
ACA 118




INSTRUCTOR: Elvira Johnson


OFFICE HOURS : by appointment

TEXTBOOK: Becoming A Master Student (11 th

edition), by Dave Ellis,

Houghton-Mifflin, Publisher

Final Exam

COURSE TIMES: Sec 90 T, Th 9:30 – 10:45 am Thursday, December 8 ,8:00 - 10:30am

Location: Giles 107

SEMESTER ENDS: Monday, December 12, 2005


This course is designed to teach and enhance study skills and behaviors. Topics include learning style assessment, time management, note taking, test taking, and active reading techniques. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to apply the necessary skills to enhance their learning process and become a successful student.


The purpose of this course is to provide an opportunity for students to learn and adopt methods to promote their success in college. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:


Understand how the student is responsible for his or her own learning experience.


Describe and utilize methods to create a successful and satisfying college experience


List and describe methods of memory techniques, time management, reading and retention, note taking and test-taking, using computers to enhance learning, and applying creative and critical thinking skills.


Determine and apply other social skills such as communication, diversity issues, giving and receiving constructive criticism, and health, social, and financial issues.


Understand the importance of teacher-student relationships, stress management, and lifelong learning.


Gain practical experience of utilizing these skills through an optional Service Learning project.


Attendance and participation

Your success in this course directly depends on your attendance and participation. You are allowed the equivalent of one week of absence from this course before a penalty is imposed. Since this class meets twice a week, you are allowed two absences. Following your second absence, you will be penalized 10 points from your total points at the end of the semester. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. Your signature on the attendance sheet will serve as verification of your attendance.

Student Responsibilities

Exercises, notes and discussions are done in each class to assist students in college orientation and self-assessment. In-class and homework assignments are used to help students to learn and experience the presented material. When a student determines that he/she is unable to complete the class, it is the student’s responsibility to initiate procedures for a formal withdrawal from the course to receive a “W”. Failure to complete the withdrawal process will result in a failing (F) grade.

Please contact me before you decide to withdraw from this course. The last day to withdraw from this course is November 16, 2005 .

Attend class, be on time, and participate. Your success will directly depend on the amount of interest, enthusiasm, and effort that you put into this experience. Please turn off all electronic devices when you enter the classroom.

CPCC is committed to the success of each student and provides services for students with disabilities. For additional information contact Student Services for Students With Disabilities in

Terrell 206 or call 704-330-6621 or 704-330-6556.

Extra Credit Points

Extra credit points are available for the EXERCISES in each chapter. ONE exercise may be completed for each chapter and will be worth five extra credit points each. The extra credit assignments are due at the same time as the end-of-the-chapter quizzes and will not be accepted late.

Course assignments

50 pts Class assignments

50 pts Journal assignments

100 pts Blackboard Quizzes

100 pts Presentation/Service Learning

100 pts Mid-term exam

100 pts Final Exam

Course grading:

450-500 points

400-449 points

350-399 points

300-349 points





Below 300 points F

Other information

CPCC is committed to the success of each student and provides services for students with disabilities. For additional information contact Student Services for Students With Disabilities in

Terrell 206 or call 704-330-6621 or 704-330-6556.

Students who wish to audit a course must complete an Audit Agreement Form, get the course instructor’s signature, and submit the Audit Agreement to the Registration Center by the 30% completion date of the class. Students who wish to audit the course must also discuss attendance and participation expectations with the instructor and meet these expectations.

An incomplete “I” may be assigned when a student has persisted through the course hand has successfully completed at least 90% of the total coursework or when an instructor has determined that extenuating circumstances exist. A student must resolve an “I” grade within six months following the end of the term in which the grade was assigned, unless the time period is otherwise specified by the division. Failure to complete the required work within the prescribed time frame will result in a failing “F” grade.

Students should know how to contact Campus Security in case of an emergency. The phone number for Security on this campus is ____________________________. The phone number for any emergency on campus is 704-330-6911 . Escort service is also available from Campus Security.


(More information on each of these assignments can be found on the Blackboard system)

Class Assignments

Impromptu exercises and assignments will be completed in-class. These exercises are designed to help students learn and experience the material being presented in class. These assignments are not meant to be homework and cannot be made-up.

50 points

Journal Assignments 50 points

Various journal assignments will be given. These assignments are to be submitted on the required due dates. These assignments are taken from the journal assignments in the textbook. The

Instructor will notify you of the journal assignments and due dates. These assignments are due on the scheduled dates and will not be accepted late. There will be five extra points given for any journal assignments that are typed.

Blackboard Quizzes

Quizzes for each chapter will be placed on the Blackboard Learning Computer System for student access. These quizzes must be completed on-line and submitted within the prescribed time frame.

100 points

Presentations/Service Learning Project 100 points

Students may choose to participate in a research project on an approved topic of interest and present their findings to the class. A format will be provided. Alternately, students may choose to participate in the CPCC Service Learning Program. In this program, students will complete at least 15 hours at an approved non-profit organization through the Service Learning Coordinator’s office, submit a weekly journal entry on how their service work is progressing, and write a 3page reflection paper on the learning outcomes of this experience. For more information, refer to the Service Learning page of the college website. If this option is chosen the student must commit to this project within the first 4 weeks of the semester and attend a brief orientation.

Mid-term and Final Exams

A mid-term exam will be given prior to the fall semester break. The mid-term will cover all material presented up to that point. The final exam is cumulative, but will focus more material presented after the mid-term.

100 points each

ACA 118-90 College Study Skills

Fall 2005


August 18


August 16


August 23


Pre-Test Blackboard, Student E-mail

August 30

Chapter 1 – First Steps


Review Syllabus

August 25

Chapter 1 – First Steps

September 1

Chapter 1 – First Steps

September 6

Chapter 2 – Planning

September 13

Chapter 3 – Memory

Journal 2 due

September 20

Chapter 5 – Notes

September 27

Chapter 6 – Tests

October 4

Review for Midterm

September 8

Chapter 2 – Planning

September 15

Chapter 3 – Memory

September 22

Chapter 5 – Notes

September 29

Chapter 6 – Tests

October 6

Midterm Exam

Journal #3 due

October 11

October 18

Chapter 4 – Reading

Fall Break

October 13

Review Midterm

October 25


November 1


November 8

Journal #4 due

October 20

Chapter 4 – Reading

October 27


November 3


November 10

Journal 1 due


November 15

Chapter 12

November 22


November 17

November 24

Project Work Day

November 29 December 1


Service Learning Papers due

Final Exam: Thursday, December 8, 8:00 - 10:30am


Thanksgiving Holiday

Review for Final Exam

Journal #5 due
