
1. Copying your document into a new document
Click Start, Click Programs, Click Windows Explorer; Double click the document/file
that you want to use; it will open. Go to Edit menu; choose Select All; use Edit menu
again and click Copy. Close document; Open Microsoft Word; choose File menu and
choose New; a new blank document will open; place cursor on the blank page and
click; in Edit, choose Paste; A copy of your document will appear; go to File; click
Save As; use the Save As dialog box (follow the directions from Basic Word
Processing document) to give your document a new name.
2. Setting document for 2 column format
Place the cursor at the beginning of your document or simply click on Edit and choose
Select All; whole text should be highlighted; go to Format menu; choose Columns; at
the Columns Dialog Box, next to Presets; choose 2 column; at the bottom of box next
to Apply To; choose Whole Document; choose Okay at top on the right. Now your
text should be in two-column format.
3. Creating your Banner (document name) by using Headers
Select View menu; choose Headers and Footers; a Headers box will appear at the top
of the page with a blinking cursor at the left; (the Headers and Footers toolbar will
appear at the bottom of the page); type in the title of your publication; highlight your
title by using the mouse button; use the third toolbar from the top to change font size
or style, center your title, or use boldface or other special features; when you are
finished, click Close in Header toolbox. Publication title will appear on every page.
4. How to insert a picture or a graphic
First, make sure that your cursor is blinking on the page at the place where you would
like to put in a graphic; then Select Insert menu; choose Picture; you will then see a
number of choices like ClipArt, Graphic, etc. from which you can browse around to
find a picture that will go along with your content (be sure to pick something that fits
and makes sense). Follow the directions on the screen in the dialog box and the
program will insert your selection at the place on the page of your cursor. Remember
not to over-do graphics; a little goes a long way.
5. How to select shading or highlight certain text or use a border
First you must determine where you want to use a border or shading and highlight the
area with your mouse; then Select Format menu; choose Borders and Shading; here,
you must read directions carefully to get the effect you want. Follow dialog box
directions carefully. If effect is not what you want or like, you can remove it in one of
two ways: one, click on Edit menu, if Undo command is available, pick it and border
or shading will be removed; second, click on the curved backward arrow button—the
eleventh button in the second toolbar from the top. This should take your document
back to its form before you added border or shading.
6. Article Titles and Bylines
Use the first button on the third toolbar from the top to select a style for your article
titles; click on the down arrow and then choose from Heading 1, 2, or 3. Remember
to put in the writer’s name (that’s the byline).
Bob Akin