A-P 2401_Spring 2016_Syllabus-1-1.doc

Human Anatomy and Physiology I – Lecture (Biol 2401) and Lab (Biol 2401)
Professor: Dr. Williams Ariole
Email: Williams.ariole@hccs.edu
COURSE DESCRIPTION (lecture): Anatomy and Physiology I is the first part of a two course
sequence. It is a study of the structure and function of the human body including cells, tissues
and organs of the following systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous and special
senses. Emphasis is on interrelationships among systems and regulation of physiological
functions involved in maintaining homeostasis. BIOL 1406 is highly recommended for success
in BIOL 2401, but it is not required. Prerequisite: Reading level 7;
Lecture (Biol 2401)
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Use anatomical terminology to identify and describe locations of major organs of each system
2. Explain interrelationships among molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ functions in each
3. Describe the interdependency and interactions of the systems.
4. Explain contributions of organs and systems to the maintenance of homeostasis.
5. Identify causes and effects of homeostatic imbalances.
6. Describe modern technology and tools used to study anatomy and physiology.
Lecture General Education Outcomes:
1. Communication Skills - Students will communicate ideas, express feelings and support
conclusions effectively in written, oral, and visual formats.
2. Critical Thinking Skills - Students will develop habits of mind, allowing them to appreciate
the processes by which scholars in various disciplines organize and evaluate data and use the
methodologies of each discipline to understand the human experience.
3. Empirical and Quantitative Skills - Students will develop quantitative and empirical skills to
understand, analyze, and explain natural, physical and social realms.
4. Teamwork - Students will consider different points of view and work independently to achieve
a shared purpose or goal.
Lab (Biology 2401)
The lab provides a hands-on learning experience for exploration of human system components
and basic physiology. Systems to be studied include integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous,
and special senses. BIOL 1406 is highly recommended for success in BIOL 2401 lab, but it is
not required. Prerequisite: Reading level 7;
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply appropriate safety and ethical standards.
2. Locate and identify anatomical structures.
3. Appropriately utilize laboratory equipment, such as microscopes, dissection tools, general lab
ware, physiology data acquisition systems, and virtual simulations.
4. Work collaboratively to perform experiments.
5. Demonstrate the steps involved in the scientific method.
6. Communicate results of scientific investigations, analyze data and formulate conclusions.
7. Use critical thinking and scientific problem-solving skills, including, but not limited to,
inferring, integrating, synthesizing, and summarizing, to make decisions, recommendations and
Lab General Education Outcomes:
1. Communication Skills - Students will communicate ideas, express feelings and support
conclusions effectively in written, oral, and visual formats.
2. Critical Thinking Skills - Students will develop habits of mind, allowing them to appreciate
the processes by which scholars in various disciplines organize and evaluate data and use the
methodologies of each discipline to understand the human experience.
3. Empirical and Quantitative Skills - Students will develop quantitative and empirical skills to
understand, analyze, and explain natural, physical and social realms.
4. Teamwork - Students will consider different points of view and work independently to achieve
a shared purpose or goal.
 Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology / Edition 10 by Frederic H. Martini, Judi L.
Nath, Edwin F. Bartholomew (ISBN-13:9780321909077)
 Pencils and highlighters
 6 Small, green scantrons:
 Colored pencils recommended
Students can purchase books from any vendor, source or avenue. The college bookstore is a
textbook vendor contracted to supply required and recommended course materials, new and
used textbooks, custom published materials plus a full range of other supplies/general books
and reference materials to San Jacinto College students.
90 - 100 A
80 - 89 B
70 - 79 C
60 - 69 D
Below 60 F
Student learning outcomes will be evaluated based on:
Final Exam 15%
Class Participation – 15%
At the end of the semester, the student will receive one grade for A&P 1, based on the
above formula.
There will be four lecture exams, two lab practicals and a comprehensive lecture final exam
In the lecture portion of the course……
o The average of the four lecture exam grades will make up 45% of the final grade.
o The exams may contain multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill-in-the-blank,
short answer and essay questions.
In the lab portion of the course……
o There will be two lab practical grades and the lab average will make up 25% of
the final grade. None of the lab practicals will be dropped. If you miss a lab
practical for a valid reason that can be documented AND you email me BEFORE
the lab test begins, I will do my best to accommodate you. Please keep in mind
that I may not be able to do this. Also, if you take the lab test late, ten points can
be subtracted from the possible grade.
o Lab practicals are timed and spelling counts. If you are late to lab during a lab
practical, you may not be allowed to take that practical (nor be given the option to
make it up)-- so BE ON TIME. Lab test 2 will include points earned from a group
Comprehensive final……
o The comprehensive final exam will cover lecture information from the
beginning of the semester. It cannot be dropped and will make up 15% of
your final grade.
Class Participation- includes attendance, on time submission of home work assignment,
quizzes, lab ettiques etc
Lecture Exams
You will have one hour and twenty minutes to complete the lecture exams.
 No hats/hoods, etc. are to be worn during any exam/practical.
 Cell phones, PDAs, mp3 players, IPODs, IPADS, etc. must be turned off and placed
inside purses/backpacks or, in lecture, placed face down in front of student. NO
anywhere on a student (including in pockets), a zero can be given for the test.
 Please note that vibrating phones sound very loud in a quiet classroom, so make sure
these items are turned off. Earbuds, headphones, etc. will NOT be allowed at any
 Take care of personal business (i.e. bathroom needs) prior to coming into
class/lab exam. You cannot leave a room in the middle of taking a test!
 For the lecture exams each student is responsible for highlighting his/her final
answers on the scantron before turning in the exam. For the multiple choice,
true/false, matching questions, those marked on your scantron will be considered your
final answers.
 When exams are passed back for review, all cell phones and recording devices must
be turned off and placed inside purses/backpacks or pockets.
Lab Exams
 Lab Exams begin on time. If late, you may not be allowed to take the lab test. If
arrangements are made to take the exam later with another class, 10 points may be taken
off of the lab test.
 Students in the same lab group cannot stand next to each other during a lab practical.
 Students must wear closed toe shoes to the lab exam and will not be allowed to take the
exam if the toes are exposed.
 No hats/hoods, etc. are to be worn during any exam/practical.
 Cell phones, PDAs, mp3 players, IPODs, IPADS, etc. must be turned off and placed
inside purses/backpacks in the front of the room. NO PHONE SHOULD BE KEPT ON
THE STUDENT’S BODY. If a phone is found on anywhere on a student (including in
pockets), a zero can be given for the test.
 Please note that vibrating phones sound very loud in a quiet classroom, so make sure
these items are turned off. Earbuds, headphones, etc. will NOT be allowed at any time.
Take care of personal business (i.e. bathroom needs) prior to coming into class/lab
exam. You cannot leave a room in the middle of taking a test!
Students must follow the method described to take lab exam.
Attendance is mandatory and is tracked in both lecture and lab via sign-in sheets; each student is
responsible for signing his/her name (and no one else’s).
Students are expected to come to class prepared for that day's coursework/activities and to be
actively engaged. Students must bring printouts and required lab book to every class.
o Cell phones, IPODs, IPADS, and other electronic devices etc. must be turned OFF or
silenced during lecture/lab.
o Students accessing course content may use a tablet or laptop DURING LECTURE but
must sit in the last row in the classroom so others will not be distracted.
o You may be asked to leave the classroom for any behaviors that are disruptive and/or
o Each member of the class will treat his/her classmates and professor with respect at all
o While I permit eating/drinking in the lecture room, it is your responsibility to dispose of
your waste; do not leave it behind.
footwear will result in students not being allowed entrance into the lab or being asked to
leave the lab and being assigned an absence for that lab period. This includes during a
lab practical.
o No cell phones are to be in view in lecture or in lab – please silence them. No
computers, IPads, phones or any other electrical device are to be out during lab. No
taking photos of dissections, slides, models allowed- you have picture of these items
in your lab book.
Faculty will not drop students. Students starting college for the first time in fall 2007 or after
may only receive six grades of W ( grade received from a course dropped after the census date)
from all Texas public colleges and universities attended. Grades of W in developmental courses
or courses taken while in high school will not count in the six grades of W. After six grades of W
are received, students must receive grades of A, B, C, D, F or FX in all courses. There are other
exemptions from the six-drop limit and students should consult with a Counselor/Educational
Planner before they drop courses to determine these exemptions. Students receiving financial aid
must get in touch with the Financial Aid Office before withdrawing from a course
Houston Community College students are expected to exhibit honesty, integrity, and high
standards in their academic work. Members of the College community benefit from an open and
honest educational environment. Upholding academic integrity is the responsibility of everyone.
Students should refer to the Student Handbook for policies and procedures on Cheating,
Plagiarism and Collusion
Note: In this course, as the instructor of record, I will assign an F in the course to any
student who cheats on an exam/quiz/assignment.
More information……
DISABILITY STATEMENT: If a student has a disability that may affect his or her ability to
learn the material in this course, the student should get in touch with the Disabilities Services
Counselor on the campus located in the Educational Planning and Counseling Centers:
password and the use of your account. Do not let others use your account or password.
Confidential information contained on various computers should not be shared with others.
COMPUTER SECURITY: A student with a college account is the logon-id owner. As the logonid owner, the student is responsible for managing their password. The student is responsible for
all actions and functions performed by their logon-id. A student who provides access to his/her
computer logon-id is also providing access to student records, including transcripts and financial
USE OF STUDENT EMAIL: The College provides a free, official email account to all students
to ensure efficient and secure communications between you and the College. Students will be
required to use their college-issued email address to communicate with their instructors
and all other college personnel, so it is easy to distinguish a student's email from spam. The
College expects that students will utilize their college email addresses to send and receive
communications with college personnel and will read email on a frequent and consistent
COURSE/INSTRUCTOR CONCERNS: If you feel that there is a concern with the class or the
instructor, there is a procedure for you to follow. First, talk with your instructor. Next, schedule
a meeting with the Department Chair. If you feel that the problem has not been resolved, then
approach the Dean of Natural and Health Sciences.
Rules for Anatomy and Physiology Lab
1. Open toe shoes are not permitted in the lab. Please have alternate (closed-toe) shoe
apparel in your vehicle to change into while in the lab should you elect to wear opentoe shoes at other times.
2. Eating, drinking, and smoking are prohibited in the lab at all times.
3. Only registered students and approved staff are allowed in the lab; children are not
4. Please turn off all cell phones and other electronic devices and place these items in
your bag/purse during lab time. Some students prefer to take photos of models,
dissections, etc., but this is not allowed. Students should refer to the lab atlas and/or
additional resources provided by the professor on Blackboard.
5. Please bring all required laboratory manuals and printouts to each lab.
6. Place all clothing, unnecessary books, purses, backpacks, etc. against the wall near the
vented cabinets or under your lab table; if you choose under the lab table, make sure
straps/handles, etc. are secured and do not extend past the table. The lab work area
must be kept free of articles not actually in use.
7. Clean your work area with 70% alcohol prior to and at the end of each lab
8. You may wear a laboratory coat, smock or apron when working in the lab but this is not
required. This will protect your clothing from contamination or accidental discoloration.
If you do not wish to purchase a lab coat it is recommended that you do not dress in
your best clothes.
9. Return all utilized lab equipment to their proper location. Make sure you remove slides
from the microscope and return those to the corresponding slot in the slide box. Return
microscope to the corresponding slot in the cabinet.
10. Solid wastes, gloves, and paper towels must be discarded in the red biohazard
containers. Solid wastes are not to be disposed of down the sink or in the garbage cans.
11. Broken glass and other sharp items are to be placed into the appropriate sharps
12. Report all cuts, burns, or other injuries to the instructor immediately.
13. Know the appropriate evacuation route in the case of an emergency.
14. Please wash your hands well after each lab.
15. Please push your chairs under the tables before exiting the lab.
16. Material safety data sheets are available from the department chair.