Work for Success Work for Success A Work Readiness course for Refugee ESL Students ADULT ESL | COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS | CENTRAL PIEDMONT COMMUNITY COLLEGE __________________________________________________________________________________________ Class Dates and Times: [INSERT] Class Location: [INSERT] Instructor: [INSERT] Instructor Email: [INSERT] Instructor Phone: [INSERT] __________________________________________________________________________________________ Class Description This ESL High Beginning (NRS 3) course is designed to develop all four skill areas (reading, writing, speaking, and listening), with a particular emphasis on workplace culture including work ethics, courtesy, teamwork, workplace norms (attire, vocabulary, tone), and employee rights. Expected Learning Outcomes By the end of this course, students will be able to… Make introductions in the workplace, including introducing a friend Identify and articulate a legal resident’s right to work Identify and articulate 2-3 other employee right (e.g. minimum wage) Identify various forms of workplace benefits (e.g. health insurance) Complete a simplified work benefit related form (e.g. health insurance enrollment form) Discuss the role and importance of workplace policies Discuss the American concept of “starting at the bottom” Give and receive praise and criticism in the workplace Discuss various American work values (e.g. punctuality, teamwork, etc.) Identify and articulate personal job values Use polite language to communicate with co-workers Receive and respond to a complaint appropriately Use appropriate language to admit and apologize for a mistake Identify at least one conflict resolution technique for use in the workplace Discuss and define job aspirations and goals Set one long term and 3 short term goals Explore the relationship between career advancement and education Course Text Saslow, J. and Collins, T. (2001). Workplace Plus: 2 Living and Working in English. Longman: New York. Attendance Students should attend each class session, but must attend at least 80% of the instructional hours to successfully complete the course. The instructor should be informed of any absences. Cell Phones You must turn the volume off on your cell phone when you come to class. You are not allowed to talk on the phone in class. You are not allowed to send text messages in class. Level 2 | College and Career Readiness | Central Piedmont Community College Work for Success Inclement Weather The classes might be affected by inclement weather. All classes are cancelled with CPCC is closed due to weather changes, such as severe thunderstorms, tornados, hurricanes, flooding, or snowstorms. Please check the CPCC website at or the local news station during inclement weather for class cancelations. Academic Integrity Students are bound by the policies stated in the Central Piedmont Community College Handbook. A student violating these policies may be subject to academic discipline. Students with Disabilities CPCC is committed to making reasonable accommodations to assist individuals with disabilities in reaching their academic potential. If you have a disability with may impact your performance, attendance, or grades in this course and require accommodations, you must first register with Disabilities Counseling Services ( Disability Counseling Services is responsible for coordinating classroom accommodations and other services for students with disabilities. Please note that classroom accommodations cannot be provided prior to your instructor’s receipt of an Accommodations Form, signed by you and your Disability Counselor. Class Schedule These units were designed with the students’ expressed needs and goals in mind. In light of this, the instructor reserves the right to alter this schedule at any time to more effectively address student needs and goals as they are further defined. Module 1: Rights and Benefits at Work – INSERT DATES *Registration and an introduction to the class Course goal setting and expectations Employee rights Common job benefits Module 2: Personal and Cultural Work Values – INSERT DATES American workplace values American work values vs. my country The role of praise and criticism in the workplace Module 3: Getting Along with Co-Workers – INSERT DATES Value of teamwork in the US workplace Asking others for help Offering and accepting advice Responding to complaints and mistakes Conflict resolution techniques Module 4: My Future – INSERT DATES Explore long and short term job aspirations What is SMART goal setting? Identifying career advancement requirements Explore the relationship between career advancement and education Level 2 | College and Career Readiness | Central Piedmont Community College