 762 24 792 28 095 29 648 35 466 46 641 66 035 89 251 101 833 105 181 115 693 147 877 152 264 145 864 162 044 197 089 206 277 182 683 212 885 254 655 272 588 283 833 306 761 309 530 21.86% 21.72% 28.52% 27.04% 25.54% 28.74% 25.16% 27.81% 32.88% 38.27% 59.20% 62.86% 65.29% 66.44% 69.84% 70.68% 68.01% 68.76% 72.81% 69.15% 69.93% 72.71% 67.57% 69.29% 68.90% 69.22% 68.66% a/ : La cifra de la variable matrícula en las universidades oficiales, U.C.V.; L.U.Z; U.S.R.; U.N.E.R.G.; U.N.E.R.M.B. y U.N.E.G es estimada b/ : La cifra de la variable matrícula para la universidad privada, UNESUR, es estimada c/ : Cifra estimada Cuadro elaborado por el Departamento de Estadística. CNU-OPSU Fuente: Instituciones de Educación Superior. Año 2005 Latin America PHE PHEI Number of Private and public Higher Education Institutions (2004) 49 Venezuela Type of Institutions Number of Institution % Total institutions…… Public………… Private…………………… 168 73 95 100.00% 43.45% 56.55% Universities………………. Public……… 48 22 28.57% 13.10% 26 15.48% 120 51 69 71.43% 30.36% 41.07% Private…… Institutes and Colleges………… Public……………… Private……………………… Cuadro elaborado por el Departamento de Estadística. CNU-OPSU. Fuente: Gacetas Oficiales 50