Undergraduate Education, LC 30 Withdrawal and Readmission Phone: (518) 442-3950 Fax: (518) 442-4959 academicstanding@albany.edu PETITION TO THE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC STANDING FOR READMISSION CONSIDERATION All applicants for readmission are required to pay a $40 non-refundable application fee. Readmission to the University is not guaranteed. Your application will be carefully considered and you will be informed of the decision as soon as ALL materials are received and reviewed. If you were academically dismissed from the University or if your cumulative grade point average at the time of your withdrawal was less than 2.00, you are required, by University policy, to petition the Committee on Academic Standing for readmission consideration. Please be aware that the Committee does not follow its regular meeting schedule in the summer or winter months; timeliness, therefore, is of particular importance. See below for other documentation you may need to submit. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Student ID#: _________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Phone: (______)_________________________ EMail: ___________________________________________________________ Applied for Term of Readmission: ___Fall ___Winter I wish to study on a: ___ full-time ___Spring ___Summer Year__________________ ___ part-time basis. I WAS: ____ACADEMICALLY DISMISSED ____________ TERM ____LEFT THE UNIVERSITY WITH LESS THAN A 2.00 GPA ___________TERM 1) Briefly describe the circumstances that contributed to your weak academic record and to your failure to meet minimum academic expectations. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER SUBSTANTIATION SHOULD BE ATTACHED. If you need more space, please attach additional sheets. (PLEASE COMPLETE REVERSE SIDE) 2) What have you been doing since you left the University? 3) What steps have you taken to ensure academic success in the future? What changes have occurred that will now allow you to be academically successful? 4) Have any changes occurred on your University at Albany transcript since you were last in attendance (e.g., errors which have been corrected, completion of incompletes, change of grades, etc.)? 5) Have you attended any other college(s) since you were last in attendance here? If so, list the name(s) of all colleges attended and each term, whether or not you expect to receive transfer credits. PLEASE NOTE: Official transcript(s) must be forwarded to this office. If you are currently pursuing coursework for which no final grade will be available until the end of the term, arrangements must be made to have one of the following sent directly to this office: A) Mid-term grades; or B) Progress reports from each professor on official college stationery indicating your current grade. However, no final decision can be made until the Committee receives an OFFICIAL transcript(s) showing grades earned for all coursework from each college or university you attended. MAKING FALSE STATEMENTS AND/OR FILING FORGED DOCUMENTS AND/OR SUBMITTING FALSE MATERIAL TO A UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE VIOLATES THE STANDARDS OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY. SUCH VIOLATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. ______________________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________ Date No action can be taken on your request for readmission until this form has been received. It should be returned directly to this office. Updated 4/21/2016 Undergraduate Education/Withdrawal and Readmission, Lecture Center 30 University at Albany Albany, NY 12222 Telephone (518) 442-3950 Fax (518) 442-4959