1400 WASHINGTON AVENUE SENATOR RYAN WITTE ALBANY, NY 12222 CAMPUS CENTER 116 (CC116) CHAIR SENATOR MATTHEW KRUSH www.albany.edu/sasenate rwitte@ualbanysa.org VICE CHAIR S.1314-091 DATE INTRODUCED: February 26, 2014 SPONSORED BY: Sen. Witte, Sen. Krush COMMITTEE: N/A SUBJECT: Committee Structure COMMITTEE VOTE: N/A SENATE VOTE: Unanimous Consent LEGISLATIVE RESULT: Pass Be it hereby proposed that the following be enacted: I. That the following committee structure be approved for the 2013-2014 Academic Year: Appropriations Roger Rook Cassie Orlan Moving from Ranking Member to Chair Moving from Member to Ranking Member Community Engagement and Outreach Victor Alicea Juliet Shen Adam Sanzone Government Operations Kevin Murphy Constituent Relations Raymond Webb Christian Chowdhury Connor Dunleavy Jamie Zieno Patrick Moran Paul McBride II. That this bill goes into effect immediately upon passage in accordance with the Student Association Constitution. ___________________________ Passed by the Senate I, Ryan Witte, attest this is a true and valid record of action taken by the Student Association Senate on the date provided. ___________________________ Ryan Witte, Chair