Puritan Lit
Final Jeopardy
MLA - $100
How should your page margins be set for a
properly formatted MLA document?
1 inch on top, bottom, left & right
MLA - $200
What should appear in the header portion of
your document, and where?
Last name and page number, right top of
MLA - $300
What four identifying features are required in
the left of your document prior to starting to
Your name (first and last), Professor’s name,
Course title, and date….double spaced
MLA - $400
What is the reference page of an MLA document
Works Cited
MLA - $500
Describe a hanging indent
In a reference, the second and third or
subsequent lines are indented five spaces. The
first line is not indented.
Crucible- $100
She sleeps and will not wake, and her father is
more concerned with his reputation than her
Who is Betty Parris?
Crucible- $200
He is asked to confess to save his life and
replies, “more weight.”
HE was pressed to death, Giles Corey
Crucible- $300
What is proof that Parris fears supernatural
involvement in the illness of the girls?
He calls in Reverand Hale to assist with
Crucible- $400
This character says, “I made a gift for you
today, Goody Proctor. I had to sit long hours
in a chair and passed the time sewing.”
What is the gift…..
Mary Warren, a doll/poppet
Crucible- $500
What confession does Elizabeth make to John
prior to his death?
She feels she is responsible in some ways for his
having an affair with Abigail.
Puritan Lit- $100
This poem is a expression of pain and
 Sorrow after the author loses all of her
 Possessions in a traumatic event.
“Upon the Burning of Our House”
Puritan Lit- $200
The first female writer in the New World,
Whose poems were published without her
Anne Bradstreet.
Puritan Lit- $300
The reasons that the Puritans left England and
traveled to the New World
Religious Persecution, the desire to convert others,
practice their religion the way they saw fit.
Puritan Lit- $400
The purpose of most Puritan literature was to..
To showcase the power of God, journal entries
to describe traumatic/ life changing events, for
pleasure, to console one’s self
Puritan Lit- $500
In Anne Bradstreet’s Poem, “Upon The Burning
of Our House,” she determines that her
possessions ultimately belonged to…..Explain
Sinners - $100
In his sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an
Angry God,” Edward’s purpose in delivering this
sermon is to –
Frighten his congregation into mending their ways
and seeking salvation
Sinners - $200
From “Sinners…”:
"The bow of God’s wrath is bent and the arrow made ready on the string, and justice
bends the arrow at your heart, and strains the bow, and it is nothing but the mere
pleasure of God, and that of an angry God, without any promise or obligation at all,
that keeps the arrow one moment from being made drunk with your blood.”
What is the connotation of the phrase “made drunk with your blood?”
Crazed and violent. Reveling in or enjoying the attack
Sinners - $300
The imagery of God holding man over the
flames of hell as if they were a spider over a
flame is meant to demonstrate:
Man’s lack of power in the face of God’s wrath
Sinners - $400
The idea that God had already chosen who would be
in heaven or hell, and each believer had no way of
knowing which group they were in.
Sinners - $500
The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as
he holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the
fire, abhors you.
Hates/ loathes / feels no regret or remorse for you
Extras - $100
This scathing sermon exemplifies the ideas of
Calvinism and explains the horrible fate awaiting
Puritans who do not live a righteous life.
Jonathan Edwards “Sinners in the Hands of an
Angry God”
Extras - $200
When an author gives you details about a
character’s personality, looks, or relationships
with other characters, this is what type of
Direct characterization
Extras - $300
What poem inspired the title and theme for “A
Raisin in The Sun?”
Langston Hughes’ “Harlem”
Extras - $400
What is meant by “noble savage?
The “noble savage” presented a one-dimensional,
romanticized view of Native Americans
The “noble savage” was admired for living in unspoiled
harmony with nature, without want, greed, or
possessiveness, untainted by contact with civilization
Extras - $500
This event in the 1950’s inspired Arthur Miller
to write his play, The Crucible.
The Red Scare/The McCarthy Trials
Final Jeopardy
The three persuasive appeals that one
 can use in order to cause others to think, believe
and/or act a certain way. Name them, explain
them and give one example for each.
Logos, ethos pathos
 Logical, ethical emotional