Chapter 7 Section 4 notes

- coal reserves will last about 200 years
- within 20 years, half of the Earth’s oil supply will be used
A. Environmental Impacts of Mining
1. may cause air and noise pollution
2. nearby water resources may be affected
3. surface mining
a. destructive to wildlife habitats
b. often uses explosives to remove layers of rock and soil
c. causes increased erosion and soil degradation
d. can form sinkholes
4. mining regulations
a. federal and state laws regulate mining
b. Clean Water Act
c. State Drinking Water Act
d. Comprehensive Response Compensation and Liability Act
e. Endangered Species Act
5. mine reclamation
a. companies are required to return mined land to its original
conditions called reclamation
b. reduces long-lasting environmental impact
B. Fossil Fuels and the Environment
1. strip mining of coal can leave deep holes
2. burning of coal can produce SO2, when combining with water
produces acid rain
3. burning of gas is a large contributor to air pollution
C. Conservation
- the preservation and wise use of natural resources
1. Mineral Conservation
a. use other abundant or renewable materials in place of scarce
or non-renewable minerals
b. recycling
1b. the process of recovering valuable or useful materials
from waste or scrap; the process of reusing some items
2b. iron, copper, aluminum, glass, many building materials
3b. does require energy, but uses less energy than mining
for these resources
2. Fossil Fuel Conservation
a. reduce amount of energy used every day
b. insulating a house
c. turning off lights
d. walk or ride a bike on very short trips
3. Conservation of Other Natural Resources
a. estimated that by 2050, the world will have a critical
shortage in fresh water
b. turn off faucet when brushing teeth
c. water lawns and plants in the early morning or late