Good practices regarding legal reforms in Violence Against Women in Latin American and the Caribbean. Latin American and the Caribbean Committee for the Defense of Women's Rights Flor de Ma. Meza Tananta Index Contextual Framework Legislation on dv/ Sexual violence in the ISHR Amendments to the penal Codes: SV Trafficking of latinamerican women Difficulties to the implementation of the legal reforms Good practices within the IA System: case MM 1. Contextual framework •being a woman and being poor in LA constitutes a life risk. •If we add other factors such as being young, indigenous or afrodescendant, then the risk increases. •These factors have motivated that from the early 90s in LA region we refer to femicide. What does the term femicide mean? Definition: All violent deaths of women which imply intention in the execution of these acts: (i)Serial sexual murders (ii) Deaths due to domestic or family violence (iii) Deaths framed within the scope of actions of the organized crime; prostitution; drug trafficking; women trafficking; sexual explotation of children. The InterAmerican Convention To prevent, Sanction and erradicate VAW. Convention do Belem do Pará 32/34 member States of OAS Have ratified this Convention. • Describes the obligations of the States Parties with respect to the protection of those rights, among others. • However the Rapporteur on Women Human Rigths of the OAS said: “The Interamerican CHR observes that the big majority of the cases of VAW are shadowed by impunity which contributes to perpetuate this serious violation of human rights” None of the 32 countries that ratified the 25 countries have partially implemented their commitments promulgating laws only on DV/FV. With this commitment against FV we are not really protecting women against violence because the whole family is taken in to account first. The woman becomes an invisible member of the family. Convention of Belem do Pará have exactly fulfilled its regulations. Most of the legislations on DV have incorporated physical and psychological violence whereas some other countries also contemplate sexual and patrimonial violence. Several countries of LA have modified their penal legislation to criminalize conducts AW, especially the ones concerning on SV. Some countries maintain discriminatory terms referred to the honesty of women. In most countries of LA we still don´t have a law that punishes a husband who rapes his wife. Difficulties referred to the implementation of the legal reforms Erradicating gender based violence is a process which requires cultural changes that must be socially accepted. There have been improvements in the American legislation but they are not fully implemented due to following reasons: Absence of economic material resources for the effective implementation of the legal reforms on VAW. Absence of recognition that VAW is a violation of women´s human rights. Lack of sensibility and qualification of social operators, especially the legal operators with respect to the reforms on VAW. Difficulties referred to the implementation of the legal reforms Re-victimization, prejudiced and discriminatory treatment to the victims of violence by government officers. The lack of material and human resources for a suitable attention to the victims. The ignorance of women in relation to their rights. VAW continues to be internalized as a “natural and invisible” practice in our societies. Good practices within the IS: “Maybe I had a Right” The facts: On January 25th 1996, MM went to the hospital of the city of Juliaca, Puno, Peru, due to strong headaches that she was suffering. She was assisted by doctor Salmon Horna. He gave her anesthetic and this put her in a state of unconsciousness. Then he raped her. MM denounced Dr. Horna accusing him of rape. “It was an aberrant judgement, all the process was a scandal”. The magistrates acted with bias, prejudice and inequity. The agreement: On march 2000 an agreement between the petitioners and the Peruvian State was signed. The Peruvian State accepted to repair the moral and material damage caused to MM. “Maybe I had a Right” This case, like some others (like Mamerita Mestanza case) which reached to this instance and have been solved by agreements of this kind, are important to the victims, their relatives and for the women of the region because of the following: Justice for MM as other victims was granted regarding cases which were taken to the IS. They revealed the systematic patterns of VAW, denouncing and establishing the responsability of the State at international level. They demonstrated the effectiveness in the use of the international mechanism of human rights. But… However, it is important to show that at the moment the Peruvian State is failing to fulfill the signed agreement done in the year 2000. “Therefore we have to remember that we must be aware of the impunity tolerated by the State in the cases of VAW…” said petitioners on 11th March 2008. The ICHR is a body of OAS, that has the mission of watching the fulfillment of Treaties. The Peruvian State has legal and moral obligation to fulfill the treaties (like the one of MM) because of Viena Convention on the Law of Treaties which has 2 important principles: the Application of Treaties and the Good Faith .