April 29, 2009 Council on Research Meeting 9:30 – 11:30 am

April 29, 2009
Council on Research Meeting
Life Sciences Research Building – Conference Room 1143
9:30 – 11:30 am
Members Present: Sandra Austin, Christopher Bischoff, Lance Bosart, James Castracane,
Daniel Goodwin, Mengbing Huang, Nicholas Fahrenkopf, Janet Marler, Kwadwo Sarfoh,
Lawrence Schell, Scott South, Kevin Tyle, Lynn Videka
Members Absent: Adam Ahmad, Kirsten Davison, William Reese, Eszter Szalczar
Also attending: Adrienne Bonilla, Philip Nasca, Carol Whittaker, Robert Webster,
Approval of March 4, 2009 Minutes
Minutes were unanimously approved with one clarification: page 1, bullet #2 under
Distribution of Campus-wide Research Investments, should read: For the first time since
1996, the East Campus will be solvent, due largely to contributions expected from the
arrival of the Tech Valley High School.
Committee on Centers/Institutes/Specialized Labs, Janet Marler Chair
The floor was opened for discussion about the proposal for the establishment of the Center
for Global Health. Janet Marler noted that the proposal included an addendum which was
submitted to address some of the committee’s questions and concerns.
The main concerns expressed during the discussion were:
- Funding beyond the support from the School of Public Health
- Interaction and overlap with other related centers, i.e. Center for Public Health
- Interaction and coordination with faculty who will be teaching courses leading to a degree
in global studies.
The concerns were sufficiently addressed by Philip Nasca, Dean of the School of Public
Health and Carol Whittaker, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Health Policy.
Janet Marler motioned to accept the proposal and the addendum with the understanding that
an evaluation of the Center will occur after 3 years. Vote: 12 yes and 1 abstention.
The discussion about the establishment of the Center for Critical Demography and Public
Sociology will be carried forward into next year. The committee is awaiting further
clarification of issues that were requested from Dr. Hayward Horton.
Vice President for Research Report
 Excellence Awards
Janice Bogan and Beth Quackenbush will receive the Excellence in Professional
Services award. Kwadwo Sarfoh is receiving the Excellence in Teaching Award.
Page 2 – April 29, 2009 COR Minutes
Animal Care Program
The University is negotiating with contractors who provide animal care service on
the E. Campus. Part of the negotiation is to hire a veterinarian who will provide
services both on the E. Campus and the uptown campus.
The Office for Sponsored Programs has received a vigorous response from campus
researchers pertaining to the stimulus funds. There were 74 proposals submitted for
the month of April, 46 of which were targeted for the stimulus funds.
State budget reduction
Within the division for research, significant funding cuts have occurred in OTPS,
graduate assistants and staff support in schools/colleges, totaling about $200,000.
Analysis of research performance
The analysis of research performance is now being updated. There are two areas
that continue to excel: social science (including public policy) and atmospheric
sciences. Nanoscale science and engineering continues to account for 50% of the
research portfolio.
Research Foundation Strategic Planning
Robert Webster reported that the mission statement, strategic division statement and
value statement have been reviewed and revised since the strategic planning process
began about two years ago. Work on the plan will continue throughout the summer.
Researchers Liaison Committee membership
Larry Schell recommended constituting the Researchers Liaison Committee next fall. David
Strogatz has agreed to co-chair, but needs a co-chair from the uptown campus. Volunteers
should contact Larry Schell.
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 am.
Submitted by:
Janice E. Bogan