Basic Skills Advisory Group (BSAG) Meeting Minutes Those in attendance

Basic Skills Advisory Group (BSAG) Meeting
Thursday, May 10, 2012 1:00-2:00 p.m., H314
Those in attendance: Mary Beth Barrios, Lisa George, Sheryl Kunisaki, Julie Land, Jason Suarez. Facilitator:
Sara Blake, Humanities Basic Skills Coordinator
Those not in attendance: Theresa Clifford, Arturo Hernandez, Arturo Martinez, Cynthia Mosqueda, Sabra Sabio,
Chelvi Subramaniam, Jose Villalobos.
Approval of Minutes from March 8, 2012 - minutes were approved with one correction.
Reports on Conferences/Workshops:
o 3CSN LINKS V: “A Time to Reframe our Practice and Student Learning,” March 16,
2012, Los Angeles, Universal City - Mary Beth and Sabra attended. Mary Beth gave an
overview of keynote presentations on Acceleration, Career Strategies/Career Ladders, and
the Academy for College Excellence. She explained that the afternoon breakouts were on the
topic of acceleration.
o 2012 Basic Skills Coordinator Workshop, March 29-30, Ontario - Sara and Art M.
attended. Sara explained that the conference focused on using tools to gather data and
analyzing that data to inform basic skills practices. The Basic Skills Cohort Tracker on the
Chancellor’s website was highlighted.
Student Success Taskforce Recommendations:
ACTLA and CCCCO Webinar: “The Student Success Taskforce Recommendations: Where
Learning Assistance and Tutoring Intersect with the Advancement of Student Success,” May 3,
ECC Library Video Conference Center - Sheryl and Lisa reported that this video conferenced raised
important concerns about how current basic skills course design and requirements for
apportionment/funding have failed students, especially those who want to self-select for tutoring.
Report on Preview of My Foundations Lab for building basic skills (writing, reading, math) – Sheryl ,
Sara, and Lisa reported they will continue over the summer to evaluate this program and others for CAI in the
Learning Resource Center.
Inspiration Software – Sara reported that the college has a limited number of Inspiration site licenses, and
they’re in use.
Other: The committee discussed the feasibility of proposing a Basic Skills workshop for Fall 2012
Flex Day. In conjunction with this workshop:
o Sheryl and Lisa volunteered to update the brochure on Academic Support Services.
o Julie offered to present on how to refer a student to the Special Resource Center.
o Jason offered to present on using web resources to help students succeed in content area
o Sara will check with Staff Development for a proposal form.
Last Meeting Date for Fall 2012: June 7 will be cancelled because of end-of-semester conflicts.