MWJH Band Handbook

West Junior High
Band Handbook
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome! We are very excited you have chosen to be a part of the West Junior
High Band program this year!
Please take some time to read through the band handbook. In it you will find
what is expected of each member of the band. If any problem should arise or
you have any questions on grading, this should be your first reference. If you
still cannot find the answer, please do not hesitate to contact me.
At West Junior High, we have very high expectations for the band students. We
will challenge every student to succeed musically while also helping them refine
the life skills they need to have a successful future, no matter what career path
they one day choose. In order to help them reach the highest of these
potentials, they have to show respect to their directors, their fellow musicians
and classmates, the band room, and their instruments. Furthermore, they need
to be willing to put their best effort into their music and the program. Nothing
less will be accepted.
As the students work hard, follow the rules of the handbook, and progress, they
will obtain an experience that no other organization can provide. In band, your
child will gain a sense of community, a sense of pride and accomplishment, a
sense of fulfillment, and most importantly have a tremendous amount of fun!!
We cannot wait to meet your child and share the world of music with them! We
look forward to what we know will be an incredible year!
The West JH Band Staff
7th Grade, Beginning Band - Any entering 7th grader wishing to learn a musical
instrument is welcome to join the beginning band program at West Junior High. No prior
musical experience is necessary. Band is a regular class that meets daily and joining band is
as simple as indicating your preference on the enrollment form. In 7th grade band, we will
have two performances, one in the fall and one in the spring. The 7th grade will use the
Essential Elements Book 1 for their instrument.
8th Grade, Advanced Band – Any student entering this ensemble must have played an
instrument for at least one year. In this ensemble, students are given more chances to
perform. Required events include a performance at a football game, the Veteran’s Day
program, and a fall and spring concert. The advanced band will use the Foundations of
Superior Performance for their instrument.
West JH Jazz Band – This ensemble is different than the concert bands. It most
commonly includes only the brass instruments, saxophones, and a rhythm section. Because
instrumentation is different, we do allow students to switch instruments during this
ensemble. All 8th grade students may participate in this ensemble if they desire. They will
perform during the fall and spring concert. This ensemble will help them prepare for high
school jazz band.
 Show respect for instructors and each other.
 Show respect for school property and the property of others.
 No handling of another person’s instrument, especially percussion!
 Have all materials needed for class each day.
 No gum, food or drink in band room.
 Be on time for class and all performances.
 Have a nametag on your instrument at all times.
 Take your instruments home EVERY NIGHT to practice, practice, practice!!
 Do your best each and every day!! 
Advanced (8th Grade) Band
Concert (Boys)
Blue Jeans
Black slacks
Band T-Shirt
Black dress shoes and socks
Concert (Girls)
Black Skirt (ankle length)
White long sleeve blouse
Tennis Shoes
White dress shirt w/ collar
Black neck tie
Black dress shoes
Beginning (7th Grade) Band Uniform
There is no official uniform for the beginning band. However, when we have our beginning
concerts in December and in the spring, we expect band members to dress nice. For boys
that usually means slacks and a nice shirt (coat and tie is optional). For girls either a dress or
skirt/slacks with a nice blouse. There are no specific colors to wear.
Grading Scale
43% - Daily Grades
17% - Tests
25% - Projects (Performances/Extra Rehearsals)
15% - Semester Test
1. Daily Grades
Daily grades consist of class participation grades for all band members and practice reports
for beginners.
* Daily Band Supplies You must ALWAYS come to your class with the following:
Necessary materials for that instrument (reeds, mouthpiece, etc.)
1" Black binder with plastic protective sleeves
All Music and Musical Studies
Any assigned method books
ANY additional handouts
Failure to arrive without necessary supplies will result in a deduction from their weekly
grade. If instrument is being repaired please bring a note signed by a parent or a receipt from
the repair man.
Any disciplinary action resulting in the student being removed from rehearsal will result in a
deduction from their weekly grade.
* Practice Reports (Beginner Band Only) Practice reports will be kept each week, signed by a
parent/guardian, and turned in each Monday. Blank practice reports will soon be on the West
Junior High Band website. Grading will be as follows:
30 minutes a day = 100
20-29 minutes = 90
16-19 minutes = 80
15 and below = 70
2. Tests
Tests for beginners are usually given on a weekly basis. Advanced band members will be
tested at the beginning of the year and then once at the end of each semester. Semester tests
are given to all band members and will count twice. Playing test criteria includes:
Articulation, Rhythm, Tempo, Pitch, and Tone. The band directors will announce any tests at
least two days in advance.
3. Performances and Extra Rehearsals
The West Jr. High Band is a performance organization. Performance dates are listed in the
calendar. Attendance at all performances is mandatory and each student will receive a
performance grade. If you have an unexcused absence, you will receive a ZERO for that
In order to maximize teaching effectiveness the Advanced Band is split into two classes:
brass/percussion and woodwind. During concert season (starting in November) rehearsals for
the entire band will be scheduled on Thursday afternoons. Attendance policy is the same as
that for performances.
If there is a conflict with another school activity, please contact Mrs. Taylor. It is the band’s
policy to work with other school organizations in order to allow a full experience at the junior
4. Semester Tests
At the end of each semester a summative test is given in band. The fall semester test is
written and includes musical terms and note names. The spring test is a playing test that
includes scales.
The following instruments must be acquired by the student for band: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet,
Alto Sax, Trumpet or Cornet, Trombone, and Percussion Kit.
School-Owned Instruments
The Moore School District owns a limited number of the larger, more expensive instruments.
Instruments furnished by the school are French horn, euphonium, tuba, oboe, bassoon, bass
clarinet, and tenor and baritone saxophone. Students will be for major repairs that occur as
the result of accident or abuse during the course of the school year.
Instrument Storage
Students should take their instruments home with them at the conclusion of each school day.
Without adequate practice on the part of each student outside of class, their musical growth
is hindered. Aside from the concern for individual improvement, security of any instrument
left overnight in a school building cannot be guaranteed. Moore Public Schools assumes no
responsibility for any individual's instrument left overnight in a school facility.
The band staff makes every effort to impress on students the value of their instrument and its
proper care. To guard against damage or loss through theft or negligence, we offer these
Find and use a safe place in the home to store the instrument away from siblings.
Keep a record of your instrument including make, model, and serial number and
identifying marks.
Check your homeowner’s insurance policy to determine if musical instruments are
covered when they are away from home.
Instrument Repair
Mr. Geoff Clifton, the assistant band director at Southmoore, is a licensed repairman and
does the repair for the school-owned instruments at West. If your instrument needs
attention, you can get it to him through Mrs. Taylor or contact him directly
Music Store Service
Gilliam Music Company will deliver music supplies (reeds, valve oil, etc.) and pick
up instruments that need repair. Gilliam Music is located at 2280 West Main, in
Norman. You may call them store for service at 321-0080.
All students must meet criteria for academic eligibility as set by the Oklahoma Secondary
Schools Activities Association (See High School Rule 3 in OSSAA Rules.) A student must be
passing all classes that he/she is enrolled in to be eligible to participate in competition. The
first week a student is failing in a subject he/she will be on probation for the following week.
During this week they may continue to compete with the band. However, if they are not
passing at the end of the week of probation or are failing in another class they become
ineligible to compete with the band.
The school district provides transportation for all band students to authorized out-of town
events. All students are required to ride the buses provided by the district to and from the
event. Students may ride home from events only with their own parents. Teachers do not
have the authority to release students to anyone other than their parents. The students will
be chaperoned by adults on each bus and are expected to follow Moore Public
Schools' Guidelines for Bus Conduct. Students who fail to follow those rules will be subject to
disciplinary action.
Private lessons allow students to perform at a higher level, enhances personal satisfaction
and diminishes frustration. Many of our top performers take private lessons with a highly
qualified instructor.
For a list of private brass and woodwind instructors, contact Mrs. Taylor.
For percussion private lessons, contact Mr. Smith.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Taylor either by email at or call during her planning period at (405)735-4620.
I have read the West Junior High Band Handbook and understand the rules and
policies set forth for me by the band program.
Parent Signature
Student Signature