Numbers 1-10

Title of Book:
The Crayola Counting Book
Rozanne Lanczak Williams
Creative Teaching Press, Inc./1995
Grade Levels for Recommended Use: Pre-K, Kindergarten
TEKS: (K.12) Probability and statistics. The student constructs and uses graphs of real objects
or pictures to answer questions. The student is expected to:
(A) construct graphs using real objects or pictures in order to answer questions; and
(B) use information from a graph of real objects or pictures in order to answer questions.
Materials Needed: crayons, graphing worksheet (can make your own – make columns, label
each column a different color crayon)
Suggested Activity: 1.) After reading the book divide students into small groups. Give each
group an assortment of crayons, have varying numbers of same color. (Ex: 4 red, 2 yellow, 6
blue, 1 green, 3 purple)
2.) Give each student a graphing chart.
3.) Have students group like crayons together.
4.) One color at a time, graph by using color of crayon to shade each group of colors on graph
Adapted by: Stacey Noland (2011)