Alexandra Harrington is affiliated with the Global Institute for Health... She is also a Legal Research Fellow with the Centre...

Alexandra Harrington is affiliated with the Global Institute for Health and Human Rights.
She is also a Legal Research Fellow with the Centre for International Sustainable
Development Law and is a Doctor of Civil Law Candidate at the McGill University
Faculty of Law. Her publications address a variety of fields relating to international law,
including environmental law, legal issues relating to climate change, natural resources
regulation, international organizations, international human rights law, international
child’s rights, international trade law, corporate social responsibility, and criminal law, as
well as domestic fields such as constitutional law and military law. She routinely presents
her works at domestic and international conferences, including a United Nations
Academic Impact in Action panel, and also serves as a member of the Global Health
Committee of the Global Health Center at the SUNY Albany School of Public Health.
Ms. Harrington has served as a professor at the University of Montreal Centre d’Etudes et
de Recherches Internationales summer programs, as a Continuing Legal Education
instructor in the United States and Canada, and as a Consultant to the Commission for
Environmental Cooperation of the North American Agreement on Environmental