US History Syllabus

US History
Spring 2016 – Ms. Cooper
Canyon High School – “The Future Begins Here”
INTRODUCTION – U.S. History is designed to provide students with the analytic skills and factual
knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in American History. This two
semester course provides necessary background information about the events and foundations of our country. Students
will develop the skills necessary to arrive at conclusions on the basis of informed judgment and to present reasons and
evidence clearly. Solid reading and writing skills will be developed. Consistent and punctual attendance is also critical for
CHS Mission Statement - Our mission is to develop responsible citizens who have the knowledge, skills, and
experience necessary for either beginning post-secondary education or entering the workforce.
TEXTBOOK AND MATERIALS –To do well in U.S. History, it is imperative that you come prepared to class each day. The
following materials will be used each day: notebook/binder, paper, pens (blue or black ONLY), pencils, highlighters, postits, all handouts and notes (from home and from class).
This survey course utilizes textbook and supplementary readings in the form of documents, essays, or books on special
themes to encourage student participation. Please make sure to cover your book at home as you will be using them daily
and you will want to keep them looking nice. If any damage happens to your book, you will be responsible for the
replacement cost of about $75.
Our Text:
Lapsansky-Werner, Emma J.; Levy, Peter B.; Roberts, Randy; and Taylor, Alan. United States History: Modern
America. Prentice Hall, 2008.
 Ask essential questions
 Analyze multiple sources
 Weigh critical evidence
CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS – Every student has the right to learn in an environment where their differences and
perspectives are respected and where they feel confident that they will succeed. Therefore, we will work together to build
positive relationships by following these rules:
1. Be seated before the bell rings ready to work with your materials out.
2. No food or drink in the classroom, except for water.
3. Be present. There are a lot of distractions out there (cell phones, iPods, friends) that will keep you from learning.
When you are in the classroom, please participate and avoid distractions.
4. Be kind and courteous to everyone.
5. Be respectful. If you borrow something, please take care of it and return it to the proper place.
6. Please do not pack up early. Wait until I have given permission to pack up as it becomes a huge distraction and
encourages students to rush through and assignment so they can pack up too.
You are practically adults! Basically, it is time to start practicing professional behavior. If you would not do it at your job,
then do not do it here.
 Write using precise claims, cohesive structure, and clear points of view
 Strategically plan and research in order to solve problems conceptually by using models, constructing
explanations, and designing solutions
ATTENDANCE and TARDY POLICY – Your work is your responsibility. We understand that emergencies happen and you
will have to miss a day here or there. The easiest way to get your missing assignments is by emailing me the day you are
absent. I can usually send you any materials you need. Anything that cannot be emailed, or if you choose to pick up your
assignments when you return can be picked up from me prior to class starting. Tardiness will not be tolerated when you
are an adult and have a job, so why not start practicing now!
Late work will be accepted up to a week after the due date and not beyond. All late assignments will be docked 10% for
each day it is late (1 day – 10%, 2 days – 20%, etc.). In addition, assignments need to be completed prior to walking into
the classroom. If your assignment is not turned in when they are collected, but later in the period, it will be treated as 1
day late. Again, emergencies happen. If this is the case and you are unable to complete a homework assignment, see me
before school and come in during lunch to finish.
 Approach challenges with perseverance
 Develop collaborative mindsets
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY – Academic integrity means honesty and responsibility in scholarship. Teachers create
assignments to help students learn; grades exist to show how well the material was learned. As such all work and grades
should result from the student's own understanding and effort. The infractions below violate your academic integrity and
will result in a failing grade accompanied by a call home, or depending upon severity, a referral to the
 Cheating and unauthorized material on tests and assignments – unless I give you permission to use it, don’t!
 Improper collaboration – copying answers from someone else, working together on individual assignments
 Submitting the same assignment for different classes – if a class assigns an essay similar to one you have already
written, try to narrow your topic a bit more and submit a new essay!
 Plagiarism – where to start… Just see below on what constitutes plagiarism:
I. To copy words and present them as your own.
II. To copy words, even if you give the source, unless you also indicate it is a direct quotation.
III. To copy words and then change them a little, even if you give the source. – This is NOT paraphrasing…
Paraphrasing is putting the idea completely in your own words and citing!
IV. Even if you express them in your own words, it is plagiarism to present someone else’s ideas as your own. –
When in doubt, cite it!
V. The rules against plagiarism apply to ALL assignments. – Yes, even the easy ones…
 Assisting others in any of these infractions
 Intimidation and interference with integrity processes – if someone is going to “tell” on you, good for them and
you need to just face the consequences. Trying to hide your cheating will only make it worse when I find out,
and I usually do find out…
Whether arguing claims from evidence or constructing solutions to problems…
 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information efficiently and effectively
COURSE OUTLINE – Students will read, write, hear, and talk about history as we analyze America’s past during the
following time periods according to the CA Standards for 11th grade History-Social Studies course:
Unit 1 – American Foundations – Chapters 1 and 2
o Enlightenment and Democracy
o Founding Fathers and Founding
o Federalism
o Civil War and Reconstruction
Unit 3 – US in the World – Chapters 5 and 6
o Presidential Foreign Policies (Open Door,
Big Stick, etc.)
o Spanish American War
o World War I
Standards: 11.1, 11.3
Standards: 11.4
Unit 2 – Innovation, Industry, Immigrants and
Injustices – Chapters 3 and 4
o Industrialization
o Urbanization
o Americanization
o Political Machines/Trusts/Monopolies
o Industrial US in the World
o Social Darwinism and the Social Gospel
o Populism
o Progressivism
Unit 4 – American Ups and Downs – Chapters 7, 8,
and 9
o Harding, Coolidge, Hoover Presidencies
o Civil Liberties
o Prohibition
o Harlem Renaissance
o Roaring 20s
o Great Depression
o New Deal and Roosevelt
o Organized Labor
Standards: 11.2, 11.3
Standards: 11.5, 11.6
**For a list of standards and sub-standards, please refer to your textbook – pages H-SS 1 though H-SS 7**
 Are prepared for a variety of post-secondary learning and working environments
 Ethically use resources to organize, analyze, and present data
GRADING SYSTEM – Grades will be based upon 3 categories:
 Homework/Classwork – 40% of grade – Assignments will include Cornell Notes, primary source
analysis activities, collaborative activities, Socratic Seminars, philosophical chairs, and many more!
 Quizzes/Tests/Final Exam – 30% of grade – This will include random pop quizzes based on
previous learning, end of unit tests, and a final exam.
 Term Paper/DBQs – 30% of grade – Document Based Questions will give the students an
opportunity to practice their analysis skills as they examine documents in order to answer an indepth question related to the material. There will be one DBQ per unit. There will also be a termpaper assigned due at the beginning of December. A list of possible topics will be provided.
We will use a Standard Grade Scale: 100%-90% = A, 89%-80 = B, 79%-70% = C, 69%-60% = D, 59% and
Below = F
*Remember – only a C or better will satisfy your A-G!!!
District Mission Statement - We prepare students to meet the challenges of the future as lifelong learners and
responsible citizens. In partnership with families and community, we create meaningful and diverse learning
opportunities for all students so they develop the knowledge, skills, and character necessary to succeed. In
all of our work, we demand fairness, honor quality, and expect achievement at each person’s highest level of
STUDENT and TEACHER EXPECTATIONS – I truly believe that the classroom is a partnership. Just as I hold
you to high expectations, you can also expect a few things of me. Solid classrooms are based upon mutual
As your teacher, you can expect that:
 I will be prepared to teach each day.
 I will prepare interesting and engaging lessons based upon curriculum.
 I will be available for help during brunch, lunch, and late start days.
 I will post grades to Infinite Campus once the entire class has been graded.
 I will post assignments and links to supplemental resources as I find them on the class website.
As students, I will expect that you:
 Come to class on time with assignments completed and ready to turn in.
 Always do your best!!
 Find another student you trust who you can call if you need help.
 Use your planner!
 Come and ask for help, do not wait until I recommend it.
 Be professional and responsible in your use of social media for educational purposes in this class.
 Ask questions in class! This leads to a deeper understanding of the material.
A NOTE FOR PARENTS – You are also included in this partnership. If you see that your child is having
difficulties in class, please intervene immediately by doing one of the following:
1 – Contact me and let me know what you are concerned about.
2 – Encourage your child to come and see me during brunch or lunch.
3 – Encourage your child to come early on a Late Start Wednesday.
Some other tips that you may use to help your child:
 Take an interest in your child’s studies and make sure that he/she completes the reading and
homework assignments.
 Talk with your child each night about what they learned in school.
 Help your child develop good time management strategies.
 Organize a space for your child to complete assignments that is free from distractions.
 Work with your child to set goals for success.
 Check Infinite Campus and teacher websites regularly for updates.
Thank you so much for your participation and I look forward to working with each and every one of you over
the course of this semester.
Maria Cooper
Economics, AP Economics, US History
Email –
Room – B-8
Conference Period – 5
Website –
Phone – 661-252-6110 ext. 338
US History Questionnaire
****Please complete and return this page to Mrs. Davis as soon as possible!****
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Student email: __________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian (Primary) Name: ___________________________________________________________
Cell Number: ____________________________________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian (Secondary) Name: _________________________________________________________
Cell Number: ___________________________________________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________________________________________________
If the teacher needs to contact a parent/guardian, what time and method is preferred?
From the parent/guardian to the teacher:
Here is some information about my student that I would like you to know as we start the semester:
From the student to the teacher:
Here is something about myself that I think it is important for you to know:
My signature verifies that I have read and understand the requirements for this class as outlined in this syllabus.
Student Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________________