College of Arts and Sciences Council of Chairs November 18, 2009


College of Arts and Sciences

Council of Chairs

November 18, 2009

2:30 p.m., AS 122

Meeting Minutes

Present: J. Berkowitz, J. Brière, A. Broadwell, A. DeBlasi, S. Fessler, E. Gaffney, S. Galime, K. Gersowitz

(recorder), D. Goodwin, G. Griffith, R. Hamm, T. Harrison, V. Idone (for Thorncroft), T. Kinal, R. Lachmann,

J. Large, A. Lyons, C. MacDonald, J. Mandle, M. Messitt, G. Moore, S. North, G. Stevens, M. Sutherland, P.

Toscano, K. Williams, E. Wulfert, A. Zak, R. Zitomer, K. Zhu

Introductory Remarks: Dean Wulfert called the meeting to order at 2:35 p.m.

Minutes of October 21, 2009: A motion to approve the minutes was made by C. MacDonald, seconded by R.

Hamm. The meeting minutes for October 21, 2009 were unanimously approved with minor corrections.


Full CAS Faculty Meeting is 12/2/09 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. in UNH 110

Cases for Promotion ONLY due 12/15/09 from Department to Dean for decision by 08/31/10

Old Business: – none

New Business – The purpose of this meeting was to involve the Chairs in the process of developing a fair and rational decision making model to guide future resource reinvestment in a time of shrinking resources. Prior to the meeting the Chairs were asked to review a list of investment principles and a list of IRPE data (e.g., FTE, headcount, grants) available, and to consider and score on a 1 (not at all important) to 5 (extremely important) scale each item on the lists, depending on the importance attributed in terms of resource allocation decisions.

The Chairs’ responses, which will be held confidential, were forwarded to the Dean.

To begin the Council discussion of these issues, the Chairs were divided into five groups based on their discipline and asked to come up with a group consensus, based on the same 1 to 5 scale, on what investment principles and data should be considered when making reinvestment decisions. The groupings were based on the premise that a consensus might be more readily achieved within the disciplines and therefore would provide important feedback to the process. The groups were encouraged to suggest additional principles for reinvestment or data that were not found on the list that would be helpful in this process.

Below are the groups:






East Asian Studies


Judaic Studies



Social Sciences I

Africana Studies


Geography and Planning (not represented due to illness)


Women’s Studies

Social Sciences II







Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences





After 45 minutes of small-groups discussion the Council reconvened and each group shared the investment principles that they felt were most important to the process (4 and 5 on the rankings). A discussion followed as each group explained the reasons for making their selections. Some groups also shared with the larger group the principles they felt were the least important. A number of groups modified the existing principles or suggested additional principles. Chairs were then asked to individually “vote” for their three top ranked investment principles by placing a sticker on these principles which were listed around the room. A compilation of all the group scores, as well as the discussion pertaining to each item, and the individual results, can be found in the attached file “Investment Principles by Group Summary.”

Due to time constraints, there was no discussion of the data to be used in making reinvestment decisions.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:05.



Minutes of September 23, 2009 Council of Chairs Meeting

Principles for Reinvestment Decision Model

Available Data for Reinvestment Decision Model
