5th GRADE EXPECTATIONS AND PROCEDURES Greetings Parents & Students: Welcome to a brand new school year! We are Mrs. Dick, Mrs. Parrott, and Ms. Whitehead, and we are your 5th grade teachers! We are looking forward to a rewarding and successful year! In order to begin the new school year off on the right foot, we wanted to make each of you aware of our expectations and procedures for the school and classroom. EXPECTATIONS: SCHOOL WORK AND HOMEWORK We expect all work to be completed in pencil, always with the neatest handwriting. Each assignment should have the correct and proper heading, which the students will learn in class and will use in all classes. This will include the student’s name, number, date, and assignment in the top right hand corner. All homework is expected to be turned in the day after it is assigned, unless specified otherwise by the teacher. Students will be allowed ONE day past the due date to turn papers in with an automatic 15 point deduction. If it is not complete by the second day, the student will receive a zero. Receiving zero points for any assignment can be very harmful to a student’s grades and even detrimental when this happens more than once in a single class. ATTENDANCE It is to each child’s advantage to be at school, ON TIME, every day. Students are given from 9:00-9:15 to prepare for the day. Class begins promptly at 9:15 a.m. We expect each student to be in class and ready to learn at this time. If you intend on eating breakfast at the school, please aware of the time while in the cafeteria, especially those who ride a bus. You will be counted tardy if you are in the cafeteria when the 9:15 bell rings. An ill student should stay at home, but otherwise we look forward to seeing each student at school every day. PARENT PORTAL Moore Public Schools has an Internet program called Parent Portal for accessing information concerning your child’s daily grades. We strongly recommend that each and every parent visit the front office to obtain their password for accessing this information. For those of you who do not have access to the Internet, it is available at your local library. The program is a great way to stay updated on your child’s daily progress. If you access the program and have any questions concerning your child’s grades you can email us and we will respond as soon as possible. Our email addresses are also available through this program and are as follows: aricadick@mooreschools.com (Mrs. Dick) victoriarussell@mooreschools.com (Mrs. Parrott) breeanawhitehead@mooreschools.com (Miss Whitehead) Procedures are a part of life. We follow procedures for using the telephone book, boarding an airplane, and approaching a traffic light. The reason we have procedures in life is so that people can function in society knowing the acceptable and efficient way other people do things. The following are procedures for the school and classroom and will establish our classroom culture. PROCEDURES: ENTERING THE CLASSROOM Before entering the classroom, students will line up outside the classroom and wait for teacher instruction. While in line, students will remain quiet and facing forward. Students are NOT allowed in the classroom unless a teacher is present. After entering the classroom, students will silently go to their seats, prepare for class, and get ready to learn. All assignments will be written on the board and students will copy them into their agenda each morning. LEAVING THE CLASSROOM As the teachers, we will dismiss the class, not the clock or the bell. Students will wait for our instruction before they begin packing up their materials or leaving their seats. Students must clear everything off their desks; pick up the area around their desk; get any materials they need for where they are going; stand quietly and push in their chair; and line up in front of the door with their voices silent. CHANGING CLASSES Students will line up quietly in number order inside the classroom at the teacher’s request. When signaled, students will line up in hallway procedure outside their next class until told to enter. It is imperative that students remain silent at all times during this procedure, so as not to disturb others learning. SHARPENING PENCILS Pencil sharpening is to be done before the school day begins or during seatwork. Students will not be allowed to sharpen pencils during instruction time or while the teacher is speaking; because of this procedure students must have at least two sharpened pencils with them at all times. ABSENT WORK Absent students will be given a missing assignment sheet for each day they are absent. This will be given to the student when they return, or it may be picked up after 3:15 in the office by a parent/guardian by notifying in the office. It is solely your responsibility as the absent student to get all of your make-up work when you return. You will then have one day for every day you have missed to complete ALL of your assignments. The late work policy applies to all make-up work as well. CORRECTED WORK If a student is turning in work they have corrected for a better grade, the assignment must meet the following criteria. The assignment must be turned in within one week (One Thursday Folder Cycle) and the grade must read a 60% or below to qualify. * This is subject to change due to the needs of an IEP or 504 Plan. TURNING IN ASSIGNMENTS After finishing individual work, students will turn in their work, in number order, to the designated basket unless specified otherwise. Work that is completed at home is to be turned in the teacher’s basket first thing when you get to their class. HOMEWORK FOLDER Each student will have a homework folder with two pockets. This is to be used to store incomplete assignments assigned as homework. We ask that you do not store any assignments in your textbooks because it is a very easy way to lose track of your work. If you have time during the day, look in your homework folder for work to do. This folder should be with you in EVERY class and be taken home any time you have homework to be completed. FINISHING ASSIGNMENTS EARLY IN CLASS When your daily assignment is complete and turned in you have 3 options: 1st – work on any work that has not been completed from your homework folder. 2nd – read your AR book that should ALWAYS be with you or take an AR test with the teacher’s permission. 3rd – study for an upcoming test. THURSDAY FOLDER Parent communication is always a priority at Kingsgate. We have implemented the THURSDAY FOLDER. It will contain graded papers, notes from the school/administration, and the 5th grade newsletter. Parents are asked to keep the contents of the folder, sign that they received the information in the folder, and return the folder the next day. Parents will be contacted if a student’s Thursday folder is not returned. USING LIFE PRINCIPLES In the classroom and in life, we always use manners. Students will become more responsible and thoughtful as they learn and practice these life principles. Through practicing, these students will make positive self-directed decisions. These principles are posted in each classroom and are expected to be seen in each student daily. BEING PREPARED FOR CLASS Each student is expected to have all necessary materials for every class daily. The students will be expected to have these basic materials for EVERY class along with any other requested materials: Knights book with homework folder, agenda, AR book, appropriate textbook, and, carried in your pencil bag, at least 4 sharpened pencils, highlighter, a blue or green pen, and extra erasers. HAND SIGNALS Students will be using hand signals to communicate certain needs to the teacher. The signals are as follows: -Hold up ONE finger: you are set and ready to learn -Hold up TWO fingers: you have a question -Hold up THREE fingers: you are asking to use the restroom -Crossed fingers: for emergencies When the teacher sees a signal, she will silently respond with a nod of the head or a gesture of the hand. REWARDS AND CONSEQUENCES: GROUP REWARDS Students will be seated in the same group in all the classrooms for a period of one month. Each group will have the opportunity to earn points in every class. These points can be given for many reasons. For example: everyone in the group turns in their homework on time, each group member is quiet and ready to learn without reminding, every student brings back his/her Thursday folder and accountability sheet signed on Friday, every student in the group has their agenda signed by their parent, and etc. Points can also be taken away at the teacher’s discretion. There will be a designated time at the end of each month when the winning group from each class will receive their reward. The rewards will change each month and are kept a surprise for the groups being rewarded. DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES There will be an accountability book for each homeroom class that will stay with the students the entire day. This will be used for ensuring that all students follow the life principles. Students can receive a signature for not following a certain life principle, for example: not turning in homework on time, excessive talking, inappropriate behavior, dishonesty, not having the necessary materials for class, and etc. The life principle that has not been followed can be recorded by any teacher along with that teacher’s initials. These accountability sheets will be sent home each week in the student’s Thursday folder. They are expected to be signed and returned on Friday. Life Principles you will be seeing on the accountability sheet are as follows: 1. Responsibility – making the choice to be reliable and dependable 2. Self-Discipline – the ability to choose and control one’s own actions 3. Cooperation – working together 4. Respect – to regard and feel honor 5. Propriety – standard of what is socially acceptable in conduct and speech 6. Honesty – truthfulness 7. Other – any incident not pertaining to these 6 principles CONSEQUENCES Webster defines consequence as “a result of an action, a logical result or conclusion.” Students must be allowed to own their behavior and choices. As your teachers, it is our job to guide you in solving any problems you may have. In our classrooms, bad choices made by the student will have natural and logical consequences. For example: if a student is talking excessively, within their group, and has been asked to work quietly on numerous occasions, the student could be moved to the “sidelines of success”. This means the student will be moved away from the group to think about the choice they have made. The student will remain on the “sidelines of success” until the students change seats again at the end of month. WELCOME TO 5TH GRADE!!! _________________ Mrs. Dick ___________________ Mrs. Parrott ___________________ Ms. Whitehead Please sign, detach the signature page, and return to your homeroom teacher. 5th Grade Expectations and Procedures I have read and understand the expectations and procedures stated in this packet. _________________________ Student’s Signature _________________________ Parent’s Signature _________________________ Date __________________________ Date