Cultural Geography (GEOG 2) El Camino College Office: NS 209 Email: Phone: 310-660-6016 Website: I. Rationale Instructor: Michael Reed Fall 2005 Office Hours: M 7-8 AM T ---------W 1:15 -2:15 PM TH 1-2; 5-6 PM F 7-8 AM I. Rationale This course is a systematic study of the cultural variables of mankind: population, religion, language, economic activities, and settlements. II. Recommended Prerequisites/Proficiencies Prerequisites: Eligibility for English 2R. III. Course Materials A. Reed, Michael. Custom book and readings based on Edward Bergman and William Renwick. Introduction to Geography: People, Places, and Environment. Third Edition. Required. B. Goode’s World Atlas: 21st Edition. 2004. Recommended. Every geography student should own an atlas. IV. Course Objectives Students will be able to demonstrate critical thinking skills and a basic understanding: 1. of geographical place names and the concept of regions 2. of the spatial aspects of the world’s humancultural phenomena 3. of the analysis of maps showing cultural phenomena and will develop skills in reading and interpreting the patterns shown. 4. the complex interrelationships between humankind, technology, and the bio-physical environment 5. that different groups of people see and think differently about their world because of cultural restraints. V. Attendance/Absence/Tardiness/ Withdrawal Policies Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Students are expected to arrive on time, prepared to learn. More than 3 total absences from class during the semester, unless cleared by the instructor, may lead to your name being dropped from the class and/or your grade being lowered. If a student wishes to drop the class, the student alone is responsible for notifying the Office of Admissions and Records. Failure to do so may lead to a permanent F on your academic record. Emergencies are defined as serious illness or death of close family member, student's illness corroborated by a physician, jury duty, earthquake, flood, fire, landslide, avalanche, tornado, etc. If you miss a class it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and get copies of the notes from your peers. Please do not call me to ask, "Did I miss anything important today?" Peer contact numbers: 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ VI. Grades and Exams Grades will be based on the results of two exams (100 and 200 points each), five typed answers to chapter review questions (100), and five quizzes on the assigned articles (100 points), making for a total of 500 possible points in the course. Grade breakdown: 5 Chapter Review Homeworks (5 x 20 Points) 100 points Note: Must include the answers for Chapter 1 plus four (4) other chapters of your choice. Each homework is due on Friday of the week the chapter was assigned. No late answers. 5 Article Quizzes (5 x 20 Points) 100 points Midterm 100 points Cumulative Final Exam 200 points Total 500 points VII. Exam Make-up Policy NO MAKE-UP EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN. If you must miss an exam for an emergency of any type, YOU MUST CONTACT ME IN ADVANCE or IMMEDIATELY UPON REALIZING THAT YOU WILL BE ABSENT. You must attend the final exam to pass this class. Any EXCUSED exam absences will be replaced by research papers assigned by the instructor. VIII. Late Work Policy Course work submitted one day late receives 50% credit. Two days or more late and no credit (0%) is given. This rule is strictly applied. IX. Class Assignments/Instructor Expectations Please bring your book to class every Friday. Students will come to each class session prepared to learn. Specific reading and problem assignments will be given in class and are listed in the syllabus. Regular discussions of reading material will occur on Fridays. El Camino College offers many excellent services such as counseling, tutoring, financial aid, etc. Please make use of these services by applying at the appropriate office. If you are having difficulty with this course, you should visit the instructor during office hours. If you have any serious health problems, especially if they may require emergency treatment, please notify the instructor. X. Academic Dishonesty Policy College study is the process of becoming an independent scholar. All students are expected to do their own work. All forms of cheating and plagiarism are absolutely forbidden. This is the official policy of El Camino Community College and the instructor of this course. Students found to be using unauthorized materials on exams, copying off of other student exams, copying other written materials without proper credit to the original author or any other form of cheating will have that assignment marked F for failure and may receive a failing grade for the course depending on the seriousness of the violation. Incidents of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Vice President of Instruction and become part of the student’s permanent academic record. XI. Schedule of Assignments Subject and Reading Assignments Introduction to Geography: Key Concepts From Hunter-Gatherers to Globalization: Geographic History in Nutshell Textbook Chapter Readings 1 Reading 1: Cahill, Tim. Professor Cahill’s Travel 101 Lecture Only Reading 3: Miner, Horace. Body Ritual of the Nacirema Review Questions Review Questions: 1-11 Thinking Geographically: 2 Population and Migration 5 Reading 2: Green, Peter. Infinite Ingress: A Human Wave is Breaking Over California Review Questions: 1-7 Cultural Geography: Race, Ethnicity, and Cultural Regions 6 Reading 4: Legrain, Phillipe. In Defense of Globalization Review Questions: 3, 5, 8 Thinking Geographically: 2-4 Reading 5: Cahill, Tim. The Reception at Bamaga. Language and Religion 7 Reading 6: Oster, Nicholas. A Review Questions: 3-4, 6, 7-8, 13 Loss for Words. 8 Handout : Lappe, Francis Moore. Why Can’t People Feed Themselves? Review Questions: 1-3, 5 Reading 11: Diamond, Jared. Easter’s End. Review Questions: 1-3 ** MIDTERM EXAM** (100 POINTS) Agriculture: The Human Food Supply Resource and Environmental Problems 9 Thinking Geographically: 1-4 Reading 12: Lopez, Barry. The American Geographies Reading 13: Connor, Steve: The State of the World? It’s on the brink of disaster. Cities 10 Reading 8: Johnson, Reed. Downtown Like Never Before. Review Questions: 1-4 Reading 9: Katz, Bruce and Amy Liu. Toward a Broader Metropolitan Agenda. Reading 10: Holston, Mark. The Perfect Place; Curitiba: Brazil’s Urban Paradise.. Political Geography: A World of States International Development ** FINAL EXAM ** (200 POINTS) 11 Lecture Only Reading 7: Johnson, Chalmers. Blowback Review Questions: 1, 3, 4 Chapter 13 Review Questions: 1, 4, 8; Thinking Geography 4 & 5