Title of Book: Measuring Penny Author: Loreen Leedy Publisher: Henry Holt and Company ISBN: 0-613-30024-6 Grade Levels for Recommended Use: 4th TEKS 4th Grade: (8) Geometry and measurement. The student applies mathematical process standards to select appropriate customary and metric units, strategies, and tools to solve problems involving measurement. The student is expected to:(A) identify relative sizes of measurement units within the customary and metric systems; (C) solve problems that deal with measurements of length, intervals of time, liquid volumes, mass, and money using addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division as appropriate. Brief Summary: Measuring Penny is all about measurement. Lisa is given a project about measurement. The book allows learners to learn about nonstandard and standard unit measurements. This book goes into great detail on a wide range of measuring from Penny's ears to how much water she would like. Materials needed: Internet, Computer, Projector, Book, Dog Biscuits, Ruler, Time Schedule Handout, Time Schedule Question Handout, Pencils Suggested Activity: 1) Start class with YouTube Song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjNsvSHYK98 2) Have a quick discussion about measurements including standard and nonstandard units. 3) Read book to class, Measuring Penny. 4) Class activity: Stop at page 7 and have each group measure an item using dog biscuits and then with a ruler. Explain how this is a nonstandard unit of measurement and discuss as a class what each group discovered. 5) Individual activity: have each student fill out a schedule of their day and night in a twentyfour hour time period. Have them answer how much time various activities took in a twentyfour hour period. Measuring Penny Time Schedule Worksheet.xlsx and Measuring Penny Activity Worksheet.doc 6) Extended activity ideas Color and show the measurement of the drawn item the student drew. http://www.loreenleedy.com/books/penny.pdf Measure the student's pet or sibling to gain more practice and using the various types of measurement. References http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjNsvSHYK98 Measuring Penny Time Schedule Worksheet.xlsx Measuring Penny Activity Worksheet.doc Adapted by (Leslie Demmer, 2013)