April 16 M: Tentative thesis for Essay #4 due; imagery analysis exercise for Essay #3 due; preparation for Essay #3. W: Library Orientation; Research Quiz due (use handout on 1A website). F: Drafting of research questions and research plan (use handout on 1A website). Paulo Freire’s “Chapter 2 of Pedagogy of the Oppressed” (link on 1A website); Jean Anyon’s “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work” (link on 1A website); Joanna Kadi’s “A Question of Belonging” (handout given out in class, not available on 1A website). April 23 M: Essay #3 Due, submitted in a labeled folder, with the paper copy of the final essay in one side and all rough drafts, with contributions of individual students clearly labeled, in the other side; also, the group leader should submit an electronic copy to the instructor via ECC email (as a Word 2003 attachment), cc’d to all other group members’ ECC emails, as well as submit the essay to the plagiarism software program (Turnitin.com: the link and class ID are available on the 1A website, and the password is the section number of the course); Free writing exercise (in-class). W: Langston Hughes’ “Theme for English B,” 143-44; Richard Rodriguez’s “Public and Private Language,” 145-56; Ann Hulbert’s “Boy Problems,” 157-60; Brian Doherty’s “Those Who Can’t, Test,” 161-67; signal phrase exercise (in-class). F: Research Questions and Research Plan due; Education Readings Exercise due (in-class); MLA and Documentation handout (on 1A website). April 30 M: A Writer’s Resource, “MLA Documentation Style,” 275-323; “APA Documentation Style,” 327-358; MLA Works Cited workshop for Essay #4 (bring rough draft of Works Cited page, all research materials, MLA handouts, and BOTH textbooks); drafting of outline. W: MLA and APA continued; Tentative Works Cited page of Essay #4 due. F: Outline of Essay #4 due (bring several paper copies and an electronic version on flash drive; read Peer Review of Outlines handout on the 1A website before class); Peer review of outlines; Drafting of Essay #4.