Title of Book: Author: Publisher ISBN:

Title of Book: Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies
Author: Louise Mathews, Pictures by Jeni Bassett
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
ISBN: 0-590-44766-1
Grade Levels for Recommended use: 3rd – 5th
TEKS: §111.15. Mathematics, Grade 3
(4) Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to
develop and use strategies and methods for whole number computations in order to
solve problems with efficiency and accuracy. The student is expected to:
(E) Represent multiplication facts by using a variety of approaches such as
repeated addition, equal-sized groups, arrays, area models, equal jumps on a
number line, and skip counting;
(F) Recall facts to multiply up to 10 by 10 with automaticity and recall the
corresponding division facts;
Brief Summary: This book is a great way to introduce or reinforce multiplication to students.
The wonderful visuals will be great for getting students engaged in the story, but would also help
them remember and learn the basic multiplication facts as they follow these cute, silly little
bunnies as they multiply. Each page tells what happens when you multiply a number by itself
until we end up with 144 bunny relatives in one house! Each multiplication has a memorable
four line poem which will help children remember their facts!
Materials Needed:
Assorted construction paper (9 x 12) - 2 per student
Book - Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies by Louise Mathews
Suggested Activity:
Multiplication Bingo
1. The teacher tells students they will be learning a fun way to practice, learn and retain
multiplication facts thru a rhyming story and thru a multiplication bingo activity
2. The teacher shows the cover of the book and asks students questions of what the book
might be about.
3. The teacher will read “Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies” by Louise Mathews.
4. While reading, the teacher will tell the students to repeat parts of the rhyme with her and
to take special note of the multiplication facts.
Preparing The Game Board & Playing The Game:
5. After reading, the teacher instruct students in setting up their game board for the bingo
a. Each child needs to take 1 piece of paper and:
b. Fold in half from top to bottom
c. Fold again from top to bottom
d. Fold in half from side to side
e. Fold again from side to side
6. When the students open their paper, there should be 16 squares. This is their game board.
7. Teacher call out the products of 16 multiplication facts (ex: 35). Students are to write
each product in a different square on their game board.
8. Teacher instructs students to fold their 2nd piece of paper as before and cut out the 16
squares to use on their game board to cover up the products.
9. Teacher tell students there are various bingo games to play such as:
a. Postage stamp
b. Horizontal
c. Diagonal
d. “X” (two diagonals)
e. Bulls eye (four in the center)
f. “L” (four on the left & four on the bottom)
Let students know they can make up more variations for the game.
10. Teacher begins by calling out 16 factors only (ex: 5x7). Students must know the
product, find it on their game boards, and cover it up. Students are not allowed to tell
other students what the product is.
11. Continue calling out facts until someone gets a bingo. Be sure to make a copy of the
facts you called, so you can check your winner to see if he/she covered the correct
Adaptations: Special education and ESL students should be paired with a buddy to ensure their
success in this activity.
Jaunita Cook
Adapted by Barbra Darling, 2013