



1. What was the purpose of the Yalta Conference? Who were the leaders that met there?

2. What was the purpose of the Potsdam Conference and who attended?

3. In what country did the first dispute of the Cold War take place?

4. What was the result of the Iran dispute?

5. Describe the situation in Greece and Turkey in 1947.

6. What did Truman do about Greece and Turkey?

7. What did George Kennan say about the Soviet Union?

8. What was the name of the Doctrine George Kennan came up with to halt Soviet expansion?

9. Why did Truman say “I’m sick of babying the Soviets?”

10. Who gave the famous ‘Iron Curtain” speech?

11. What threat was Churchill referring to?

12. How many nations were taken over by the USSR and lost their independence?

13. Which nation, while Communist, remained independent?

14. Who was George C. Marshall?

15. What was the purpose of the Marshall Plan?

16. What was the policy of the Marshall directed against?

17. List how Europe was to be reconstructed under the Marshall Plan?

18. Describe what you see in the slide on Hamburg?

19. Why was the Marshall plan needed? (hint: WW2)

20. What happened to Czechoslovakia in 1948?

21. Name the capitol city of Germany?

22. What happened to Berlin after the war?

23. Explain what happened to Germany after the war?

24. What happened on June 23 rd 1948?

25. Why did Stalin impose the blockade?

26. What were the proper names of East and West Germany?

27. Explain what “operation Vittles” was?

28. How long did the Berlin Airlift last?

29. What did President Truman make clear?

30. What happened on MAY 14TH 1948?

31. What did the Arab states do after Israel declared its independence?

32. What did the Mufti (Muslim religious leader) of Jerusalem , Haj Amin AL Husseini say about


33. Describe what happened to both Muslim and Jewish refugees after the 1948 Arab Israeli War?

34. Explain what happened in Korea in 1948?

35. Who was Dean Acheson and what important policy did the initiate?

36. What does Article 5 of the NATO treaty state?

37. What does NATO stand for?

38. Who was the first NATO commander?

39. Who was Mao Zedong?

40. What happened on October 1 st 1949?

41. Name two Communist nations in 1949.

42. Explain how the island of Taiwan was involved with China in 1948.

43. Describe what the Sin0-Soviet pact was. Do you think the US and its allies liked it? Explain.

44. Why would the USSR having the atomic bomb be a threat to the U.S.A.?

45. List four events that happened in 1945.

46. What happened on December 20 th 1946?

47. An important Cold War document was written in July 1947. Explain why it was important.

48. What did Truman issue in July 1948?

49. Describe the Hydrogen bomb.

50. Explain why there was a Korean War.

51. Who was Douglas Macarthur?

52. What was Macarthur’s brilliant invasion?

53. What happened on OCTOBER 19, 1950?

54. What was the 38 th parallel?

55. What did the Korean War turn into?

56. What did newly elected President Eisenhower pledge to do?

57. What was John foster Dulles’s job?

58. Explain Brinkmanship.

59. Why was Dulles attacked by critics?

60. Who died in March of 1953 and what effect did this have on the Korean War?

61. How did the Korean War end?

62. Who was Ho Chi Minh?

63. Why did the Indochina war start and how did it end?

64. Describe Vietnam after the IndoChina War.

65. Who was NGO DINH DIEM?

66. Describe what the GENEVA ACCORDS did to Vietnam.

67. What was the purpose of the Warsaw pact?

68. Who became leader of the USSR after Stalin’s death?

69. What did NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV say at the U.N. in 1956?

70. In which two nations did the people revolt against Communism? What happened to the revolts?

71. Why did Britain and France decide to attack Egypt in 1956?

72. Why did Britain, France and Israel withdraw from Egypt in 1957?

73. Why was the forced Suez withdrawal a turning point?

74. Explain what an ICBM is and why they changed warfare.

75. Why is October 4 th 1957 an important date in world history?

76. When did the U.S. first have a successful space launch?

77. What was poisoning the atmosphere?

78. Describe what happened in Cuba in 1959?

79. Why did President Eisenhower authorized a CIA plan to overthrow Castro using Cuban exiles

Living in the US?

80. Who did Castro ally Cuba with?

81. Why did the US hate Castro?

82. Explain the “U-2” incident.

83. What did President Kennedy inherit?

84. Explain the word nationalized.

85. What did the U.S. see Castro as?

86. What happened at the Bay of Pigs?

87. What was the result of the Vienna Summit?

88. Give two examples of rising tensions in 1961.

89. What was the purpose of Kennedy’s “ICH BIN EIN BERLINER” speech?

90. What was the closest the world has come to nuclear war?

91. What did aerial photographs leave no doubt of?

92. How powerful were each of the intended missiles the Russians were placing in Cuba?

93. Who were Kennedy’s main policy makers during the Cuban Missile crisis?

94. Which choice did Kennedy pick?

95. How was the Cuban Missile Crisis settled?

96. What was the national nightmare?

97. Who was Ho Chi Minh?

98. Why did many Vietnamese hate NGO DINH DIEM?

99. Explain the ‘Domino Theory?”

100. What was the NLF?

101. Explain why Operation Sunrise led to increased support of the Communists.

102. How did blockhouses actually end up helping the Communists?

103. What did the battle of Ap Bac demonstrate?

104. List three things Kennedy did to bolster the South Vietnamese government.

105. How did some Buddhist protest?
