SPANISH II SYLLABUS OBJECTIVE MRS. BARRETT ROOM 512 The Spanish courses are designed to help the student gain awareness and appreciation for the Spanish culture and become motivated to pursue further foreign language studies. My objective is to help each student attain an acceptable degree of proficiency in the four skills listening, reading, speaking and writing in an informal and relaxed environment. I will also introduce the student to the Spanish speaking culture through movies, fieldtrips, news clips, documentaries, authentic audio, newspaper, and magazine articles. MATERIAL (you must bring these items to class every day) Pen or pencil Lined paper Binder or folder to keep all Spanish work Workbook (Mrs. Barrett will check these out to you) Teacher's wish list: crayons, colored pencils, glue and scissors CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Students will follow all rules outlined in the student handbook provided online by the Moore School District. They will also follow the following rules: 1. Respect yourself, the teacher & others • Show respect for the teacher, yourself and others at all times. • Respect others’ property. Avoid touching or writing on anything that does not belong to you (including desks, textbooks, teacher’s belongings, walls, chalkboard, etc.). Don't expect that others will clean-up your messes. Please pick-up after yourself. • Respect yourself and the rest of us by using appropriate language and wearing appropriate clothing. • Be a kind person. 2. • • • Put forth your best effort at all times Always do your own best work. Put learning ahead of getting good grades. Put quality ahead of just getting it done. 3. • § § § Be prepared for class each day Come prepared with all materials necessary: An organized class binder containing all necessary materials and handouts Loose leaf paper, pens (blue or black), and pencils Your agenda to help keep you organized - the most successful students are organized. 4. Follow directions when given • When directions are given, do your best to follow them the first time. If you are confused or have questions, ask. I would rather have you stop class to clarify than be off task while everyone else is working. 5. Pay attention, participate and ask questions • Engage in what is going on in the classroom. If you have a question, ask it! Otherwise, I might not know until the test that you didn’t understand something. There are no stupid questions, and chances are, if you are wondering about it, someone else in the class is to. Be proactive about your learning and don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you feel most comfortable waiting until after class, that is okay, too, but do keep communication open between us. 6. Preserve a positive learning environment • Student actions that interfere with teaching or learning in the classroom will NOT be tolerated. • Use class time to learn Spanish. Please do not spend your time grooming, sleeping, talking, writing notes, playing cards, listening to music, text-messaging friends, or doing work for other classes. • Minimize classroom interruptions by arriving to class on time and not leaving the classroom during the hour. 7. Take responsibility for your actions • If you are confronted about a rule infraction, own up to it. Don’t deny it, lie about it, or blame someone else. • Take responsibility for missed assignments. • All handbook rules will be enforced. Please read your handbook. Students that choose to break these rules, choose to have points taken away from their learning readiness grade, and face the possibility of additional consequences. CLASS RULES 1. Turn off cell phones & electronic devices • Cell Phones should be turned off and invisible during the class period. If I see or hear your phone it will be taken away and given to an administrator, according to cell phone policy outlined in the MHS handbook. Refusal to turn over the cell phone will be treated as insubordinate behavior. 2. Arrive to class on time & ready to learn • When the bell rings, you need to be sitting in your assigned seat. • You should immediately begin on the warm up activity. • Be “physically” and “mentally” present in the classroom 3. Never line up at the door before dismissal • Please remain in your seat until I have dismissed you. Never line up at the door before dismissal. Remember, I dismiss you, not the bell. 4. Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy work • Cheating is completely unacceptable. If I see you cheating on any assignment… even for another class… I will give you a zero and report the incident to the other teacher as well as your assistant principal and parents. • Plagiarism (copying work from another source without giving proper credit) is completely unacceptable. If you plagiarize on any assignment you will earn a “0” on that assignment with no opportunity to re-do the work for credit. 5. Use polite and appropriate language • Offensive, derogatory, and profane terms are not tolerated. In order to have a safe classroom environment where all students feel comfortable, no put downs, swear words, or slang words with demeaning connotations will be accepted. Remember, if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it at all! 6. Do your best work & turn it in on time • Remember that the work that you turn-in is a reflection of your effort on the assignment. Think about the following expectations when you are preparing an assignment that I will review: § Write your full name and hour on all assignments. § All work must be neatly done and legible in order to receive credit. If you print, capitalize properly (do not write using all capital letters). § ALL MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS, ESSAYS & PROJECTS MUST BE TYPED. If you don't have a computer at home, the Media Center is a great place to work on essays! Final draft format for typewritten work is as follows: 12-point font, double-spaced, 1” margins, and use a “normal font” such as Arial, Comic Sans, Times New Roman, etc. (nothing too difficult to read and a font that prints using capital and lower-case letters). Levels of offenses 1st: conference with student 2nd: call or email home 3rd: conference with student and parent 4th: conference with student, parent and grade level counselor 5th: conference with student, parent, grade level counselor and grade level principal METHOD OF TEACHING (Please read carefully with your student) In this particular Spanish class, the student will be learning Spanish thought TPRS (total physical response storytelling). A series of words will be taught with a physical gesture. Once the student learns the words, a story will be taught using all the words learned. The student will be able to tell and act out the story, in Spanish, without problem. There will be no failure in this class unless the student does not participate or is excessively absent. This method of teaching recognizes the natural tendency to understand language before attempting to speak it. While using this method students are not required to speak, but the MUST do the gestures/actions after the teacher. Student’s participation is very crucial to be successful in class. CLASS EVALUATION Class Participation Daily Work Quizzes Test 50% 15% 15% 20% *Quizzes will not be announced ahead of time Keep the top part for your records. Cut along this line and return to Mrs. Barrett for your first quiz grade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- By signing this document, you agree and understand Mrs. Barrett’s expectations. Student name:____________________________________________________________________________ Parent name:_____________________________________________________________________________ Phone numbers: (1)____________________________________(2)______________________________ Parent email:___________________________________________________________________________ Student signature:________________________________________________________________________ Parent signature:___________________________________________________________________________ Scope and Sequence for Spanish I Lesson Etapa Preliminar Communication Greet people Introduce yourself Say where you are from Exchange phone numbers Say which day it is Grammar Grammar is presented lexically here Me llamo, te llamas Soy, eres, es + de Masculine and feminine articles preview Culture Greetings Variations on Good-bye Articles before country names Recycling Strategies Vocabulary from Etapa Preliminar Listening: listen to intonation Speaking: practice understand then speak. Activity 3: Gustar + Infinitive Activity 6: professions Listening: listen to stress Speaking: practice understand then speak. Culture: Recognize regional music Reading: Skim Listening: visualize get the main idea Speaking: practice speaking smoothly Culture: Compare rites of passage Reading: Look for cognates UNIDAD 1 Etapa 1 Etapa 2 Etapa 3 Greet others Introduce others Say where people are from Express likes Describe others Give others likes and dislikes Describe clothing Describe family Ask and tell ages Talk about birthdays Give dates Express possession Describe classes and classroom objects Say how often you do something Discuss obligations Familiar and formal greetings Subject pronouns and ser Ser + de Gustar + infinitive: me, te, le Definite articles Indefinite articles Noun-Adjective agreement: gender Noun-Adjective agreement: number Tener Possession using de Possession using adjectives Giving dates EN VOCES Los latinos de Estados Unidos CONEXIONES Los estudios sociales: Compare communities NOTAS Miami: internacional city Architectual influences Last names EN COLOR El Cojunto Tejano (video) CONEXIONES La musica: music styles NOTAS CULTURALES La charreada EN VOCES Las celebraciones del año EN COLORES La quinceañera Activity 4: physical descriptions Activity 6: Personal characteristics Activity 10: clothing Activity 13: clothing Activity 14: ser Activity 15: clothing UNIDAD 2 Etapa 1 Present tense of regular –ar verbs Adverbs of frequency Tene,r que hay que EN VOCES Una encuesta escolar CONEXIONES Las matemáticas: take a survey Activity 3: hay, colors Activity 4: hay, numbers Listening: listen for feeling Speaking: develop more than one way of expressing and idea. Expand conversation Etapa 2 Etapa 3 Talk about schedules Ask and tell time Ask questions Say were you are going Request food Discuss plans Sequence events Talk about places people know Ir Telling time Estar + location Interrogative words Notas Quieres comer…? And quieres beber…?; al; “on” + days of the week Ir a + infinitive Present temse: regular –er and – ir verbs Irregular yo forms: hacer, conocer; personal a Oir NOTA Tener sed, tener hambre En Colores: quires come…? Un merienda mexicana? Conexiones La salud: nutrition Notas Culturales Torta, bocadillo, pastel Mexican food schedules En voces México y sus jóvenes En colores El Zócalo: centro de mexico (video) Tu en la comunidad Notas culturales Museo nacional de antropología Mexican mealtimes Reading: Use context clues Listening: Listen for the main idea Speaking: take risks; help your partner Culture: compare snack foods Activity 3: ar vervs, school terms Activity 7: Days of the week Activity 3: estar + location places Activity 6: snacks Activity 7: telling time Activity 11: Gustar + infinitivo, tener que Activity 13: Advevs of frequency Activity 17: friends amd family Activity 19: Places Listenig: Listen and observe Speaking: Use all you know; ask for clarification Reading: Skim Writing: organize information chronically and by category Culture: compare places UNIDAD 3 Etapa 1 Etapa 2 Etapa 3 Extend invitations Talk on the phone Express feelings Say were you are coming from Say what just happened En voces Bomba y plena Conexiones La musica; songs Notas Culturales The name puerto Rico Ricky Martin Activity 3: Gustar + Infinitive Activity 4: Activities, sequencing Activity 9: activities Activity 13: Ir a… Activity 14: places Activity 17: activities Activity 19: interrogatives Listening: listen for a purpose Speaking Personalize: use your tone to convey meaning Reading: Scan Jugar Stem-changing verbs: e –ie Saber Comparatives En colores Beisbol: el pasatiempo nacional Tu en la comunidad Notas culturales La fortaleza Puerto Rico and the U.S. Roberto clemente Activity 12: activities Activity 16: descriptions Activity 19: interrogatives Tener Expressions Weather expressions En Voces: el coqui En colores Una excursion Por la isla Activity 3: color Activity 8: stemchanging verbs: e – ie Listening: listen for “turntalking” tactics Speaking: monitor yourself; Give reasons for your preferences Culture: reflect on sport traditions Listening: Sort and categorize details Speaking: say Estar + adjectives Acabar de + infinitive Venir Gustar + infinitive Nos, os, les NOTAS Cuando; del; conmigo, contigo Talk About sports Express preferences Say what you know Make comparisons Describe the weather Discuss clothing nad accessories State an opinion Describe how you feel Say what is happening Activity:9: ir a…, llevar Activity 11: tener, activities Activity 14: sports Activity 19: activities how often; get specific information Reading: distinguish details Writing: Appeal to the senses Culture: Define travel and tourism En voces Bomba y plena Conexiones La musica; songs Notas Culturales The name puerto Rico Ricky Martin Activity 3: Gustar + Infinitive Activity 4: Activities, sequencing Activity 9: activities Activity 13: Ir a… Activity 14: places Activity 17: activities Activity 19: interrogatives Listening: listen for a purpose Speaking Personalize: use your tone to convey meaning Reading: Scan En colores Beisbol: el pasatiempo nacional Tu en la comunidad Notas culturales La fortaleza Puerto Rico and the U.S. Roberto clemente Activity 12: activities Activity 16: descriptions Activity 19: interrogatives En Voces: el coqui En colores Una excursion Por la isla (video) Conexiones Las ciencias: temperature Notas cultrales El Yunque Activity 3: color Activity 8: stemchanging verbs: e – ie Activity:9: ir a…, llevar Activity 11: tener, activities Activity 14: sports Activity 19: activities Listening: listen for “turntalking” tactics Speaking: monitor yourself; Give reasons for your preferences Culture: reflect on sport traditions Listening: Sort and categorize details Speaking: say how often; get specific information Reading: distinguish details Writing: Appeal to the senses Culture: Define travel and tourism (video) Conexiones Las ciencias: temperature Notas cultrales El Yunque Direct object pronouns Present progressive NOTAS Llevar; creer UNIDAD 4 Etapa 1 Etapa 2 Etapa 3 Extend invitations Talk on the phone Express feelings Say were you are coming from Say what just happened Estar + adjectives Acabar de + infinitive Venir Gustar + infinitive Nos, os, les NOTAS Cuando; del; conmigo, contigo Talk About sports Express preferences Say what you know Make comparisons Describe the weather Discuss clothing nad accessories State an opinion Describe how you feel Say what is happening Jugar Stem-changing verbs: e –ie Saber Comparatives Tener Expressions Weather expressions Direct object pronouns Present progressive NOTAS Llevar; creer UNIDAD 5 Etapa 1 Etapa 2 Etapa 3 Extend invitations Talk on the phone Express feelings Say were you are coming from Say what just happened Estar + adjectives Acabar de + infinitive Venir Gustar + infinitive Nos, os, les En voces Bomba y plena Conexiones La musica; songs Notas Culturales The name puerto Rico Ricky Martin Activity 3: Gustar + Infinitive Activity 4: Activities, sequencing Activity 9: activities Activity 13: Ir a… Activity 14: places Activity 17: activities Activity 19: interrogatives Listening: listen for a purpose Speaking Personalize: use your tone to convey meaning Reading: Scan En colores Beisbol: el pasatiempo nacional Tu en la comunidad Notas culturales La fortaleza Puerto Rico and the U.S. Roberto clemente Activity 12: activities Activity 16: descriptions Activity 19: interrogatives En Voces: el coqui En colores Una excursion Por la isla (video) Conexiones Las ciencias: temperature Notas cultrales El Yunque Activity 3: color Activity 8: stemchanging verbs: e – ie Activity:9: ir a…, llevar Activity 11: tener, activities Activity 14: sports Activity 19: activities Listening: listen for “turntalking” tactics Speaking: monitor yourself; Give reasons for your preferences Culture: reflect on sport traditions Listening: Sort and categorize details Speaking: say how often; get specific information Reading: distinguish details Writing: Appeal to the senses Culture: Define travel and tourism NOTAS Cuando; del; conmigo, contigo Talk About sports Express preferences Say what you know Make comparisons Describe the weather Discuss clothing nad accessories State an opinion Describe how you feel Say what is happening Jugar Stem-changing verbs: e –ie Saber Comparatives Tener Expressions Weather expressions Direct object pronouns Present progressive NOTAS Llevar; creer UNIDAD 6 Etapa 1 Etapa 2 Extend invitations Talk on the phone Express feelings Say were you are coming from Say what just happened Talk About sports Express preferences Say what Estar + adjectives Acabar de + infinitive Venir Gustar + infinitive Nos, os, les En voces Bomba y plena Conexiones La musica; songs Notas Culturales The name puerto Rico Ricky Martin Activity 3: Gustar + Infinitive Activity 4: Activities, sequencing Activity 9: activities Activity 13: Ir a… Activity 14: places Activity 17: activities Activity 19: interrogatives Listening: listen for a purpose Speaking Personalize: use your tone to convey meaning Reading: Scan En colores Beisbol: el pasatiempo nacional Tu en la comunidad Notas culturales Activity 12: activities Activity 16: descriptions Activity 19: Listening: listen for “turntalking” tactics Speaking: monitor NOTAS Cuando; del; conmigo, contigo Jugar Stem-changing verbs: e –ie Saber Comparatives you know Make comparisons Etapa 3 Describe the weather Discuss clothing nad accessories State an opinion Describe how you feel Say what is happening Tener Expressions Weather expressions Direct object pronouns Present progressive NOTAS Llevar; creer La fortaleza Puerto Rico and the U.S. Roberto clemente En Voces: el coqui En colores Una excursion Por la isla (video) Conexiones Las ciencias: temperature Notas cultrales El Yunque interrogatives Activity 3: color Activity 8: stemchanging verbs: e – ie Activity:9: ir a…, llevar Activity 11: tener, activities Activity 14: sports Activity 19: activities yourself; Give reasons for your preferences Culture: reflect on sport traditions Listening: Sort and categorize details Speaking: say how often; get specific information Reading: distinguish details Writing: Appeal to the senses Culture: Define travel and tourism