Council on Research Meeting Minutes September 19, 2013 Life Sciences Research Building, Conference Room 1144 9:30am-11:30am Members present: Aiguo Dai, James Dias, Lisa Donohue, Samantha Friedman, Kevin Knuth, Igor Kuznetsov, Janet Marler, John Monfasani, Jen Montimurro, Yangzi Isabel Tian Members absent: Erzsebet Fazekas, Hemalata Iyer, Kajal Lahiri, Elaine Lasda Bergman, Loretta Pyles Also attending: Adrienne Bonilla, Jennifer Manganello, Antigone McKenna, Asher Pauli, Thecla Philip and Theresa Walker Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Council on Research Chair, John Monfasani, at 9:35am. New members were welcomed and introductions were made by all attendees. Approval of April 25, 2013 Meeting Minutes The minutes were approved with the following amendments: 1. On page 2, Samantha Friedman asked that the first bullet point under “Graduate students and their involvement in research” be rephrased from "from her experience as head of a graduate program she feels that the package is horrible." to "from her experience as head of a graduate program she feels that the package is not competitive, offering much lower stipends than at peer institutions." 2. Igor Kuznetsov noted that according to the minutes he was both present and absent at the April meeting. His name is to be removed from the list of those absent. 3. On page 2, the third sentence of the second bullet should refer to “ARRA funding” rather than “error funding”. 4. On page 3, the first bullet under the FRAP-A discussion should indicate that the committee made ranked recommendations independently, not that the committee decides independently. COR Subcommittee Membership John Monfasani opened the floor for volunteers to chair or serve as members of the subcommittees, noting that people can be chair of one subcommittee and serve as a member on another subcommittee. Council on Research volunteers were as follows: Benevolent Award Review: Samantha Friedman, CAS/Sociology Chair Members: No new volunteers. Previous members are: Elaine Lasda-Bergman, Environmental Health Hemalata Iyer, CCI/Information Studies Page 1 Conference/Journal Support Awards review: Aiguo Dai, CAS/AES, Chair Members: No additional volunteers. It was requested that Aiguo bring in someone else to participate on the committee, preferably from the Humanities. It was also noted that ideally they should have organized a conference before so they would be familiar with what is involved in arranging a conference FRAP-A Awards Review: Chair volunteer needed from COR Members: Samantha Friedman, CAS/Sociology Jennifer Montimurro, RNA Institute Kevin Knuth, CAS/Physics It was noted that this committee needs a variety of people from across the university as they will be reviewing awards applications from the entire campus community. Committees on Centers, Institutes and Specialized Research Laboratories: Chair volunteer needed from COR – John Monfasani recommended Kajal Lahiri, Distinguished Professor, Economics Members: Samantha Friedman, CAS/Sociology Jennifer Montimurro, RNA Institute Igor Kuznetsov, SPH Lisa Donohue, Environmental Health It was noted that there is a real need for work from this committee this year. Last year a review was done for CAS to identify which centers within the college were actually active. There is no similar campus-wide list. A review of all centers needs to be done campus-wide to determine which centers are active. The point was also raised that it would be useful to have the chair be a full professor, as they have the necessary experience to evaluate and give feedback to center directors. Ideally they would be part of the science faculty, as many of the research centers are within the sciences. John Monfasani pointed out that with CNSE’s withdrawal from the Senate, COR lost Bradley Thiel, a full professor. Excellence in Research and Creative Activities Award Review Committee: John Monfasani, CAS/History, Chair Members: Aiguo Dai, CAS/AES Yangzi Isabel Tian, CNSE, graduate student rep Additional designees to be chosen by VPR (Action) Page 2 Researchers Liaison Committee: Jennifer Montimurro, RNA Institute, Chair Members: Lisa Donohue, Environmental Health Jennifer Manganello, SPH It was noted that members who were not in attendance at the meeting had not been contacted to continue serving on the subcommittees for this year. It was requested that the chairs of each subcommittee contact members to ensure that they are willing to participate (Action). Additional members can be recruited from faculty who are not part of the Council on Research. 2012-13 Research Year in Review, James A. Dias, Vice President for Research Vice President for Research James A. Dias presented an overview of UAlbany’s research performance in the 2012-13 financial year (Action: copy of the presentation to be sent to COR members). The following points were noted: It is critical to encourage PIs to apply for federal funding. Indirect cost recovery which apply to grants come back to campus and are used to support other research, internal awards etc. Losses in indirect cost recovery is an issue which will need to be dealt with this year and will affect the awards reviewed by the subcommittees of the Council on Research It was noted by COR members that we need to compare our figures to other universities which do not have medical or engineering colleges, as these aspects often draw large amounts of grant funding. Action: more data analysis to be done and provided to COR to compare our position with similar universities that do not have medical schools or engineering colleges. Decreases in funding are partly due to sequestration, ARRA funding no longer being available, and a couple of large grants that were not continued in Rockefeller College. Vice President Dias noted that when entities like Rockefeller College bring in large grants, one grant can be critical to the amount of indirect cost recovery funds that come back to the campus. Rockefeller College accounts for approximately 25% of the F&A funds that return to campus. It was also pointed out that when CNSE becomes a completely separate entity next year, UAlbany research funding numbers will suffer a corresponding decrease. Vice President Dias also heavily emphasized the importance of encouraging nominations for the Excellence in Research and Creative Activities Award. In order to achieve the goal of being recognized as a leading research university, we must promote and recognize our faculty. If we don’t promote and recognize our faculty leaders, we won’t be highly regarded nationally and internationally. Two issues were raised: 1. More nominations are needed for the award. There has been a decrease in nominations in recent years, and Vice President Dias stressed that we need to build structures of recognition at earlier stages which would increase the number of faculty eligible for these awards. A proposal for early career awards is currently on the President’s desk; we also need to look at creating a mid-career award to recognize faculty members who are more established in their career. 2. The criteria for who is being selected to be nominated for and win the award must be reviewed. The winners last year were all recently promoted; Vice President Dias stressed Page 3 that we need to also be looking for people who have the potential to be national academy members, etc. Survey being prepared by Jennifer Manganello, Associate Professor in Public Health and Provost Fellow, on facilitators and barriers to faculty research productivity Jennifer Manganello, Associate Professor and Provost Fellow, is currently starting a one-year project examining ways to enhance research productivity at the University at Albany. She identified five major elements which could be studied by a Provost’s Fellow in relation to enhancing research productivity at the University at Albany: 1. Ways to increase funding opportunities 2. Ways to increase the visibility of the University at Albany as a research institution, including participation by faculty at conferences, etc. 3. Best practices for pre- and post-award support 4. Business flow analysis and improvement (which could be a good project for someone from the School of Business next year) 5. Data system improvements to stay up to date on research across UAlbany Professor Manganello will be focusing on best practices for pre- and post-award support, and examining both the barriers and facilitators to research productivity, including submitting grants for external funding. Different stages of the grant life cycle require different types of support, and what she hopes to examine is both where UAlbany is doing well, so that we can recognize those elements, and also where we can make improvements to our support structures and processes. The survey is being informed by the University of South Florida, which did a similar study in recent years. Professor Manganello plans to start with a survey of faculty to find out what we’re doing well and what they think they could use more help with, and to follow up with more in-depth interviews during the spring semester. She requested the Council on Research’s assistance in providing feedback on the questions she proposed for the survey. The Council members assented to providing this assistance. Professor Manganello plans to have the survey ready in the next couple of weeks, and will then distribute it to Council members for feedback in a word document where changes can be tracked (Action). John Monfasani suggested that a good opportunity existed for Professor Manganello to join the Researchers Liaison subcommittee, and it was generally agreed that this would be appropriate as her research aligns with the mission of the subcommittee. Guidelines for FRAP-A Committee in dealing with rankings from the schools In the April 2013 meeting, the issue of what to do with rankings from different schools in reviewing FRAP-A applications was discussed. John Monfasani had volunteered to craft new text to be added to the guidelines as a recommendation for how to handle rankings submitted by the schools and colleges and how much they should influence the workings of the committee, as follows: In ranking applications the FRAP-A Committee will take into account any ranking and justification of such ranking that come from the deans and committees of the various schools, but shall not be bound by them. The Page 4 Committee shall come to an independent determination informed by these data and its own judgment on the relative merits of the applications. It was noted that the review committee in the College of Arts and Sciences includes written justification for their rankings, which would be a useful piece of information for COR reviewers to have from all colleges. A brief discussion then ensued as to when the rankings should be made available to the COR subcommittee. It was agreed that committee members should be given access to the rankings after they had made their own decisions about which applications to recommend for funding, so as not to bias the workings of the committee. Action: John Monfasani will add a clause in the new text to that effect and provide the revised text to COR members for discussion at the next meeting. It was also noted that deans will need to be educated that they will need to provide justifications for their rankings in submitting their recommendations to the COR committee. Meeting adjourned due to fire alarm 11:04am Submitted by Elizabeth Rooks Page 5