Questions-Cold War 1. What triggered the war in French Indonesia?

Questions-Cold War
1. What triggered the war in French Indonesia?
2. Which part of Vietnam was supported by United States?
3. Name the two parts of Vietnam.
4. What lead to the rebellion in South Vietnam?
5. According to the Domino Theory, why was the United States
sending U.S. Army advisors, like the one in the picture, into
South Vietnam?
6. How many advisors did the United States send to help the
South Vietnamese?
7. When did the communists win control of South Vietnam?
8. What caused many Vietnamese to support the communist?
9. What did the battle of Ap Bac make clear to the US?
10. Why did Vietnamese Buddhist priest set fire to
11. Why did the US support the coup that killed Diem?
12. When did the Tonkin Gulf Incident take place?
13. What was the USS Maddox a target of?
14. What did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution authorize?
15. What was LBJ explanation of why we are fighting in
What did LBJ think the US could win the war with?
17. What was Johnson’s choice in early 1965?
18. When did LBJ approve the use of US ground troops?
19. How many US troops were in Vietnam by 1968?
20. What geographic aspects of Vietnam made it a difficult
battle ground for US soldiers?
21. Which forces controlled the rural areas?
22. Describe General Westmoreland's war of attrition strategy
23. Describe the plan of "search and destroy" missions
24. Why did the war of attrition not work?
25. How many Vietnamese were left as homeless refugees as a
result of US attacks?
26. Which weapon was used in each kind of High Technology
Arc Light
Infiltration detection
Aerial envelopment and
27. What did PSYOPs units provide and why?
28. Why did the United States set up schools and clinics?
29. What were two Communists responses to the US high tech
30. What weapons does guerrilla warfare not involve?
31. What advantage did guerrilla fighters have when hiding in
a town?
32. What kind of trap is illustrated in the picture?
33. Could the VC sleep in their tunnel complexes?
34. What weapons did the North Vietnamese use?
35. What were the primary goals of the Tet offensive?
36. What was the goal of the small attacks in remote areas in
October of 1967?
37. Why did the US command in Saigon predict major
Communist offensive early in 1968?
38. Where were over half of the Army of South Vietnam forces
as Tet (lunar new year) approached?
39. On January 31, 1968, what targets did the communist
40. What frequently caused most attack forces to collapse?
41. Who was executed as counterrevolutionaries?
42. What did the offensive emphasize to the Johnson
43. What did Johnson do to deescalate in 1968?
44. What indication did the Secretary of State, Clark Clifford
give to Westmoreland that the administration was going to
deescalate the war?
45. Who were the organizers of the Tet offensive?
46. What made US citizens realize that the glowing reviews of
the war effort their government had been releasing were
“sanitized” and far from the truth?
47. How did the introduction of the draft affect young people
on college campus?
48. What did many Americans feel about the Vietnam war?
49. How did GI’s support the anti-war movement?
50. According to anti-war activists, who controlled South
Vietnam’s Saigon puppet? (hint look at slide 94)
51. How did LBJ preserve the NATO alliance in 1964?
52. What did LBJ achieve in US foreign policy towards Cuba?
53. In which African country did LBJ fear that communism was
gaining a foothold?
54. What was the Johnson Doctrine?
55. Which country was threatened according to Johnson?
56. Who lead the Dominican Republics longest dictatorship?
57. When did Juan Bosch take power?
What is the inevitable result of the US unilateral approach
Latin America?
Who was Egypt's nationalistic leader?
Which month and year did the following events take place?
Month and Year
Golan Heights comes under Israeli
Jordan surrenders to Israel
Egypt aids Yemen
Force on both Arab and Israeli
sides of borders are mobilized
61. What did Israel’s victory and occupation of Arab lands lead
62. According to slide “Many other world areas demanded
LBJ’s attention” what events took place in the parts of the
world indicated?
Part of the world
Latin America
Europe and
Western USSR
63. What was Nixon’s foreign policy platform when he won the
election of 1968?
64. What was the result of the bloodiest fighting of the war in
65. What were the major elements of Vietnamization?
66. Who was Nixon’s chief foreign affairs advisor?
67. Assuming there were 475,000 US troops in Vietnam in
1969, how many US were taken out of Vietnam by 1971?
68. When did Nixon order the secret bombing of Cambodia?
69. According to US advisors, what was the ARVN troop’s
performance in the Cambodian Invasion?
70. What did Collins conclude about the ARVN?
71. What was the major domestic matter affecting Nixon’s
decision to accelerate the withdraw of US Forces from
72. Who fired on student at the Kent State University anti-war
(Cambodian invasion) protest?
73. Which countries pressured North Vietnam to sign a final
agreement to end the war at the Paris Peace talks in 1973?
74. What was a prelude to a massive North Vietnamese
75. What did the North Vietnamese rename the city of Saigon?
76. In what year were the most US service persons killed?
77. According to Kissinger and his “realpolitik” approach to
foreign policy what was United States, USSR, Western Europe
(West European NATO allies), People’s Republic of China, and
Japan obligation?
78. Which country did the US recognize as the real
government of China?
79. What two steps did Nixon take to reverse the policy of
non-recognition of the new government of China?
80. In which categories do Nixon’s reasons for reversing US
China policy fall?
Domestic Political Reasons
International political and economic
81. How did the Helsinki Arms Control Talks and Salt I Treaty
cool down the arms race between USSR and US?
82. What did the US receive in exchange for the wheat deal
from the USSR?
83. What did Nixon want to prevent when he formulated the
“Nixon Doctrine”?
84. According to the Nixon doctrine what was the US criteria
for directing foreign affairs?
85. How did the CIA finally eliminate the elected leader of
Chile, Salvador Allende?
86. How did Henry Kissinger help end the Yom Kippur War?
87. What was the result of the Arab Oil Embargo of 19731974?
88. Why was Nixon forced to resign?
89. How were charges dropped against Nixon?
90. At what meetings was limiting nuclear warheads and the
post WWII borders in Europe agreements worked out?
91. According to the MAD strategy what will happen if either
the US or the USSR starts a nuclear war?
92. Which countries became communist states in 1975?
93. Where were the US prisoners when the US army was took
over the Cambodian Island in the Mayaguez incident?
94. How many Cambodians were killed by the Khmer Rouge?
95. What was the major focus of president Jimmy Carter’s
foreign policy?
96. When did Jimmy Carter and Brig. Gen Torrijos-Herrera sign
a treaty to turn over the Panama Canal to Panamanian
97. Why would Senator Henry “Scoop” be considered an
98. Why was the world was shocked when Egyptian President
Anwar Sadat visited Israel and began peace negotiations in
What did Egypt and Israel surrender in the Camp David
100. When did President Carter put into effect his human rights
101. Who were the Contras?
102. In what year did the fundamentalist Shiites establish a
government and Iranian militants seize U.S. Embassy in
Teheran, taking 63 Americans hostage?
103. What kind of government did Ayatollah Khomeini establish
in Iran?
104. When were the hostages released?
105. Why did the Carter’s rescue attempt to free the hostages
106. When did the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan?
107. Did any of Carter’s actions have any impact on the Soviet
108. In the 1980 election, which vote was closer for the
candidates, the electoral vote or the popular vote?
109. Why did the US have the right to intervene in Social
revolutions around the world?
110. Who were the members of the Farabundo Marti National
Liberation Front?
111. Why did an international group of nations undertake to end
the war in El Salvador?
112. Who were the death squads supported by?
113. Who did the Sandinista government turn to for arms and
114. What was the Iran-Contra affair?
115. When were the Sandinistas voted out of power in
116. What was the message Reagan send with the invasion of
the Grenada?
117. Where did the PLO fighters and their families set up a de
facto state?
118. Was Israel able to force the PLO to leave Lebanon?
119. What was the result of Hezbollah’s attack on Marine
barracks in Lebanon?
120. How did Reagan reignite the arms race?
121. What was the main goal of the Polish workers in their
illegal strike in January of 1981?
122. Where did Massive worldwide protests against nuclear
weapons take place?
123. What weapon systems did Reagan renew?
124. What did Reagan hope that Strategic Defense Initiative
(SDI) or “Star Wars” would do?
125. Who were the two leaders who agreed to the Geneva
126. Define glasnost and perestroika
127. Why did Reagan place economic sanctions against South
128. When did the U.S. respond to terrorist attacks sponsored
by Libya?
129. In the Iran-Contra scandal which country did the US
government sell arms to and which movement did the
government give the arms sales profit to?
130. In what years did Russia abandoned communism and free
Eastern Europe?