Meeting Minutes(.doc)

GSA Assembly Meeting 10.4.13
Approval of September minutes with changes from treasurer to president’s report
Approval of May minutes
President’s Report:
Thank Nic for attendance at President’s inauguration
Printers- Contract with Kevin Wilcox to review
Downtown Office should be opened soon
Buying computers soon possibly through UAS-Staples, Hopefully opening by next assembly
Presidents Forum Nov 4th- from 4:30-5:30 we have the President
Will have preliminary meetings to find top 5 issues that graduate students want to discuss with
the president
Need people for committees, especially Special Elections Committee for Lead Senator- need
people to commit, need people to run for lead senator and put on election.
Chain of events with CSNE Split- Hearing scheduled originally was postponed, Representation
on advisory council, meeting with Senate Chair- we have a spot on that committee, what do you
want me to represent to this council? Please e-mail with any issues you
want me to discuss.
President of SA (Trey) Task force of organizational structure- needs a volunteer
Q: About Computer and printer budget, has that changed? No- We planned for it originally in
our budget. Numbers stay the same.
Q: Restoration of Humanities clarification
Q: Nano clarification
Need RGSOs to sit on committees-Make sure to sign up
Vice-President’s Report
RGSO Committee finished rewarding and should have received award letters
Any questions about funding please see Nic after or e-mail at
$10,500 awarded for the Fall 2013 Semester
Please have at least one member of your RGSO sign up for the GSA Listserv in order to receive
important RGSO Information
Grants Chair Report:
Budget for fall
Committee formed and distributed next week and figured out later in the month
Questions, e-mail Kim at
MCAA Chair’s Report:
Welcome Reception Recap
Dr. Betty Shadrick’s Office holding events this semester
Creation of MCAA Committee- Responsible for programming, etc.
Oct 24th Decolonizing Language Program
Treasurer’s Report:
Contact info needed for each RGSO for online voucher training, mandatory for all RGSOs, email Jessica at
In order for RGSOs to use the online system they need to register for myinvolvement
Trainings will be held at multiple times throughout the semester
Budget posted giving current status of GSA budget
Budget does not come in all at once
Q: about voucher process
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report
Approved: 27-0-0
Programming Chair’s Report:
Paying off everything for GSA Picnic
September 19th Nano
Preparing Programming Handbook
Focused on President’s Forum
Looking for people to be on Programming Committee, e-mail
University Council Report:
Gary- Meeting 10/11/13- any concerns please e-mail Gary at
Senator’s Report:
Senate Meeting diversity and international students increase
CSNE transition process
Dissolve committee for Freedom of Expression
Old Business:
Need to appoint a speaker- Kat Syle
Motion to approve Kat Syle as Assembly Speaker
Approved 26-0-1
Need Secretary to take minutes- Hanna Pageau
Appoint Programming Chair- Amanda Levit
Motion to Approve Amanda Levit 27-0-0
Constitutional Committee:
Draft put together and needs revision- ready by the end of the semester/ before December
Assembly meeting
Revision to Constitution and By-Laws
MCAA Committee by-law suggestions
E-Board member on By-Law Committee
Motion to approve Bushra for Lead Senator
Bushra Approved
Lead Senator - learning curve with the proper selection of committee members from senators
putting halts on requiring membership. $200 semesterly stipend. Nomination and acceptance of 1
abstention - all other voters in favor. (For questions about lack of a special election see: Art. 7
Sec. 7 Part A)
New Business:
Proposal for new RGSO Guidelines
*Year-long recognition: Potential update on Spring RGSO which does not fulfill Spring
commitments, after awarded for Fall, will lose recognition and be considered new RGSO in next
Fall semester (RGSO do not need to fill a full application in the spring if they did one for the
New RGSO and Old RGSO- funding difference
*No minimal funding: Maximum allotment for recurring RGSO ($2,500) per year
Maximum allotment for New RGSO ($1,000) per year
--- 6 year issue (limiting, gives no wiggle room)
--- Step in the right direction, not formal change
Please e-mail Nic, with any questions/ recommendations for these changes,
President’s Forum- What are the Top 5 Issues for graduate students? - List
Restoration of Humanities- Making language
programs available to graduate students who need them for requirements
Funding for TAs instead of credit
Disability Services
E-mail Caitlin with more suggestions at
National Association Graduate Student Professionals (NAGPS)
Discussion about NAGPS services, benefits, and resources
President attends St. Rose.
Conferences for Graduate Student Organizations
Benefits: discounts and resources
Cost: $500 organizational membership per year (academic?)
Perhaps join another group. Seeing ourselves on a more meta-basis. Interaction with other
graduate student organizations. Next meeting will have two comparisons for Assembly to review
CSNE Split- priorities for council
What are the priorities to articulate to the administration?*
What does restructuring process look like?
GA/TA Compensation issue
Importance of transparency
*Aside from the President’s Forum
Food for Assembly Meeting Discussion