Book: The Once Upon a Time Map Book Author: B.G. Hennessy Publisher /Date: Candlewick Press/ 2004 ISBN: 0-7636-2521-3 Grade: 6th - 8th TEKS: 7.4(B) graph data to demonstrate relationships in familiar concepts such as conversions, perimeter, area, circumference, volume, and scaling Summary: The book goes through six different enchanted lands asking the students to find their way through the land with the directions given; they are looking for hidden things and a secret surprise on each page. After reading the directions the students should end up in a certain place. Materials: Book, 6 rulers, 6 copies of state map with different locations. Directions: The students will get into six groups, I will read the story of a few of the lands to the students. Then I will go to the land of Alice in Wonderland. I will read that page to the students asking them for help, allowing a child to take a clue and come up to the book, and get the class to the next clue. After we have reached the end I will see if the students can find the cats and the tea pots secret place. After the story I will pass out the state copies and have the group make a story with their map. They will first choose a starting and ending point, and then they will make up three clues to get from the beginning to the end. After that they will need to give the total miles of the trip in the proper units. When the students have finished one group will present and another will follow along and try to figure the trail out, with starting and ending point and total miles of trip. Adapted by Monica Mitchell, 2010