Psychological Requests

Special Housing Requests Based on Psychiatric/Psychological Diagnosis
(Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, OCD, etc.)
In light of the frequency of these medical problems among the general as well as student
population special housing requests are rarely granted with the majority of students with
psychological conditions doing well in standard housing.
In order to determine if such a request is medically necessary, the requesting student must
supply the following information.
It is highly recommended that all information be provided at least at least 4-6 weeks prior to the
request being initiated:
Required information:
1) Typed letter from the clinician (psychiatrist, psychologist, primary care physician, physician
extender) managing the psychiatric/psychological condition which includes:
a) The diagnosis.
b) Current treatment.
c) Length of treatment of condition by the physician providing the letter.
d) Anticipated benefit of requested accommodations.
2) Copies of recent (within the past 2-3 months) office visit notes pertinent to the condition for
which the accommodation is being sought.
Division of Student Affairs
Student Health Services
400 Patroon Creek, Suite 200
Albany, NY 12206
518-956-8400 FX: 518-956-8422