MISY 4310 Business Data Communications Systems II Section 001: LIB-135C; T 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM; Spring, 2009 Instructor: Office: Telephone: E-mail: Office Hours: Website: Tim Klaus FC 255 (361) 825-2379 tim.klaus@tamucc.edu 2:00 – 3:50 and 5:20 – 6:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays Other days and times by appointment http://www.cob.tamucc.edu/tklaus Course Materials 1. Required Text: Data Communications and Networking, 4th Edition by Behrouz Forouzan 2. Course material on my website Prerequisites MISY 3320 and Junior standing or above. Course Description: Design, implementation, and operation of client-server network systems for organizational Intranets and Internet presence. Exercises and assignments will use selected data communications facilities. Relationship to Other Coursework: Where MISY 3320 provides an introduction to data communications and computer networks, this course provides more advanced client/server and Internet exposure. The knowledge learned through this course and MISY 3320 will be applied through a semester-long project. Additionally, the skills learned in MISY 2305, or equivalent, will be required to complete the project and assignments in this course. The purpose of the class is NOT to get certified, but to understand the principles behind network management. Instructional Methodology: Student and Instructor presentations, demonstrations, discussions, guest lectures and hands-on use of computers to complete the exercises and assignments. Attendance Policy: Students are held responsible for class attendance and are advised that excessive absences may adversely affect grades. Students required to take business trips or not attending due to extremely important events (like attending a wedding) need to consult with the instructor ahead of time. No make-up exam is given for students who miss the class without a valid reason. Students with valid reasons must contact the professor before test. Page 1 Performance Evaluation and Grading: Exam #1 Exam #2 Team Project Individual Research Report Assignments (mostly in-class) TOTAL 20% 20% 30% 20% 10% (lowest assignment grade is dropped) 100% A letter grade will be determined based on the total points earned, as follows: A: 90.0-100%; B: 80.0-89.9%; C: 70.0-79.9%; D: 60.0-69.9%; F: below 60.0%. Exams: All exams are open-book and timed. When the time is up, everyone must turn in their exam. Any course material is fair game for exam questions--all assigned readings whether discussed in class or not and all material presented in lectures or student presentations whether covered in assigned readings or not. Assignments: Late assignments will not be accepted. In-class assignments will only be collected in-class on the date assigned (a 0 will be received for any missed assignment). Research Report: Each student will engage in a research project in which a report will be developed on a specific networking/data communications topic. See the research report guidelines for more information. Team Project: Students will choose a team to work with for a semester-long project. Further details are provided in the team project handout. Academic Honesty: University students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty. Academic misconduct for which a student is subject to penalty includes all forms of cheating, such as illicit possession of examinations or examination materials, forgery, or plagiarism. If I determine that any assignment was not completed solely by the student whose name appears on the project, the student will receive a zero (0) for the project and may receive an "F" for the class. Plagiarism is using another person’s words without quoting the person (if you use more than three words, it should be in quotes). Reports will be examined with plagiarism-checking software. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Cheating is defined as: (a) the unauthorized granting or receiving of aid during the prescribed period of a course-graded exercise; students may not consult written materials such as notes or books, may not look at the paper of another student, nor consult orally with any other student taking the same test; (b) asking another person to take an examination in his or her place, or taking an examination for or in place of another student; (c) stealing, borrowing, buying, or disseminating tests, answer keys, or other examination material; (d) stealing or copying research papers, creative papers, speeches, drawings, diagrams, musical scores, graphs, maps, computer programs, etc. and presenting them as one's own. Page 2 Ethical Perspective: Information technology (IT) professionals are entrusted with the protection and safekeeping of valuable and even critical corporate information resources. Although not to as great an extent as the IT professional, IT users in a corporate environment are entrusted with the same. Computer networks are one of the most vulnerable areas of a IT environment, and ensuring the proper use of these IT resources is of paramount importance in network design and management. Some of the ethics-related issues discussed in this course include security, privacy, intellectual property issues, and general ethical behavior for IT professionals and users. Classroom Policy: Surfing the Internet, including the use of email, unless pertaining directly to the subject matter at hand, is not allowed during this class Students are expected to remain in the classroom for the duration of the class period Working on assignments from another class, during the class period, is not allowed When a lecture is in progress, the student is expected to pay attention to the instructor and to take notes. The student should not engage in talking or moving about the classroom (including retrieving documents from the printer) while a lecture is in progress Page 3 Tentative Course Schedule (Topics and/or dates may be changed) Date 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 Topic Introductions and Orientation Data Communications and Networking Basics Digital, Analog, and Bandwidth Utilization Local Area Networks and Intranets Wireless Networks SONET, Frame Relay, and ATM The Network Layer 3/3 3/10 3/17 3/24 3/31 4/7 4/14 4/21 4/28 5/5 Various Networking Topics Exam #1 Spring Break – No Class Team Project Work Day Transport Protocols Internet Applications The World Wide Web Security Various Networking Topics Various Networking Topics/Presentations 5/7 Exam #2 Page 4 Chapter Due Overview 4, 5, 6 Overview 14, 16 17, 18 20, 21, 22 Team Project Del. #1 Research Report Topic Team Project Del. #2 Team Project Del. #3 Assigned Readings 24 28, 29 27 30, 32 Team Project Del. #4 Team Project Del. #5 Assigned Readings Assigned Readings/Presentations