Movie Analysis Sheet This assignment needs to be written in an essay format (NOT A NUMBERED LIST). It is to be written in proper English (Paragraphs, complete sentences, punctuation ect…..) It is preferred that these be typed (12 pt Times New Roman or other basic fonts only, 1 inch margins),—however if you hand write it YOU MUST WRITE NEATLY—FINAL DRAFT QUALITY--IN BLACK OR DARK BLUE INK. SKIP LINES AND WRITE ONLY ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER. IF IT IS TURNED IN WITHOUT USING THE PROPER FORMAT IT WILL NOT BE GRADED. Analysis Format 1. Summary of the movie (1 paragraph minimum) a. Basic information about the movie for me to be sure you watched the entire movie. Include the basic plot, characters and other basics about the movie. 2. The Reality (1 paragraph minimum—can be combined with setting) a. Is this based on real people? If so who are they? Do you believe they were portrayed accurately? Were there real events? Were the events portrayed in a way that was believable or over-exaggerated for effect? 3. The Setting(1 paragraph minimum—can be combined with reality) a. Where is the movie set? Were the locations portrayed realistically? b. Did the setting add or distract from the historical/political value of the film? 4. Aspects of History/Politics (1-2 paragraphs) a. What, if anything did you learn that you did not previously know? b. Does it address issues of gender, social status, religion, or other issues we have learned in class? c. Do you feel it accurately portrayed history/politics? (think like a historian/political scientist) 5. Evaluation(1-2 paragraphs) a. This should be an analysis of the movie. i. Does it make the viewer more aware of history/politics or simply seek to entertain and fit a stereotype. Would you recommend the movie to others? (You cannot use “it was boring” as a reason not to recommend the movie—you must evaluate the film from a historical point of view) explain your reason why or why you do not recommend the film? If the movie you watched was rated R your paper must include a parent or guardian signature at the end of the essay with the following statement written I approved _____________________________ to watch ________________. PRINTED STUDENTS NAME MOVIE TITLE ____________________________________ _______________________________ Parent/Guardian Printed Name Parent/Guardian Signature