La Tâche Culturelle Français I et II For La Tâche Culturelle, you will complete a cultural activity each month from the list below. After you complete your task, you will fill out a Google Form and detail what you have learned about Francophone culture. You need to be as detailed as possible. You may complete the task in English unless otherwise stated. 1. Watch 5 French language music videos on YouTube. Look up the lyrics for one of the songs and list 5 words that you learned. Tell if you enjoyed the songs and why or why not. 2. Watch 10-15 minutes of a French newscast. Give a paragraph summary of the newscast. 3. Read an article on Buzzfeed France. Give a summary of the article/listicle. 4. Watch a video from 1jour1actu on YouTube. Give a summary of the video. 5. Find a French infographic on Google or Pinterest. Give a summary of the purpose of the infographic and what you got out of it. 6. Change one of your social medias into French for a day. Give words that you learned, and what you found more difficult. 7. Come in during Freshman lunch, before school, or after school to read a children’s book in French. Give a summary of the book and 5 new words you learned. 8. Read the last 50 tweets of a French language hashtag on Twitter. Example #malade. Write a summary of the tweets that you read. 9. Read a Wikipedia article about a historical French/Francophone figure. Write a summary about them. 10. Find a French poem online and recite it. Record yourself on your phone and bring it in as your proof. 11.Text a friend in French. There should be at least 15 texts from EACH participant. Send in your screenshots to Madame or bring them in. 12. Read a French story online and create a storyboard. You may get a storyboard sheet from Madame or make your own. You can make your own online storyboard on Google Slides or PowerPoint and send that to Madame as well. 13. Watch a movie with French dubbing AND French subtitles. Write 10 new words you learned and a summary of the film. 14. Watch 5 French language commercials online. Choose the one that had the best marketing job and give an explanation of why. 15. Find a French language movie on Netflix, Hulu, or other streaming device. Give a summary of the movie. 16. Listen to one hour of French language radio on Pandora, Sirius XM radio, Spotify, or other streaming site. Write 5 songs you heard. Tell which one you liked the best and why. 17. Come to a cultural French Club event. Give a summary of the event and what you got out of it. 18. Play a video game in French for one hour. Write down words or phrases that you learned. 19. Choose a current French athlete or sports team. Share what you find out about them on your weekly form. 20. Check out Apprendre TV5 Monde videos and activities. Give a summary of a video you watched and activities that went with the video. 21. Check out LAITS Texas French. Do grammar activities that go with a concept we have recently covered in class. Give your score and what you got out of the activity. 22. Do activities on Conjugemos that go with a grammatical concept or verb we are covering in class. Give your score and what you got out of the activity. 23. Visit the website Talk in French and read a grammar or vocabulary article. On your Google Form, tell what you got out of the article and what you learned.