Unit 1 – Intro to Geometry Pre-AP Geometry – Schwarz Give each objective a +, √, or 0 based on what you currently know. + means you know everything, √ means you know a little bit, and 0 means you have no idea what the statement means. Before Learning ______ ______ Objective After Learning Describe and sketch relationships between points, lines, and planes with real-world applications. (book 1.1) _______ Identify, measure and name segments. Identify and name rays. (book 1.1) _______ ______ ______ Use and identify congruent segments (book 1.2) _______ _______ ______ Find the coordinates of the midpoint of a segment. (book 1.3) _______ ______ Name, describe, and measure angles with real-world applications. (book 1.4) _______ ______ Identify and apply bisectors of segments and angles. (book 1.4) ______ ______ Classify, identify, and measure types of angles and angle pairs. (book 1.5) ______ ______ Classify polygons by sides, angles, and concavity. (book 1.6) ______ ______ Use geometric tools to construct a variety of figures. ______ Date Tues. 8/19 Wed 8/20 Use coordinates to compute perimeters of polygons and areas of triangles and rectangles. (using the distance formula) (book 1.3) Topics Covered First Day Procedures Paul Revere on a Box Activity Homework - vocab Monday 8/25 Grade Points, Lines, Planes Thursday Pass out Textbooks 8/21 Segments and Rays Friday 8/22 Assignment Purchase: composition book (2), pencils, highlighter, TI30XIIS MULTIVIEW calculator ($15), box of Kleenex, 2 dry erase markers HW 1.1 pg 7 1 – 28, 34-39, 44, 46 (due before bell rings Friday) ____/____ Composition book setup Segments and Congruence HW 1.2 pg 12 1 – 25, 28, 30, 31 (due before bell ring on Monday) ____/____ Distance Formula Midpoint Formula HW 1.3 Finding area and perimeter ____/____ of polygons & Trip across the US Tuesday Measure and Classify 8/26 Angles HW 1.4 pg 28 4-42 Even, 48, 49, 50, 64-72 Revised 4/16/2020 ____/____ Wed. 8/27 Use special angle pair relationships to find angle measures. Thursday Review angle pairs 8/28 Friday 8/29 Group Activity: Magic Square Classifying Polygons Quiz HW 1.5 TBD HW 1.11.4 DUE ____/____ HW 1.6 pg 44-45 all. Sketch a table for #40 ____/____ Monday 9/1 LABOR DAY NO SCHOOL Tuesday 9/2 Teacher Work Day NO SCHOOL Wed. 9/3 REVIEW 1.7 Review TBD Thursday 9/4 VOCABULARY TEST Friday 9/5 Moore War Assembly Monday 9/7 Study for your test Unit 1 TEST Three Undefined Terms (point, line, plane) Collinear Points Coplanar points Line segment Endopints Ray Opposite rays Intersection Postulate (Axiom) Coordinate Distance Congruent Segments ____/____ Comp books due Unit 1 Vocabulary Midpoint Segment Bisector Angle Acute angle Right Angle Obtuse Angle Straight Angle Sides of a polygon Vertex of a polygon Measure of an angle Congruent angles Angle bisector Complementary Angles Revised 4/16/2020 HW 1.11.7 DUE Supplementary Angles Adjacent Angles Linear Pair Vertical Angles Polygon Concave Convex n-gon equilateral equiangular regular Revised 4/16/2020