updated schedule 15b winter2013

Updated Schedule
Jan. 16
W: The Victorian Age (1049-1073); Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1138-40): from
Sonnets from the Portuguese, Sonnet 22 (1146) and Sonnet 43 (1148);
from Aurora Leigh (1155-74) and from Book I handout (on 15B website); from
“A Curse for a Nation” (Web, MyLiteratureKit).
Jan. 17, 18
TH, F: Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1175-78): "Mariana" (1179-80); "The Lady of
Shalott" (1181-85); "Ulysses" (1189-91); from The Princess [“The Woman’s
Cause Is the Man’s”] (1203-4); from In Memoriam A. H. H. (1204-5); lines 1-44
(1205-6); parts 3 and 5 (1207-8); part 27 (1215); parts 55-56 (1218-19); parts 120,
123, 124, 130, 131 and from Epilogue (1232-35; Robert Browning (1322-25):
"Porphyria's Lover" (1325-26); "My Last Duchess" (1328-29); "Love Among the
Ruins" (1338-40); "The Last Ride Together" (1355-58); Matthew Arnold (155760): "Isolation. To Marguerite" and "To Marguerite--Continued" (1560-61);
"Dover Beach" (1562); "The Buried Life" (1565-67); and "Stanzas from the
Grande Chartreuse" (1567-72).
Jan. 22, 23
T, W: Charlotte Brontë: Jane Eyre: Chapters 1, 2, 7, 10, 12, 15, 20, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 35, 36, 37, 38.
Jan. 24
TH: Christina Rossetti (1642-44): "In an Artist's Studio" (1647-48); "An AppleGathering" (1648-49); "Goblin Market" (1650-63); "'No, Thank You, John'"
(1663-64); "Promises like Pie-Crust" (1664); Gerard Manly Hopkins
(1701-2): “God’s Grandeur” (1702-3); “Pied Beauty” (1704); “Carrion Comfort”
(1708); “Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord” (1710); Rudyard Kipling (1726-27): “The
White Man’s Burden” (1776-78); “Aestheticism, Decadence, and the Fin de
Siècle” (1885-88); Richard Le Gallienne (1907): “A Ballad of London” (1907-8).
Jan. 25
F: Oscar Wilde (1818-21): Preface to The Picture of Dorian Gray (1828-29);
The Importance of Being Earnest (1829-69); from De Profundis (1872-79).
Jan. 28
Jan. 28.
Jan. 29
T: “The Twentieth Century” (1919-48); George Bernard Shaw (2026-29):
Pygmalion (2029-96).
Jan. 30
W: Thomas Hardy (2096-98): "Hap" (2098); "The Darkling Thrush" (20992100); "Channel Firing” (2106-7); "And There Was a Great Calm" (2108-9);
“The Great War: Confronting the Modern” (2112); Cicely Hamilton: “NonCombatant” (2113-14); Siegfried Sassoon (2130-31): “The Glory of Women”
(2131), “The Rear-Guard” (2131-32); Pauline Barrington: “‘Education’” (213233); Rupert Brooke (2134-35): “The Soldier” (2136-37); Teresa Hooley: “A War
Film” (2137); Wilfred Owen (2157-58): "Strange Meeting" (2158-58); "Disabled"
(2159-60); "Dulce Et Decorum Est” (2160-61); Speeches on Irish Independence
(2163-65); “Proclamation of the Irish Republic” (2169-70); William Butler Yeats
(2174-77): “An Irish Airman Foresees His Death” (2180-81).
Jan. 31
TH: Yeats continued: “The Second Coming” (2183); “No Second Troy” (2178);
"Sailing to Byzantium" (2185-86); "Leda and the Swan" (2194-95); “Under Ben
Bulben” (2201-03); T. S. Eliot (2284-87): "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
(2287-91); from “The Waste Land” (2297-98), lines 1-42 (2298-2300); lines 76172 (2300-2303); lines 322-434 (2307-2310).
Feb 1
F: James Joyce: (2215-18): Dubliners: “Araby” and “Eveline” (2218-25);
Virginia Woolf (2331-34): from A Room of One's Own (2442-77); D. H.
Lawrence (2491-3): "Tortoise Shout" (2494-97); World War II and the End of
Empire (2527-28); Evelyn Waugh (2549-50): “The Man Who Liked Dickens”
Feb. 4
M: Seamus Heaney (2739): “Punishment” (2740-42); “In Memoriam Francis
Ledwidge” (2745-46); Dylan Thomas (2572-73): “Fern Hill” (2574-75); "Do Not
Go Gentle into That Good Night” (2576-77); W. H. Auden (2614-15):
“September 1, 1939” (2619-21); "In Memory of W. B. Yeats" (2622-24); Stevie
Smith: “Our Bog is Dood” and “Not Waving but Drowning” (link on 15B
website); Phillip Larken (2631): "Talking in Bed" (2634); "High Windows"
(2635); “Whose Language?” (2772); Eavan Boland (2777-78): “Mise Eire”
Feb. 5
T: Exam #3; Term Paper Due (must be in a labeled folder with a Works Cited
page, a rough draft, and highlighted research materials attached, as well as be
submitted to Turnitin.com; please refer to page 3 of the syllabus and to the
assignment sheet for all requirements).