HART 1356 SLO.doc

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COURSE TITLE: EPA Refrigerant Certification Preparatory
CREDITS: # (2 lectures, 3 labs)
Training for HVAC refrigerant recovery and recycling. Instruction will provide a review of EPA guidelines
for refrigerant recovery and recycling during the installation, service, and repair of all HVAC and refrigeration
By studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Define the section 608 by EPA regulation
2. Identify the refrigerant used in HVAC systems with CFC, HFC, and HCFC refrigerant groups
3. Apply safe and proper techniques for recovery, evacuation, and charging refrigerants
4. Identify tools and equipments used in recovery, evacuation of refrigerants
5. Differentiate the three terms: Recover, Recycle, and Reclaim
6. Recognize and use the procedures to recover, evacuate, and charge a refrigeration system
7. Interpret written materials about the laws and regulations pertaining to the Clean Air Act
8. Identify the laws, regulations and procedures addressed by The Environmental Protection Agency
regarding refrigerant use, storage, and cylinder handling
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SLO # 1
SLO # 2
SLO # 3
SLO # 4
SLO # 5
SLO # 6
Given a reading assignment along with lectures, the student will discuss the origin and
responsibilities of EPA & section-608. Performance will be satisfactory if the student can
identify the core rules and roles of stratospheric ozone in protecting human health and the
environment by passing 80 % on the quiz assignments.
Given a reading assignment along with lectures, the student will discuss the difference
between CFC, HFC, and HCFCs as ozone depleting compounds. Performance will be
satisfactory when the student can apply laws and regulations by passing 90 % on the EPA
core quiz assignments.
Given a lab assignment, the student will demonstrate the practice of technical topics including
leak detection, Recovery equipments, Safety, evacuation, and Refrigerant handling.
Performance will be satisfactory when the student can operate the proper tools for
servicing equipment by passing 80 % of accuracy on the practice
Given a refrigeration system, the student will use one of two methods for recovering
refrigerant from a system. Performance will be satisfactory when the student can operate the
refrigerant recovery equipment as per the manufacturer's directions by passing 90 % of
accuracy on the practice.
Given a refrigeration system, the student will recover refrigerant and determine the maximum
weight of cylinder. Performance will be satisfactory when the student can calculate the proper
weight of cylinder as listed on the tank plate by passing 90 % of accuracy on the practice
Given a lab assignment, the student will operate recovery equipment and connect properly
recovery tank . Performance will be satisfactory When the student can practice the procedures
comply with the federal and State environment regulations by passing 80 % of accuracy on
the practice .
Students are expected to attend classes regularly, and to be on time for every class period. Students can be
dropped from a class due to excessive absences. Excessive tardiness may be considered absences. Students
are responsible for subjects, assignments, and projects covered during their absences. Consult the Student
Handbook for more details or visit http://www.hccs.edu/hccs/current-students.
Academic Honesty
Scholastic dishonesty is treated with the utmost seriousness by the instructor and the College. Academic
dishonesty includes, but it is not limited to the willful attempt to misrepresent one’s work, cheat, plagiarize, or
impede other students’ scholastic progress. Consult the Student Handbook for more details.
Students with Disabilities
The Disability Support Services Office (DSSO) assists students with physical, learning, or emotional disabilities
in developing independence and self-reliance. Students with Disabilities are urged to contact the DSSO at least
30 to 60 days prior to the first day of class. The goal is to ensure that students with disabilities get off to a good
start and have the support necessary for them to succeed. The DSSO are committed to compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (section 504).
Student can contact by phone at 713.718.6164 - TTY 713.718.6335. Fax 713.718.1468
Course Repeater Policy:
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Beginning in the fall 2006, students repeat a course for a third or more times will face significant tuition/fee
increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your instructor and/or counselor
about opportunities for tutoring/other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal or if you are not
receiving passing grades.
Cell Phones
All cell phones must be muted, set to vibrate, or turned off during class. Cell phone activity during class is
deemed disruptive to the academic process and will not be tolerated. If you need to make or receive an
Emergency Call, please leave the classroom.
If the course allows the use of a calculator during class, lab projects, and exams, the student is responsible to
bring his/her calculator. Cell phones are not calculators, and are not allowed to be used for that purpose during
class, tests, or exams.
Student ID
Students are required to obtain a Student ID. For additional information, consult the Student Handbook.
Parking Rules and Regulations
Students are required to follow HCC’s regulations regarding parking and permits. For additional information, visit
Books, Tools and Supplies
Students are required to purchase and bring to class the required textbooks, tools, notebooks, supplies, and
writing instruments as required by the instructor.
By Bill Whitman; Bill Johnson; John Tomczyck; Eugene Silberstein
Publisher: Delmar
Edition: 6th Edition
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN: 13- 9781428319363
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R-410A Universal Safety Manual: Training and practical knowledge to
Safely perform service on systems containing R-410A and R-407C
ISBN: 1-930044-12-7
Section 608 Certification Exam Preparatory Manual by ESCO:
ISBN: 1-930044-00-3
Notes: For information on where to take the test ”EPA" in
your area call the ESCO Institute toll free at (800) 726-9696.
Tool list is available to student during the first day of class meeting or find it at HCC Learning Web - Central
Campus listed by instructor name: Hoang N Do
Dress Code
Dress code must be appropriate for the class. Students must dress in a way that clothing and accessories do
not compromise their safety, and the safety of others. Proper foot wear is required in all laboratories. Absolutely
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no sandals or other footwear that exposes the feet will be allowed.
Classroom & Laboratory Conduct
Proper behavior is expected in all classes and laboratories. Foul language and horseplay are not allowed.
Making or receiving cell phone calls during class are not allowed. Sleeping in class is not allowed.
Course Withdrawal
It is the responsibility of the student to officially withdraw from a course before the official withdrawal deadline. A
student who does not withdraw from a course by the deadline will receive an “F” as the final grade. Also note
that under Section 51.907 of the Texas Education Code, an institution of higher education may not allow a
student to drop more than six courses.
Student Evaluation Policies/Grading Scales:
Class participation
Quiz ( 12 x 30)
Lab ( 6 x 40)
Midterm Examination
Final Examination
Total possible points =
Total Percentage =
100 pts
1000 pts
10 %
36 %
24 %
15 %
15 %
Grading Points
The percentage of total points that students achieve is converted to a letter grade as follow:
94% to 100%
87% to 93%
80% to 86%
73% to 79%
72% to below
Upon completion of this course, the student will:
Define the section 608 by EPA regulation
Identify the refrigerant used in HVAC systems with CFC, HFC, and HCFC refrigerant
Describe the effect of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)
Apply safe and proper techniques for recovery, evacuation, and charging refrigerants
Demonstrate adaptability by collaborating and planning a project with others
Demonstrate ability to collect technical data from manuals and equipments
Identify tools and equipments used in recovery, evacuation of refrigerants
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Differentiate the three terms: Recover, Recycle, and Reclaim
Recognize and use the procedures to recover, evacuate, and charge a refrigeration
Differentiate tools used in recycle and recover process
Interpret written materials about the laws and regulations pertaining to the Clean Air
Identify the laws, regulations and procedures addressed by The Environmental
Protection Agency regarding refrigerant use, storage, and cylinder handling
Course Outline - Goals / Activities
Week 1
Introduce the section 608 and EPA.
Recognize the section 608
Define refrigerants and history of refrigerant
Review syllabus and course procedures
Week 2
Relate Refrigerants and the Environment
Identify problems of CFC and HCFC
Describe negative effects of CFC
Identify Atmospheric regions and altitude
Recognize effects of Ozone Depletion
Quiz 01
Lab - 01
Week 3
Describe a Regulatory History
Define class I and class II refrigerant and groups
Discuss Montreal Protocol
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Identify the Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP scale)
Discuss the London Amendments
Discuss the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
Demonstrate ability to collect technical data from manuals and equipments by using
internet resources
Quiz 02
Week 4
Differentiate Laws and Regulations
Review regulatory actions affecting use of CFCs, HCFCs and Alternatives
Recognize prohibitions and compliance dates
Describe regulatory requirements and important terms
Discuss technician certifications: type I, II, III, and Universal
Quiz 03
Lab - 02
Week 5
Restate the three terms: Recover, Recycle, and Reclaim
Define process definitions
Review options and tactics for used refrigerants
Define Recover, Recycle, and Reclaim
List Recovery procedures
List Recycle procedures
List Reclaim procedures
Quiz 04
Week 6
Practice conservation
Identify service procedures in a Refrigeration system
Differentiate leak detection methods
Review installation recommendations for conserving refrigerant
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Apply service procedures to conserve refrigerant
Quiz 05
Week 7
Demonstrate safe handling
Review safety procedures for handling CFCs and HCFCs
Review the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of alternative refrigerants
Identify flammability and toxicity of refrigerants
Recognize regulations for transporting pressure vessels such as refrigerant cylinders
Calculate the maximum capacity of cylinder - 80% of maximum weight gross
Apply the appropriate used refrigerant label for shipping or transporting
Quiz 06
Lab - 03
Week 8
Discuss Low pressure appliances
Differentiate the Low pressure and High pressure appliances
Review general service practices when servicing Low pressure system
Identify Recovery requirements, Recovery procedures, and Charging the system
Discuss the practice of conservation
Practice safe handling - handling, containing, shipping, and disposing of refrigerant
Restate type III Certification
Mid term examination
Week 9
Identify four types of EPA certification and the core regulations
Define the core and regulations
Define the Type I Certification
Define the Type II Certification
Define the Type III Certification
Define the Universal Certification
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Quiz 07
Lab - 04
Week 10
Compare and contrast Type I certification - Small appliances
Differentiate Type I Certification
List all appliances related to Type I
Quiz 08
Lab - 05
Week 11
Compare and contrast Type II certification - High & very high pressure
Differentiate Type II Certification
List all appliances related to Type II
Quiz 09
Week 12
Compare and contrast Type III certification - Low pressure system
Differentiate Type III Certification
List all appliances related to Type III
Lab - 06
Quiz 10
Week 13
Compare and contrast the Universal certification
Differentiate the Universal Certification
List all appliances related to the Universal Certification
Week 14
Practice the core and Type I certification test
Practice Type I certification test
Quiz 11
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Week 15
Practice the core and Type II certification test
Practice Type II certification test
Quiz 12
Week 16
Practice the core and Type III certification test
Final exam
Instructor evaluation by using online survey
________________________________ The End _______________________________
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