Exam III Study Guide.doc

Exam III Study Guide
Dr. Esparza
1. Discuss domestic issues and foreign policy under Washington as President. Include the
Following terms: economy i.e. the national debt, Alexander Hamilton, assumption, funding,
Bank of U.S., 1971, taxes, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Support from Washington;
U.S. Capitol i.e. debate over location, NYC City Hall, Philadelphia, Hamilton, Jefferson &
Madison, Support from Washington & the Potomac River; Whiskey Rebellion, 1791-1794;
French Revolution, Jacobins, U.S. policy i.e. Neutrality, Tensions with England i.e. British
troops out west, Blockade, Impressments, Edmund Genet, John Jay, Jay’s Treaty, Hamilton,
Jefferson & Madison.
2. Discuss events under John Adams as President, 1797-1801. Include the Following terms:
Quasi War, 1798-1800, Adams’ neutrality policy, XYZ Affair, 1798, American Navy
buildup, Alien & Sedition Act, 1798, Alien Enemies Act, Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions,
1798, Convention of 1800.
3. Discuss Election of 1800. Include the Following terms: John Adams & the Federalist
Party, Thomas Jefferson & the Democratic-Republican Party, pro & cons of Jefferson,
Newspapers and politics, Results of election of 1800 i.e. Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr,
James Madison, Alien & Sedition Act, 1798, Alien Enemies Act.
4. Discuss domestic affairs and foreign policy under Thomas Jefferson as President, 18001808. Include the Following terms: Aaron Burr & Alexander Hamilton duel, treason, results;
Marbury v. Madison, William Marbury, John Marshall, Judicial Review; Alien and Sedition
Act, 1802/1803; Napoleon Bonaparte, Louisiana Purchase, 1803, Continued tensions with
England i.e. Blockade, Impressments, Indians in the west, Tecumseh, Shawnee, U.S.
5. Discuss foreign policy under James Madison as President, 1808-1816. Include the
Following terms: War Hawks, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, War of 1812, 1812-1815,
Reasons, 2nd War of Independence, Critics of the War, Battles i.e. Naval, USS Constitution Old Ironsides, Far North, Tippecanoe, D.C. Area, Baltimore, Francis Scott Key, Star
Spangled Banner, South, Creek & Horseshoe Bend, Andrew Jackson, Battle of New Orleans,
Hero of War of 1812, Treaty of Ghent.
6. Discuss major events under James Monroe as President, 1816-1824. Include the
Following terms: Florida, Seminoles, Andrew Jackson, Acquisition of Florida, Adams-Onios
Treaty, 1819; Panic, 1819, Bank of US, Maryland, McCullough v. Maryland, John Marshall’s
Ruling, Panic Ends, Monroe Doctrine, 1823.
7. Discuss the Election of 1824. Include the Following terms: Federalist Party, DemocraticRepublican Party, Andrew Jackson & pros and cons, Henry Clay & pros and cons, the Great
Compromiser, John Quincy Adams & pros and cons, Results, Stalemate, role of Congress,
Clay’s Endorsement, Jackson & the Corrupt Bargain, Significance, Democratic-Republican
Party splits; Election of 1828 i.e. John Adams & Whig Party, Andrew Jackson & Democratic
8. Discuss major issues under Andrew Jackson’s Presidency, 1828-1836. Include the
Following terms: Bank of US re-charter, Jackson’s Veto, Bank War, Critics & Jackson’s
Democrats, Supporters & Henry Clay’s Whigs, Pet Bank, Results; Nullification Controversy
i.e. Tariff, John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, Nullification Ordinance, 1832-1833,
Opposition from Jackson, Results; Cherokees i.e. Sequoyah, Assimilation, Georgia & Indian
Removal Act, Worcester v. State of Georgia, Jackson’s Veto, Removal Policy, Five Civilized
Tribes, Choctaw, Seminole, Creek, Chickasaw, & Cherokee, Indian Territory (present day
Oklahoma), Trail of Tears; Characteristics of Jacksonian Age, 1810-1840 i.e. Know Nothing
Party aka Native American Party / American Republican Party.
9. Discuss economic developments between 1800 & 1860. Include the Following terms:
Population growth i.e. German & Irish immigrants, New York, Urbanization; Agriculture i.e.
Eli Whitney & Cotton Gin, Cotton production, entrenched Slave system, John Deere & Steel
plow, Cyrus McCormick & reaper; Transportation i.e. National road Canals, Erie Canal,
Steam Boats, Robert Fulton, Miss. River, Ohio River, New Orleans, Mark Twain & Life on
the Mississippi, Railroads; Communications i.e. Samuel Morse & single wire telegraph,
Morse code, William March Hoe & rotary printing press, Penny press, Ads, Horace Greeley,
Photography i.e. Matthew Brady; Factories i.e. Textile factories, Samuel Slater, Slaterville,
Rhode Island, Francis Cabot Lowell, Lowell, Mass.; Iron factories i.e. standardized
interchangeable parts, gunpowder, clocks & watches; Banking & Finance i.e. stock market;
birth of a new market system: capitalism, Barter v. cash & credit, Small v. big business,
restricted workers v. free labor (somewhat free); Discuss limits i.e. panics, localism, slavery;
Discuss the role of Govt. in these changes/developments i.e. Whigs, Democrats.
10. Discuss social characteristics between 1800 and 1860. Include the Following terms:
education i.e. Horace Mann, McGuffey Readers, Noah Webster, lyceums; religion i.e. 2 nd
Great Awakening, Episcopal, Congregational, Church of Christ, Charles Finney; nonconformist churches i.e. Shakers, Oneidans & complex marriages, William Miller and
Millerites, Seventh Day Adventists, Joseph Smith and Latter Day Saints aka Mormons, Book
of Mormon, Brigham Young; Catholics i.e. parochial schools, Know Nothing Party; literary
writers i.e. Henry David Thoreau & Walden, Walt Whitman.
11. Discuss the traditional status and condition of women, 1800-1860. Discuss specific
women reformers, their beliefs, activities, critics, successes, etc. Include the following terms:
Temperance Movement, Advanced Schools, Emma Willard, Mental Health Clinics, Dorthea
Dix, Political Issues, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Seneca Falls Conference, Suffrage Movement,
Susan B. Anthony
12. Discuss the Far West (west of the Mississippi River) in a chronological manner: 18031836; 1837-1848; 1849-1860. During each period, explain the characteristics and events, the
reasons for these events, and the results or effects. Include the following terms: the Far West,
1803-1836 i.e. Louisiana Purchase, Govt. Sponsored Expeditions, Lewis & Clark,
Businessmen out west, John Jacob Astor; The Southwest Area, 1820-1836 i.e. Mexican
Independence, 1821, Empressario, Moses & Stephen F. Austin, Hostile Natives, First 300, 2nd
wave of immigrants from the U.S., Manifest Destiny, The taking of Texas, Texas Revolution,
1835-1836, Causes i.e. Political Power, Cultural Conflict, Slavery, battles i.e. San Antonio,
Alamo, Goliad, San Jacinto, Sam Houston, Gen. Antonio López de Santa Anna; The Far
West, 1837-1848 i.e. Oregon, Oregon Trail, James Polk, Oregon, Idaho, & Washington State,
California, UTA, Brigham Young, Texas i.e. Border Dispute with Mexico, Nueces River v.
Rio Grande, Possibilities of Reinvasion, Annexation, Debates over annexation, Mexican
Officials rejection for annexation, Results i.e. War against Mexico, 1846-1848, James Polk,
Winfield Scott, Zachary Taylor, Lt. George Pickett, battles i.e. Mexico City, Battle of
Chapultepec, Results i.e. California, Nevada, & Utah, and parts of Colorado, Arizona, New
Mexico, and Wyoming; Abe Lincoln’s thoughts on the war with Mexico; The Far West,
1849-1860 i.e. California, Gold rush, 49ers, San Francisco, Levi Strauss, Chinese
Immigration, American Nativism, California Tax Law, Promontory point, Chinatowns, Type
of work, Anti-Chinese Sentiment, Workingman’s Party of California, 1878, Chinese
Exclusion Act, 1882; Mexican & Mexican Americans i.e. Land displacement, Segregation,
Violence; Native Americans out West i.e. Land displacement, Violence & war.
13. Explain race relations in the North to 1860, the reason why Northern states ended slavery,
Northern white public opinion, and the status of free blacks in the North. Include the
following terms: the anti-slavery movement & its influences i.e. political, religious, and
economic aspect; Slavery in the North; Northern White Public Opinion i.e. Abolitionists,
American Anti-slavery Society, Massachusetts Anti-slavery Society, William Lloyd Garrison
& The Liberator, Wendell Philips, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Free
Soilers, Colonizers i.e. Liberia, American Colonization Society; Pro-slavery groups; Status of
Free Blacks in the North i.e. economics, politics i.e. Frederick Douglas & Narrative of the
Life of Frederick Douglas, 1845, cultural/social i.e. Richard Allen & religion, African
Methodist Episcopal (AME); economics, politics, cultural/social i.e. minstrel shows.
14. Discuss slavery and the South, 1800-1860, explain specific characteristics of slavery of
this period and explain slave resistance. Include the following terms: slave population,
African Slave Trade, Geographic expansion, Domestic slave trade, Population concentration,
King Cotton, Slave treatment, Diet, Clothing, Duties, Majority of Southern Whites, Slave
resistance i.e. Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner’s Revolt, 1831
15. Explain the controversies and issues that dealt with slavery, 1820-1859. Begin with
Missouri, and continuing to the aftermath (reaction) of the Compromise of 1850. For each
one, explain what happened, how different groups interpreted what happened, and the result
or impact. Include the following terms: the debates over slavery, 1820-1853 i.e. Missouri,
Missouri Compromise of 1820, William Lloyd Garrison & The Liberator & Am. Antislavery Society, John C. Calhoun & Nullification; Gag rule, Southern Congressmen, John Q.
Adams; Texas in 1836 i.e. Southerners, Free soilers vs. Fire eaters, Annexation, 1845 i.e.
War with Mexico and land acquisition, Problems over territory, Secession, Compromise of
1850 i.e. Popular sovereignty, Fugitive slave law, Stephen Douglass, reaction/aftermath i.e.
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom‘s Cabin, Fire Eaters, Mary Henderson Eastman, Aunt
Phyllis Cabin, Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 i.e. Stephen Douglass, Popular sovereignty,
Free soilers, Lincoln; Bleeding Kansas, Missouri Fire Eaters, Newspapers, Polarization; the
Sumner-Brooks fight i.e. Charles Sumner, Preston Brooks, Reaction i.e. Southern Whites,
Brooks, Northerners; the Dred Scott Case, 1857 i.e. Plea for freedom, Chief Justice – Roger
Taney, Decision, Free soilers; John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry in Virginia and Southern
white reaction
16. Discuss the presidential campaign of 1860. Be sure to differentiate the parties and
candidates involved. Discuss also, Lincoln’s early life, personality, and beliefs. Explain the
election outcome. Include the following terms: Southern Democrats a.k.a Fire Eater
Democrats i.e. John C. Breckenridge; Northern Democrats aka Douglass Democrats i.e.
Stephen Douglass, Popular sovereignty, Secession; Constitutional Union Party i.e. John Bell;
Republican Party i.e. Slavery, Pro progress, John C. Fremont, Abe Lincoln; Results of
Election i.e. Bell & Breckenridge, Popular vote, Electoral College, Abe Lincoln
17. Discuss the series of events after the 1860 election (interim period) through April 1861.
Explain secession, why some Southern states seceded to form the Confederacy and why some
were Southern Unionists. Discuss the first battle of the Civil War and its impact on the
Upper South as well as the North. Include the following terms: secession i.e. Confederate
States of America, Jefferson Davis, reasons for secession, Southern Unionists like Sam
Houston; Lincoln’s Inauguration; Confederate take-over, Fort Sumter, South Carolina, April
1861, Response i.e. Upper South i.e. Tennessee, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina; Border
States i.e. Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia; Dual Governed States i.e. Kentucky,
Missouri; Claimed by the Confederacy i.e. Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma), New
Mexico, Arizona; the Civil War has begun, Northern solidarity i.e. Stephen Douglass
18. Discuss the major battles and campaigns of the war, beginning in May 1861. Remember
the geographical order. Include public opinion during the war and the changes in Lincoln’s
policies. Explain why the Union won the war. Include the following terms: Eastern Battles,
1861-1862 i.e. Washington DC, Richmond, Virginia, Union Generals i.e. U.S. Grant,
William T. Sherman; Confederate Generals i.e. Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Bull Run,
Antietam; Western Battles, 1861-1862 i.e. Tennessee, Shiloh; Far West Battles 1861-1862
i.e. Confederate Advances, Glorieta Pass; Naval Battles 1861-1862 i.e. Union blockade of
New Orleans, Southern coasts/ports; Confederate Victories, Emancipation Proclamation,
Black soldiers; Eastern Battles 1863 i.e. Gettysburg, Pickett’s Charge; Western Battles 1863
i.e. Vicksburg, Miss.; Re-election in 1864; Southeast Battles 1864-1865 i.e. Gen. William T.
Sherman, Atlanta, “march to the sea”, runaway slaves; Eastern Battles 1864-1865 i.e.
Richmond, Va., Appomattox; Lincoln’s assassination i.e. John Wilkes Booth
19. Discuss the period after the end of the Civil War, 1865-1867. Explain white Southerner’s
reactions to the end of slavery. Discuss Northern public opinion and politics i.e. the disputes
between President Johnson and the Radical Republicans. Discuss impeachment. Discuss the
characteristics and results of Radical Reconstruction. Discuss its critics. Discuss the end of
Reconstruction. Include the following terms: 13th Amendment, Ex-Confederates, Black
Codes, vagrancy laws, Ku Klux Klan, southern Blacks, Role of National Government i.e.
Andrew Johnson, Radical Republicans, Freedman’s Bureau, Tenure of Office Act, Johnson’s
impeachment; Reconstruction i.e. 14th Amendment, 15th Amendment, Ku Klux Klan Act; readmittance of seceded states; status of Blacks during Reconstruction i.e. Matthew Gaines,
black politicians, end of Reconstruction i.e. Compromise of 1877