Syllabus 2015-2016

Westmoore High School - English I & PreAP English I
Deanna Ragsdale, Teacher
contact info…
Phone: 405.735.4800 (to leave a message)
Some things you need to know about my class…
Ninth grade English is the first of four high school units of English required
for graduation. If any semester of English is failed, it must be repeated
during summer school at considerable cost to you. To keep you informed,
grades will be averaged and sent home with students periodically.
Throughout this year we will study several types of literature, including
poetry, short story, epic, novel, and drama. We will focus on strengthening
writing skills using grammar skill review with fiction/non-fiction analysis and
timed writing assignments.
One way to help you succeed is to make sure you are prepared with
required materials. The following items are needed by every student for
the entire year! Please have these with you no later than Tuesday, 8/25.
Binder -- Your first notebook check will be during class on this day; the
grade is based on having these items:
~3-ring binder (1 inch is sufficient, OR you may use 5 dividers for
English in a larger/shared binder)
~5 dividers for binder sections, labeled:
~Binder filler paper
~WHS planner AND ID (NO restroom or hall pass without both!)
Supplies – Please help our classroom with the following supplies – worth 10
Extra Credit points each (up to 30 points)! Thank you so much!
2nd Hour — 2 Black Sharpie Markers
3rd Hour — 300 Index Cards
4th Hour __ Glue Sticks (2-3 pack)
5th Hour —Package of 10 Markers
6th Hour — Package of 24 Colored Pencils
Communication is KEY!
**In order to communicate with parents AND students, I use all of these
methods: (1) Written agenda on my board each Monday (to be entered into
student planner!), (2) Verbal attention to important material, (3) REMIND Text Alerts
(see information below), (4) Weekly email to parents, (5) Updated Website
Calendar! Please check these for weekly reminders and information!
English I Curriculum
*We will be studying various genres of literature this year.
*We will write to analyze, to reflect, to explain.
*We will review and perfect grammar and mechanics through daily practice.
Parent Portal & Posting of Student Grades
I will post grades by class & ID number weekly. Students must be responsible to
check this for missing assignments & current grades. Students are encouraged to
keep their graded papers until they check Infinite Campus to make sure all have
been entered correctly!  Student Portal access AND Parent Portal access can be
obtained in person in our WHS Counseling Center. ***PLEASE sign up for Parent
Portal!!! You can receive updates on student attendance AND grades!
M-U-M: Make-Up Mondays
Zeroes kill a grade, and make it hard to be a successful student in class. I will offer
one day each week (usually Mondays) for you to come in at the beginning of YOUR
lunch or after school to make up work or tests that can’t be done outside of class.
Late grades may apply, if after the make-up work due date.
Extra Credit
Students should be responsible enough in the 9th grade to EARN their grade in my
class! I might offer 1 Extra Credit Project each semester. Extra credit projects are
usually in conjunction with the current literature being studied.
Late Work
The English department’s policy states that the only work accepted after a due date
will be: *when a student has been absent (one day per day absent)
*when the assignment is an essay; a student may turn in an essay one day
late for a 20% penalty or two days late for a 40% penalty.
REMIND Text Alerts
Students AND parents are encouraged to sign up for text alerts, used only for
special reminders and announcements. To receive messages via text, text
@ragsdale15 to 81010. You can opt-out of messages at any time by replying,
'unsubscribe @ragsdale15'.
*Return this Parent Signature Page to Mrs. Ragsdale by Tuesday, 8/25!!!
Your child’s name_______________________________________________
Hour your child has English I/PreAP English I_______________
What is the best way to contact you:
_____ Email: ________________________________________________
_____Text: _________________________________ (phone number)
_____Phone Call: _____________________________(phone number)
*I will be sending weekly emails to keep you updated on what is going on in the
classroom. If you do NOT receive email, please check my website for the same
Thank you for keeping this line of communication open, if possible. Studies show
that students excel 50% more when parents are involved! Please stay involved with
your student and their schoolwork.
Does student have access to computer?__________
Does student have access to printer?____________
Does student have access to internet?___________
Is there any information I should know to help your child succeed this year (Family
situation, Learning situation, etc.)? I will be asking you to submit a “Parent Letter” in
the next couple of weeks, so that I might get to know your child better from your
perspective. Please look for this to come….! 
Please sign here ____________________________ to indicate that your son/daughter has
shown/discussed this info with you, as well as our Classroom Procedures Page.
Thank you for participating in the education of our children!
--Mrs. Deanna Ragsdale