Name_____________________________________________Date____________Hour____Table____ Make a prediction about the answer to each question. Put a star next to the answer that you think is correct for each question. Watch the video about Earth’s atmosphere. Record the answer for each question on the line before the number as you watch the video. Earth’s Atmosphere _________1. Which layer of Earth’s atmosphere is the one farthest from the surface of the Earth? A. B. C. D. troposphere stratosphere thermosphere exosphere _________2. In which layer of the atmosphere can you find meteors? A. B. C. D. troposphere stratosphere exosphere mesosphere _________5. Which gas makes up most of the troposphere? A. B. C. D. oxygen helium nitrogen hydrogen _________6. Which layer of the atmosphere is the one we live in? A. B. C. D. troposphere stratosphere mesosphere thermosphere _________7. What does Earth’s atmosphere do? _________3. What can be found in the thermosphere? A. B. C. D. a wide range of temperatures the Auroras space shuttles orbiting at the outer edge all of the above _________4. in the stratosphere, which important feature blocks harmful rays from the Sun? A. B. C. D. the Aurora Borealis the ozone layer the sunray shield all of the above A. B. C. D. create meteors regulate temperatures control population provide light