1400 WASHINGTON AVENUE RYAN WITTE ALBANY, NY 12222 CAMPUS CENTER 116 (CC116) SENATE CHAIR www.albany.edu/sasenate rwitte@ualbanysa.org S.1415-003 DATE INTRODUCED: May 7th, 2014 SPONSORED BY: Senator Markisello COMMITTEE: N/A SUBJECT: Interim Comptroller Appointment COMMITTEE VOTE: N/A SENATE VOTE: Unanimous Consent LEGISLATIVE RESULT: Pass Be it hereby proposed that the following be enacted: I. That Lee Stanton be appointed to the position of Interim Comptroller until September 24th, 2014 or a new Comptroller is appointed, whichever happens first, unless it is mutually agreed to by the Board of Finance and Mr. Stanton that the term be extended II. That upon approval, Lee Stanton, Interim Comptroller of the Student Association, be given signatory powers for the Student Association for the duration of his term as Interim Comptroller. III. That upon approval, Lee Stanton, Interim Comptroller of the Student Association, be given authorization to utilize the Student Association Credit Card as outlined in Bill 0809-028. IV. That this bill goes into effect immediately upon passage in accordance with the Student Association Constitution. Francis Agyemang, President ___________________________ Passed by the Senate I, Ryan Witte, attest this is a true and valid record of action taken by the Student Association Senate on the date provided. ___________________________ Ryan Witte, Chair