THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE FONT IS ARIAL 12 PT FOR ALL REPORTS IN THIS CLASS FORMAL WRITTEN PROPOSAL OUTLINE SUBJECT PAGE LIMIT TITLE PAGE..................................................................................................1 TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................1 SUMMARY.....................................................................................................1 TEXT...............................................................................................................6 A. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DESIGN B. BLOCK DIAGRAM C. DESCRIPTION OF SUBASSEMBLIES OR MAJOR COMPONENTS D. SCHEMATIC ( IF AVAILABLE) E. PERFORMANCE EXPECTED (FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS) F. DESIGN PHILOSOPHY OR APPROACH G. SCHEDULE (GANTT CHART) H. TEXT PLAN I. COST ANALYSIS (EXPENDITURE PLAN)BALSO 5 YEARS FUTURE WORTH CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................1 APPENDICES BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES...........................................................................1 BIBLIOGRAPHY (REFERENCES)....................................................................NO LIMIT ANY OTHER INFORMATION OR DATA YOU INCLUDE.................................NO LIMIT WRITTEN PROGRESS REPORT OUTLINE The written progress report shall be one page in length plus attachments. The following is the outline: Heading: Progress Report for Period Ending_____________________________ Title of Project Name of Engineer Summary Description of Project: Limit: 2-3 sentences. Status of project relative to the Gantt Chart: Identify Key accomplishments Describe plan for problem resolution Describe any upcoming test plans and/or ideas Objectives for next reporting periods Attach updated milestone or Gantt chart and expenditure profile. Appendices: Include all pertinent information which does not fit easily into the one page report. See example report Appendix III PROGRESS REPORT Period Ending March 10, 1992 Project : Lawn sprinkler Control System Description: A Sprinkler Control System which monitors ground humidity and turns on the water when the humidity level drops below the desired level. Status: Design: 1. 2. 3. 4. Circuit Designs are slightly behind schedule. They are about 80% complete. This delay was caused by the senior design changes. Procurement of parts is also affected by the changes but no major setback is anticipated. Assemblies are expected to be delayed by one week. Currently preparing for the upcoming Design Review. Cost As projected Key Accomplishments 1. Finalized sensor design 2. Procured parts for sensor circuits Problems Encountered Hygristor is coated and can not be touched (especially when moist). Will have to design a special container which will suspend the device and protect it from external contacts. Upcoming Test Plan 1. Software Testing 2. Operation of humidity detection circuit will have to simulated using variable resistor Next Report 1. All circuit designs done 2. Software Program Tested 3. Humidity detection simulated completed FINAL REPORT OUTLINE TOPIC PAGE LIMIT TITLE PAGE...................................................................................................................1 TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................1 ABSTRACT.....................................................................................................................1 Brief Description of what the report covers in detail BODY OF THE REPORT I. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................1 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT TEXT...............................................................................................3 FIGURES.........................................................................................3 Include Block Diagrams of any significant portion the circuit. A schematic of the entire project must be included. All requirements and specifications must be included in tabular form for each subassembly with all values and tolerances. III. DESIGN METHODOLOGY OR PHILOSOPHY....................................................NO LIMIT A description of the approach must be given with all significant choices and decisions shown with justification. No guesses or speculation are acceptable here as part of this report. IV. TEST PLAN..........................................................................................................1 Describe in detail how you will show that the circuit meets all specifications V. APPENDIX.............................................................................................................NO LIMIT All hand calculations must be shown here and referenced to the Design Notebook. If no hand calculations with justification are shown the grade will be marked down one grade. The computer simulations alone are not acceptable. EXAMPLE TITLE PAGE ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE SENIOR DESIGN FINAL PROJECT REPORT ATITLE OF PROJECT@ BY STUDENTS=NAMES (ID NO., ) ECE492 or 493 (SEMESTER FOR 492 or 493) APPROVED BY ___________________________________DATE________________ INSTRUCTOR=S NAME DESIGN FORMAT FOR EE CLASSES 1. Statement of design philosophy A. Approach B. Justification 2. Block diagram or schematic as applicable (Computer Generated) 3. Hand Calculations to fill 2. above. 4. Final Schematic with all values. (Not hand drawn) 5. Spice or other computer program A. Netlist B. Output diagrams 1. Frequency Response 2. Phase Response 3. Noise 4. Any other diagrams or charts to show compliance 6. Use only EIA parts. 7. All work will be individually done, any cheating will be greeted with a F in the course. 8. Each report will have the following : A. Title Page with: 1. Design Problem Number and title 2. Your Name and ID NO 3. Phone number and email B. Table of Contents 1. Design Philosophy 2. Hand Calculations 3. Computer Calculations 4. Computer printouts 9. All reports except for the hand calculations are to be typewritten or wordprocessed. Each report is to be written in third person not personal.