
Title of Book:
The Pilgrims Are Marching
Greene, Carol; Dunnington, Tom
Childrens Press/1994
Grade Levels for Recommended Use: Pre-K/ Kindergarten
Prekindergarten Guidelines (V.A.5)
V. Mathematics Domain
C. Geometry & Spatial Sense Skills
1. Child Names Common Shapes
Brief Summary:
The adventurous Johnny B. and the other Pilgrims sail to America and prepare for the first
Thanksgiving described in counting verses one to ten. It’s a great holiday sing-a-long story that
gets the students participating and laughing.
Materials needed:
Before the Lesson, make sure there are enough cut outs for each student.
 One piece of construction paper for each student & The Pilgrims are from England
sentence strips.
 Glue Bottle
 Circle cut outs from manila paper
o Use a cup to trace the circle. Each student will need 2 circles.
 Square cut outs from black paper
o Fold a black piece of construction paper in half like a hot dog. Then fold into 3
sections. Cut 3 sets of squares. Each student will need 2 squares.
 Rectangular cut outs from white paper
o Fold a white piece of construction paper hot dog style and cut 1in strips. Then cut
each strip in half. Each student will need two 1in strips.
 Pilgrim hat & Buckle cut out
o Fold a black piece of construction paper in half like a hot dog. Then fold into 3
sections. Cut out 3 top hats. Use yellow paper to cut out small squares.
 Bonnet cut out
o Fold a white piece of construction paper hot dog style then into thirds. Cute out
half circles.
 Pilgrim Hair
o Fold a piece of construction paper hot dog style and cut 1in strips. Each student
will need 2 strips. Cut fringe along one short side of the rectangle side.
 Bonnet Hair
o Fold a yellow piece of construction paper hot dog style and cut 1in strips. Cut
fringe along one long rectangle side.
 Googley Eyes (4 per student) optional
Suggested Activity:
After reading the story, students will recall the names of the people who came to America and
who helped them prepare food. As part of a weeklong lesson, students will begin creating their
Thanksgiving book. The first page is The Pilgrims are from England. Each student will create a
male and female pilgrim.
While creating each pilgrim, ask students to recall details about the story. In addition, ask them
to identify shapes being used to create their pilgrims. Shapes range from circle, square, to
Male Pilgrim
One black square for the body
Two white rectangle strips.
One manila circle
One pilgrim hat and two brown hair strips.
Female Pilgrim
One black square for the body
Two white rectangular strips
One manila circle
One bonnet & blonde hair strip
The remaining pages are:
o They sailed to America on the Mayflower.
o They became friends with the Native Americans.
o They had a good harvest.
o They prepared their first meal and gave thanks.
Adapted by: Monica Garcia (2011)