ACNT 1331_Tax_WED Spring 2016.doc

Southwest College
Center of Excellence – Business Administration
Department Chair – Dr. Marina Grau
Program Coordinator – Vacant
Professor – Donald R. Bond, CPA
ACNT 1331-0010 Taxation of Individuals
CRN 92050 – Spring 2016, Wednesday 5:30-8:30
3 credit hour course/ 48 hours per semester/ 16 weeks
Instructor Contact Information:
Donald Bond
C253 West Loop Campus
Office Hours
Office Location
West Loop Campus, 5601 West Loop South, Room
Feel free to contact me concerning any problems that you are experiencing in this course. Please
do not wait until you have received a poor grade before asking for my assistance. Your
performance in my class is very important to me. I am available to hear your concerns and/ or
discuss course topics. Feel free to contact me via email, phone or during office hours by
Type of Instruction
Course Description
The primary goal of this course is to provide students with basic instruction in tax laws as
currently implemented by the Internal Revenue Service and to provide a working knowledge of
preparing taxes for an individual. This course covers taxation of individuals with an introduction
of the tax consequences of different forms of business entities. Tax related matters including
gross income, deductions, losses, credits, tax computations, determination of basis, capital gains
and losses, depreciation of business property and tax treatment of installment sales will be
covered in this course.
ACCT 2301, ACCT 2302 Managerial Accounting; Basic MS Word & Excel skills
Frequent Requisites
MATH 0306 (Basic Math pre-Algebra)
GUST 0342 (9th – 11th grade reading)
ENGL 0300 or 0347
Course Goal
The primary purpose of this course is to help managers make decisions that support the
achievement of an organization’s financial goals and objectives. The course is designed to
provide a comprehensive and contemporary foundation for the kinds of accounting data used by
managers in organizations today. Throughout the course, the focus is on the acquisition, analysis
and application of accounting information in the management decision process.
Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Learning Objectives
1. Students will use tax formula framework and relate to 1040 form
2. Students will calculate gross income, deductions, and losses
3. Students will use basic tax model for dispositions of property
Students will use tax formula framework and relate to 1040 form:
1. Describe the different tax rate structures and calculate a tax.
2. Perform the basic steps in tax research and evaluate various tax law sources when faced
with ambiguous statutes.
3. Contrast tax avoidance and tax evasion.
4. Determine a taxpayer’s filing status.
5. Apply basic income exclusion provisions to compute gross income.
6. Identify the common deductions necessary for calculating adjusted gross income (AGI).
7. Compute general types of tax credits.
Students will calculate gross income, deductions, and losses:
1. Apply cash and accrual methods to determine business income and expense deductions.
2. Calculate the deduction allowable under special cost recovery rules (§179, bonus, listed
3. Calculate the amount of gain or loss recognized on the disposition of assets used in a
trade or business.
4. Calculate the deduction for portfolio investment-related expenses.
Students will use basic tax model for disposition of property:
1. Compute and contrast taxable and nontaxable fringe benefits.
2. Compute the saver’s credit.
3. Compute the taxable gain on the sale of a residence.
SCANS (Secretary’s Commission for Achieving Necessary Skills)
The Secretary’s Commission for Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) from the U. S.
Department of Labor was asked to examine the demand of the workplace and whether our
students are capable of meeting those demands. Specifically, the Commission was directed to
advise the Secretary on the level of skills required to enter employment. In carrying out this
charge, the Commission was asked to do the following:
• Define the skills needed for employment
Propose acceptable levels of proficiency
Suggest effective ways to assess proficiency, and
Develop a dissemination strategy for the nation’s schools, businesses, and homes.
SCANS research verifies that wat we call workplace know-how defines effective job
performance today. This know-how has two elements: competencies and a foundation. This
report identifies five competencies and a three-part foundation of skills and personal qualities
that lie at the heart of job performance. These eight requirements are essential preparation for all
students, whether they go directly to work or plan further education. Thus, the competencies and
the foundation should be taught and understood in an integrated fashion that reflects the
workplace contexts in which they are applied.
Workplace Competencies
Foundation Skills
Resources: allocating time, money, materials,
space, staff
Basic Skills: reading, writing, arithmetic and
mathematics, speaking, and listening
Interpersonal Skills: working on teams,
teaching others, serving customers, leading,
negotiating, and working well with people from
culturally diverse backgrounds
Thinking Skills: thinking creatively, making
decisions, solving problems, seeing things in the
mind's eye, knowing how to learn, and reasoning
Information: acquiring and evaluating data,
organizing and maintaining files, intepreting and
communicating, and using computers to process
Personal Qualities: individual responsibility,
self-esteem, sociability, self-management and
Systems: understanding social, organizational,
and technological systems, monitoring and
correcting performances, and designing or
improving systems
Technology: selecting equipment and tools,
applying technology to specific tasks, and
maintaining and troubleshooting technologies
SCANS workplace competencies and foundation skills have been integrated into Taxation of
Individuals, and are exhibited in the SCANS schedule. For addition information about SCANS,
go to:
CPA course information:
The following HCCS link:
Educational Credit for the CPA Exam: The Texas State Board of Public Accountancy (Board)
requires that you have completed a baccalaureate or higher degree from a Board recognized
institution of higher education to study at a Board recognized Texas community college to
complete the educational requirements to qualify for the CPA Exam. Houston Community
College is recognized as a qualifying Texas community college. This means that you have to
have graduated from a recognized, four-year college BEFORE the first day of this class if you
want this class to fulfill the Board's education requirements to sit for the CPA Exam.
The Texas State Board of Public Accountancy (TSBPA) awarded Houston Community College
the designation to offer "Qualifying Educational Credits for the CPA Examination."
Students Rights: Anti-Discrimination
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires that institutions have policies and
procedures that protect students’rights with regard to sex/gender discrimination. Information
regarding these rights are on the HCC website under Students-Anti-Discrimination. Students
who are pregnant and require accommodation s should contact any of the ADA Counselors for
It is important that every student understands and conforms to respectful behavior while at HCC.
Sexual misconduct is not condoned and will be addressed promptly. Know your rights and how
to avoid these difficult situations.
Log in to Sign in using your HCC student email account, then go to
the button at the top right that says Login and enter your student number.
Course Calendar & Assignment Schedule
Homework assignment due dates are not extended for any reason.
Due dates can be found in Connect homework system
1/20, 27
Chapter #
An Introduction to Tax
Tax Compliance, the IRS and
Tax Authorities
Tax Planning Strategies and
Related Limitations
See Connect for all Assignments
Individual Income Tax
Overview, Exemptions and
Filing Status
Gross Income and Exclusions
Individual Deductions
Individual Income Tax
Computations and Tax Credits
Business Income, Deductions,
and Accounting Methods
Property Acquisitions Cost
12 & 13
Property Dispositions
Compensations, Retirement
Savings, and Deferred
Tax Consequences of Home
Final (Chapters 4-14)
Proctored- Time TBD
The complete text is Taxation of Individuals & Business Entities: Chapters 1-25
The connect homework system used for either course is for the combo book.
Instructional Methods
This means the use of the internet is mandatory. As an instructor, I want my students to be
successful. I feel that it is my responsibility to provide you with the knowledge concerning the
field of accounting, modeling good teaching strategies, and organizing and monitoring the class
experience that allows you to connect the information that you learn in this course to the real
world of accounting.
As a student wanting to learn about the field of accounting, it is your responsibility to read/study
the textbook, submit required assignments/quizzes/exams on or before the due dates, regularly
log into the course & participate in any on-line activities. Therefore, students are expected to
read all assigned chapters, complete and submit all assignments on or before their due date, and
actively participated in the course.
Accounting is best learned through doing. Therefore, there are homework assignments
associated with every chapter in the textbook. This will require a considerable commitment of
time and effort on your part.
Your final grade for this course will be based on how well you do in meeting the evaluation
requirements listed on you assignment schedule and applying the grading scale which follows.
Student Assignments
Assignments have been developed that will enhance your learning. To better understand a topic,
you will be assigned key information that you will need to remember for your success in your
career as an accountant. Students will be required to successfully complete the following:
Solve assigned homework questions, problems, and quizzes from your text using connect
homework management system. Due dates are given within connect assignments.
Tax Project- Information will be posted on website
In the world of accounting, it is imperative that you submit reports, plans or required paperwork
on time, thus I require you to submit your project by the due date.
Student Assessments
Final Exam (Chapters 1-14) – The exam is online, but must be taken only on campus with me or
another approved testing center
The Texas State Board of Public Accountancy requires proctored exams for classes that are used
to fulfill the CPA courses accepted. Questions will include definitions, analysis, and evaluations
concerning corporate tax.
Instructor Requirements
As your Instructor, it is my responsibility to:
 Provide the grading scale and detailed grading formula explaining how student grades are
to be derived
 Facilitate effective learning within the online learning environment
 Inform students of class policies
 Provide the course outline and class calendar which will include a description of any
special projects or assignments
 Arrange to meet with individual students if needed
To be successful in this class, it is the student’s responsibility to:
 Use assigned text and homework system
 Understand the basics of Excel & use of simple formulas
 Read and comprehend the textbook & participate in any discussions and activities
 Complete & submit timely all required assignments, projects and exams
 Ask for help when there is a question or problem
 Keep copies of all projects, emails, syllabus, and handouts
Other Course Policies
 Late homework & other assignments:
Chapter homework problems and quizzes are available for a limited time with NO extension of
due date allowed. Computer or network malfunctions are not considered, so have a back-up plan
in place. Failure to complete 60% of assignments may lead to instructor withdrawing student for
lack of academic participation. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS OR QUIZZES.
 Incompletes:
The grade of “I” (incomplete) is conditional and at the discretion of each instructor. I do NOT
issue incompletes.
 Communication:
All communication to me must be through our Eagle class email or discussion board. Please use
Eagle email for asking questions of a personal nature or inquiries about quiz or exam grades.
Otherwise, post your questions on the discussion board – other students may know the answer or
benefit from the question. Failure to comply with this may result in a reduction to your grade.
 Academic Honesty – additional info
* I am very diligent in watching for copied work on project submissions. Be very careful that you
do not copy from others or allow others to copy from you. I realize that different cultures and
age groups have various interpretations of what is considered “cheating.” I have a very narrow
definition and make the ultimate decision, so when in doubt, ask me.
Student attendance – additional info
Students are expected to attend class. No exceptions.
 Class Behavior
As your instructor and as a student in this class, it is our shared responsibility to develop and
maintain a positive learning environment for everyone, whether in class or on-line. I take this
responsibility very seriously and will inform members of the class if their behavior makes it
difficult for him/her to carry out this task. As a fellow learner, you are asked to respect the
learning needs of your classmates and assist your instructor achieve this critical goal.
Other Course Information:
Tutoring/Lab Hours:
I am available to assist you by phone, email, or office hours with an appointment.
HCC Policy Statements
Link to Student Services Policies:
Link to HSSC site:
Program/Discipline Requirements
Assignments in electronic format are a discipline requirement of ACNT 1347. Sending projects
as attachments is essential. If you are unable to electronically submit from home or office all
assignments as required, please use a computer at the HCC library or lab. Assignments using the
internet, Excel, MS Word reinforce what you are learning by connecting theory to the real world
of accounting. Ethics discussions develop personal values & ethical behavior.
I will assign homework, projects, conduct examinations, and keep your work in electronic format
as evidences for my assessments that you can use to determine how successful you are at
achieving the course learning outcomes (mastery of course content and skills) outlined in the
syllabus. If you find you are not mastering the material and skills, you are encouraged to reflect
on how you study and prepare for each class. I welcome a dialogue on what you discover and
may be able to assist you in finding resources on campus that will improve your performance.
 Grading Evidence
1. Homework (completed using Connect): Chapters 1 - 14
2. Project: Tax research & return (TBA)
3. Final exam: Chapters 1 - 14
HCC Grading Scale
90 - 100% =
80 - 89% =
70 - 79% =
60 - 69% =
BELOW 60% =
(558 to 620 points)
(496 to 557 points)
(434 to 495 points)
(372 to 433 points)
( 0 to 371 points)
 Instructor Basis for Grading
Homework using Connect
Quizzes using Connect
Tax Project
220 points
150 points
100 points
150 points
620 points
Textbook and Related Material (Required):
Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities 2016 Edition w/Connect
Author: Spilker, ISBN# 978-1-259-42121-1, McGraw-Hill Publisher
Connect Plus™ on-line homework system – create on first day of class. Connect
Plus™ includes access to the e-book and all homework assignments.
"The present McGraw Hill book and Connect access code for Acnt 1331 and Acnt
1347 is only good for Fall 2015, Spring 2016 and Summer 2016"
*Use of on-line Connect Plus™ homework manager is mandatory.
CONNECT access:
To register into your Connect Plus™ account, you must use the URL specific to this course
which is available on day one. The URL will be sent through our class email. Register using your
same name as per the class roll. McGraw Hill offers a free 21 day trial period, so register
immediately into Connect Plus™ – you will have immediate access to your assignments and ebook. You can purchase/register your access code anytime within the 21 days.
***Even if you are taking only the “Individuals” or the “Business Entities” course, the
information provided above is the correct Connect Plus™ to purchase.
Why should I purchase the printed text when Connect Plus™ includes the e-book?
Although a printed text is not required, I personally find printed material easier to use in a
technical course. However, the choice is yours.
Why should I buy the Combo code if I am only taking one tax class?
This is the choice of the accounting department, based on a variety of reasons. Most students
take both classes and this is the least expensive way provided that both classes are taken with the
12 month school year.
Why is the book so expensive?
Unlike many accounting texts, books that must be updated every year usually cost more.
Can I use a previous edition of the text or a different text?
No. My page references will be to this text. The homework problems change. There is updated
material to view.
Please read the following page for detailed information on purchasing the text & registering into
Connect Plus™.
ACNT 1331/1347 Federal Income Tax INDIVIDUAL & CORPORATE
The required textbook for this course is:
Federal Income Taxation
Indiv & Corp w/Connect™
(Spilker) 7th edition
ISBN: 9781259713514
FYI: This package has been customized to provide you with the greatest value for this course.
 The custom book is bundled with Connect ™ to help you succeed in this course and is also
mandatory for assignment submittal.
 If you purchase the required items separately, you will likely end up paying more than you will
for this bundle.
Package: Loose-Leaf
textbook w/Connect™
7th Ed
ISBN 9781259713514
Print & Digital
(Includes eBook and homework
access only, no print book)
*optional $80 loose leaf print
All-Digital Solution
Package: Loose-Leaf textbook
w/Connect™ 7th Ed
ISBN 9781259713514
Print & Digital Solution
ONLY Available
Online at the link
listed below*.
Purchase Online
Available at Bookstores
Standard 5-7 day shipping
(obtain Connect section URL from
your instructor)
On Campus & Off Campus
 Connect Access is 12 months
6 month code
Student registers for your class and gets a 6 month code and the student registers
1/19/2016, then the Code will expire 7/18/2016.
If the student withdraws/drops/fails and retakes the course during the Summer and starts
7/1/2016 the code will allow the student to register without paying again.
The roster in Connect will show that the student is paid and licensed but on 7/18/2016 the
code expires and the student will not have access.