August 2, 2007

Planning & Budgeting Committee
August 2, 2007
__x__Arvid Spor, Chair
__x__Miriam Alario
__x__Cheryl Shenefield
_____Susan Taylor
__x__Dawn Reid
_____Harold Tyler
__x__Lance Widman
_____Vivian Amezcua
_____Saad Husain
OTHERS ATTENDING: Francisco Arce, Janice Ely, Christina Jack, Ken Key, Luis Mancia,
Virgina Rapp, John Wagstaff
Introduction to the Accreditation Standards
ECC Strategic Plan 2007-10
ARCC 2007 Report: College Level Indicators
The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by Arvid Spor.
Approval of Minutes
The following changes were made to the minutes of July 5:
1. Page 1 – (Tentative Budget Discussion) #4: add “for reflecting labor distributing
2. Page 1 – (Tentative Budget Discussion) #7: change “factor” to “goal.”
3. Page 2 - #14: Change to “The District will use 19,300 for 2006-07.”
4. Page 2 - #17: Change to “Shifting summer 2007 allows for full recovery for 19,300 for
2006-07.” Delete the sentence beginning “If we do not shift…”
5. Page 2 - #19: Delete “be left over to report” and change to “remain from summer of 2007.”
6. Page 2 – a-ii: Change second sentence to “We did not receive a reduction in overall revenue,
but an increase in State appropriation.”
7. Page 2 - #21: Delete the second #21 ( Need to look at enrollment…)
8. Page 2 - #24 – bullet #1: Change to “Local secured and unsecured property tax (rolls) were
included in May document…” The second sentence should read, “Property taxes were rolled
up into State apportionment.”
The following items in the minutes were discussed:
1. #4 - In response to a question as to when the actual expenditures would be shown, it was
noted that they are due in the President’s Office by Monday morning, and he will talk about
them at the next meeting.
2. Enrollment fees, State apportionment and property taxes will be in the final budget.
3. #7 - The target goal for 2007-08 is being funded in the part-time faculty budget.
4. #8 - ECC continues to maintain the same number of sections, and the hope is that the college
will be back to 19,300 at the end of 2008.
5. Taking FTES from summer 2007-08 to bring ECC up in 2006-07 leaves the college short in
2007-08 unless it grows. Basically, the short fall is delayed.
6. #9 ties in with #11. The fund balance will decrease based on any salary increases that are
7. #20 - Borrowing from summer inflates the FTES numbers. Unless a college grows, it
eventually runs out of numbers from which to borrow.
8. When local taxes go up, state apportionment goes down.
9. #21 - From AB 361, ECC received foundation-based revenue ($4 million on top of the rest)
for the first time; however, this will be taken back in February.
10. It was suggested that funds should be treated now like they will be treated later rather than
rolling things into one account and then unrolling them again. Changing the format leads to
11. #28 - The numbers are out there now for CalPERS; it was projected at 7%. Where are the
other numbers? In previous years the Insurance Benefits Committee got them in May.
12. #30 - The Bookstore’s profits began to go down after they used their profits to build the
campus delis. The Bookstore traditionally gave back its profits to the college (Auxiliary
Services). It was suggested that there may be a need to look at what Auxiliary Services
spends its money on.
13. Extra PBC meetings were booked in August in order to have time to go over the details after
the President made his budget presentation to the group. It was noted that the Board meets
the Tuesday after Labor Day to go over the budget.
14. It was suggested that Donna Manno should be approached about making the PBC
presentation meeting a flex activity.
15. It was also suggested that the presentations could be taped.
16. Arvid will get additional clarification from Jeff on the minutes and will bring them back two
meetings from today.
Academic Technology & Equipment: The presenter was absent, so the presentation was postponed.
Non Agenda Items:
Indicators - In the 2002 accreditation recommendations, it was noted that ECC was not linking
planning and budgeting. The college needs to continue to address this. To this end, the following
handouts were shared with the group:
 Introduction to the Accreditation Standards
 ECC Strategic Plan 2007-10
 ARCC 2007 Report: College Level Indicators
a) Irene Graff is working on indicators.
b) All areas need to work on indicators. The next step is to create plans based on the indicators.
c) ECC is also in the midst of creating a new Master Plan. Arvid can share each chapter as it
comes along if the group would like to review it. It was suggested that due to the size of the
Master Plan document, an Executive Summary would be desirable.
d) In response to a question as to when the final decision about GASB needs to be made, it was
noted that it has been left it in the budget for the coming year.
e) Efforts have been made to recruit staff from Compton to be more involved in the PBC
process at ECC as a participant.
f) In response to a question as to whether ECC ever received the second payment from
Compton, it was noted that the $2 million is built into Foundation revenue.
Meeting adjourned at 2:27 p.m.