El Camino College Associated Students Organization Senate Meeting Public Participation:

El Camino College
Associated Students Organization
Senate Meeting
September 22, 2011
1:00 pm
Activities Center West Conference Room
Public Participation: Members of the Public are invited to speak concerning any item of business on this agenda
prior to or during the Cabinet/Senate’s discussion of the item, and always prior to the Cabinet/Senate taking action
on the item. For matters not listed on this agenda that are under this Body’s jurisdiction, members of the public are
invited to address the Body during Public Comment. Please, limit your comments to no more than 2 minutes.
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
Voting Members of the Senate
__Jasmine Hormati (chair) __Rebekka Asher __Kenji Tomoda __Cindy Valdez __Vince Bui __Joshua J.
Casper __Melina Mossberg __Jack Demont __Erick Hernandez __Lena Yamaguchi __Bryan Park __Zachary
Gurzensk __Nester Rogel __Daniela Messarina __ Brian Song __Andre Portilla __ Azucena Valadez __Patrick
Non-Voting Senate Appointees
__ Kevin Paxton __ Sharon Asher __Ji Young Oh __ Sabeen Jafri
III. Approval of the Minutes
IV. Approval of the Agenda
V. New Business (10 minutes per item, 1 minute per comment, 2 comments per person maximum)
5.1 – Meeting Trustee Ken Brown – Joshua J. Casper/Ken Brown
The Senate will meet Trustee Ken Brown, be informed on his desire to have direct communication
with ECC students and take action on this.
5.2 – Removals – Rebekka Asher
The Senate will consider and vote on the following removal from office:
5.2.1 Zachary Gurzenski Position: Senator of Business
Reason for removal: Ineligibility
5.3 – Appointments – Rebekka Asher
The Senate will consider and vote on the following appointments:
5.3.1 Dillan Horton
Position: Senator of Health Sciences and Athletics
5.3.2 Janelle Miller
Position: Senator of Health Sciences and Athletics
5.3.3 Nathan Woffard
Position: Senator of Humanities
5.3.4 Nicholas Daniel Mitchell
Position: Senator of Natural Sciences
5.3.5 Brooke Matson
Position: Senator of Business
5.4 – Senators and Commissioners – Rebekka Asher
The Senate will be informed about their responsibilities with each other.
5.5. – Finance Items – Kenji Tomoda
The Senate will vote to ratify the following finance items approved at the AS Finance Committee
Allocate up to $150 from AS Public Relations (71-836412) to fund the new ASO Logo
Allocate up to $150 from AS Student Rep Fee Advocacy (72-55714) to fund Region 7
Representative’s mileage
Allocate up to $4000 from AS Student Rep Fee Conferences (72-55229) to fund the
attendance of ASO at the Fall General Assembly in November
Allocate up to $20 from AS Supplies (71-836101) to fund a new mop
Create a Sustainability Account for Sustainability fundraising
5.6 – Appointment of Senate Leader – Jasmine Hormati
The Senate will vote to ratify Lena Yamaguchi as Senate Leader.
5.7 – General Assembly – Rebekka Asher
5.7.1 The Senate will vote on attending the SSCCC General Assembly from November 4-7th.
5.7.2 The Senate will approve the following people to attend the General Assembly: Rebekka Asher,
Jack Demont, Erick Hernandez, Jasmine Hormati, Melina Mossberg, and Cindy Valdez.
5.8 – Constitution Day – Joshua J. Casper/Rebekka Asher
The Senate will move to support Constitution Day. A signup sheet will be passed around.
5.9 – Movie Studio Opportunity – Rebekka Asher
The Senate will be informed about a movie opportunity.
Old Business
Reports (90 seconds per report, more upon request)
7.1 ASO Member Reports
7.2 ICC Reports
7.3 AGS Reports
7.4 Committee Reports
Activities Committee
Fundraising Committee
Policy Committee
Sustainability Committee
7.5 Adviser Reports
Rebecca Cobb
Breanna Anderson
Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items (5 minutes per item, 2 comments per person)
IX. Adjournment